At this time, the employees of Hibiscus studio are paying attention to song Zian openly and secretly, because they feel that song Zian can be called handsome at this time!

Originally, because song Zian left, only Liu Heyan and Chu Nian stood empty, which seemed to have an extremely strange feeling.

Chu Nian and Liu Heyan looked at each other. There was a trace of loss in their eyes.

The agreed open competition, but unexpectedly, it was planted at the source. At this time, the two people were not even in the mood to say a word.

Chu Nian saw song Zian disappear in his vision. The helpless feeling in his heart kept amplifying. After a meal, he also left with a big step.

At this time, Liu Heyan untied the opening of his suit and loosened his tie a little. He felt stuffy. He put his hands on his waist and wanted to vent. However, seeing that the employees of the hibiscus studio were all around, it was hard to do anything, so he had to follow Chu Nian out.

After Chu Nian and Liu Heyan left, the staff of Hibiscus studio immediately gathered around Xiaoting.

"Xiaoting, who do you like, Mr. Song?"

A face asked Xiaoting in the direction of Chu Nian's departure.

Xiaoting opened her mouth in amazement and realized that today's scene was finally over. She felt relaxed all over. After seeing everyone's interest, she had to say, "I don't know this. President Song didn't say it."

Xiaoting said as she packed up her things. After all, with the departure of the three protagonists, the day's work can basically be declared over.

"Hey, Xiaoting, are you leaving so soon?"

Some people were surprised to see that Xiaoting didn't care about the big news of Hibiscus studio.

"I've got off work and haven't left yet. What are you doing here?"

Xiaoting sometimes feels that these colleagues around her are sometimes too gossip.

Before Lu Qifeng, now Chu Nian and Liu Heyan, it seems that everything is more important than work. They always keep discussing.

However, song Zian has never disclosed half a sentence about emotion in public.

At the beginning, Xiaoting also participated in the gossip discussion, but for a long time, it was always those things that were not good. Xiaoting suddenly felt very boring. It seemed that there was no benefit except wasting time.

And as time went on, Xiaoting gradually found that if she was just addicted to these gossip trivia, it seemed that she would never have a bright future. She just took her salary and fooled around day after day.

Xiaoting doesn't know why she suddenly has such a sense of urgency. It seems that there is a kind of uneasy factor brewing in the originally safe years, which makes Xiaoting feel fluffy for no reason.

At this time, the people in Hibiscus studio also saw that Xiaoting's unintentional idle chatter had dispersed very knowingly, but they were wondering how Xiaoting seemed to have changed recently.

After Xiaoting cleaned up, she walked out of the building of Hibiscus studio.

It just rained during the day, so the road is still wet, but the air is surprisingly good, with a pleasant taste.

Xiaoting didn't throw herself into the subway right away. It's rare that she wants to walk a little longer, breathe fresh air and let her heart out.

Yes, Xiaoting just wants to let her mood go, because she feels a little depressed recently.

Stroll on the sidewalk, look at the sky, some gray, look at your feet, with some natural bumps.

Why on earth? Xiaoting asked herself.

In such a quiet time, Xiaoting talks to her heart as she walks.

Maybe it's song Zian! Xiaoting remembers the first time she saw song Zian. At that time, song Zian didn't have such a momentum as now. She may not be used to being a boss. She unconsciously took a gentle smell unique to girls.

Xiaoting remembers the questions asked by song Zian during her interview. There are no sharp and tentative questions, or they make Xiaoting feel embarrassed. After the whole process, Xiaoting doesn't believe that song Zian is her future boss, because she feels so easy to get along with.

In Xiaoting's vision, the existence of the boss should be very aggressive, frightening, and people have to look up to

But what Xiaoting didn't expect was that the first leader she met after graduation was song Zian, gentle and amiable, but also very talented.

But if the leader Xiaoting meets is really like what she imagined, it is estimated that Xiaoting is not as depressed and confused as she is today.

With the day-to-day contact with song Zian and the running in of things one by one, Xiaoting finds that song Zian definitely belongs to the type of external softness and internal hardness, while song Zian's talent is reflected in all aspects.

