"Oh? Really?"

When he Tiantian heard he Jing talking about this, she couldn't help searching in her mind.

Liu Liang, an employee of the technical team of Huangtian group, joined Huangtian group after graduation. It should be almost five years by this year.

He is usually low-key, but Liu Liang's low-key is not a commendatory word, but a statement. After all, a mere technical employee has no background, no position, and no high-profile capital.

Although he Tiantian has something in mind, she has been in the workplace for a few years. Naturally, she maintains a high degree of vigilance at any time.

Why did he Jing suddenly mention Liu Liang at this time? In any case, Huangtian group has thousands of employees. Why do you think of Liu Liang alone?

"Hey, don't interrupt. I said it was natural. Can I deceive you?"

He Jing is slightly dissatisfied with he Tiantian's attitude, as if he Tiantian is pretending to be stupid at this time.

"Oh, well, what's the matter? What do you say about Zhao Liang?"

He Tiantian just heard he Jing mention Zhao Liang and thought about Zhao Liang in her mind, but he Tiantian hasn't fully realized what he Jing said.

For a moment, he Tiantian quickly recalled it in her mind. It seems that all my thoughts recently have been on inquiring about Chu Nian, and I don't seem to pay too much attention to other things of Huangtian group.

He Tiantian thinks that fortunately, He Jing is active around her. She can broadcast the news of Huangtian group at any time. He Tiantian is only focused on drilling into Chu Nian, but forgets to look down at the road under her feet.

"Well, my eldest lady, what's the matter with you recently? Why are you out of your mind? Well, well, I'm convinced. I just said, did you find Zhao Liang wandering around us recently?"

He Jing has something to prove at this time. Naturally, she is too lazy to pursue he Tiantian. She doesn't know where she is floating.

"Why? Don't you say it. It seems that after you say so, it's true. I saw Zhao Liang coming from my eyes today!"

He Tiantian suddenly felt that there was such a thing.

Normally, Zhao Liang is an employee of the technical team. In addition to any technical faults or other technical problems, the technical team needs to send someone to come. Usually, he Tiantian and He Jing have no place for the technical team employees to intervene!

He Tiantian thought a little and felt that there were still some unusual things in it. After all, Zhao Liang will never wander around the Huangtian group without reason.

"Tian Tian, you won't see Zhao Liang passing by you today?"

He Jing didn't come out of nowhere. Looking at he Tiantian's thoughtful appearance at this time, she still felt that he Tiantian was a little dull. She didn't know whether he Tiantian really didn't see it or was pretending?

"What do you mean?"

He Tiantian originally thought it was strange, but it seemed that He Jing's words were not as simple as he thought. He Tiantian raised her eyebrows and was ready to inquire from He Jing.

"I said, you won't only find Zhao Liang wandering around you today?"

He Jing said it again, but it was obvious that he Tiantian had been targeted.

"My side? He Jing, are you mistaken? Why is Zhao Liang wandering around me? Isn't he here for something?"

He Tiantian quickly caught the meaning he Jing wanted to express in He Jing's obviously directional words. It seems that He Jing deliberately mentioned it to herself tonight, which probably has something to do with herself.

"How do I know? That's why I asked you."

He Jing looked at he Tiantian as if she had just learned about it. She knew something in her heart. No longer facing he Tiantian, he turned his head to the river and let the wind from the pavement completely wrap himself in it.

"He Jing, do you know anything? You might as well say it directly."

He Tiantian can no longer maintain an indifferent attitude as just now. After all, He Jing has so clearly told he Tiantian that this matter has something to do with he Tiantian.

"Nothing. I just want to remind you that you've been a little silly recently. Don't know anything. You just don't know what you're thinking."

He Jing said casually. After all, He Jing knows that he Tiantian certainly doesn't like Zhao Liang no matter what she thinks about Zhao Liang.

But he Jing still admires Zhao Liang. After all, the affair between he Tiantian and Chu Nian has long been popular in Huangtian group, and Zhao Liang, a grassroots man of science and technology, is still interested in he Tiantian at this time.

"He Jing, what you mean, shouldn't it be?"

He Tiantian has not been in College for a long time. He Tiantian treats his feelings hazy and shy. Now he Tiantian is many times more realistic than he didn't know at that time.

After girls go out of college and enter work, in the few years of single time, they always keep full vigilance against the single opposite sex around them. Once they are close, they will immediately open all emotional reception channels for speed dating.

Normally, he Tiantian didn't know anything about this and was as simple as white paper. In the two years he had just worked, he Tiantian naturally had a certain fantasy investigation