Not only his talent in design, song Zian has a wide range of involvement and sensitivity in management, marketing, marketing and so on. A small Hibiscus studio has gradually gained its own popularity in the industry under the leadership of song Zian.

However, song Zian is obviously her peers with Xiaoting, but song Zian's precocity, self-discipline and broad-based are indeed far inferior to Xiaoting.

Under such circumstances, song Zian will naturally be surrounded by so many excellent suitors. It's tempting to take a single look.

But what about song Zian? It seems that even then, song Zian still keeps himself, does not lose his choice, and seems to always know what he wants.

What Xiaoting admires most is that in today's atmosphere that school-age girls want to quickly choose an excellent man to marry themselves, song Zian seems not worried at all, but has always maintained his enthusiasm and responsibility for work. Under no circumstances, song Zian has not responded to work at will.

In this way, Xiaoting feels that she may not catch up with song Zian all her life, but gradually narrowing this gap may be the only thing she can do.

But if you just do your job well and the rest of the time will drift with the tide, it is estimated that this long life can only be that much.

Naturally, song Zian never thought that he would have such an impact on his secretary, but if song Zian knew, he would be more happy. After all, being recognized is always a happy thing.

Song Zian didn't go anywhere else today. He just drove home.

Today, only Yang Lele is at home. Song Yimin often has entertainment in the evening.

Yang Lele has been trying to talk to song Zian these days, but he hasn't found a suitable opportunity yet.

A few days ago, although song Zian pretended that nothing had happened, Yang Lele still felt song Zian's depression.

Yang Lele counted the days in general. It was estimated that song Zian's mood should have almost healed. He wanted to talk to song Zian quickly.

It's not that there's anything urgent, but before Song Zian's feelings settle down, Yang Lele naturally can't rest assured.

Song Zian looked at the way Yang Lele whirled around him. He couldn't bear it. He said, "Mom, sit down and have a rest."

"Hey, Zian, are you tired?"

Yang Lele hurriedly sat down next to song Zian, looking very excited.

Song Zian called Yang Lele so actively that Yang Lele felt a certain signal in his heart, that is, the signal you can talk about.

"Not tired, mom. I think you're tired. You fuck so much for me every day."

Song Zian's seemingly calm words almost didn't say Yang Lele's tears.

"You child, by the way, how are you doing with He Yan?"

Yang Lele struggled for a long time. After saying something, he stared at Song Zian's expression, just as he was uneasy at this time.

"Nothing, mom, I told you, I don't like brother he Yan."

Song Zian is very calm. On Song Zian's young face, she seems to have a maturity that is not commensurate with her age.

Yang Lele knew that song Zian had been deeply hurt by what he had read for Chu, but he didn't expect that song Zian had changed again and again. It seemed that he had put it down, but it was heartache for no reason.

"Zi'an, he Yan is very good. No matter what aspect, he Yan is very suitable for you. Mom is from the past. If he Yan is not suitable for you, I won't advise you."

Yang Lele doesn't know what's wrong with him today. He suddenly wants to find someone who can accompany song Zian and walk into song Zian's heart. The urgency seems to worry that song Zian can't get married.

But Yang Lele knew very well that the reason why she was like this was because she always felt unhappy when she looked at Song Zian. At least she was not as happy as before, which made Yang Lele feel like there was a thorn stuck in her body all the time.

"Mom, brother Chu Nian confessed to me."

Song Zian couldn't help saying what he had been repeating in his heart.

Although it was still an expressionless face, song Zian knew how rough the waves were in his heart these days.

Since that day, song Zian has always remembered the way Chu Nian said that sentence. Song Zian has wanted to take that scene as true countless times. Then he can be happy, celebrate, cheer and surprise without pressure.

But song Zian's self-esteem did not allow him to do so. Rao is song Zian's hope that this is true does not mean that song Zian can accept the "fact" that Chu Nian just helps himself out of trouble. Song Zian felt that he could no longer deceive himself, just as in the past many years.

But song Zian really can't forget that scene. It's like a movie these days. It's been repeating, repeating, repeating

As soon as song Zian calms down, he can think of that scene.

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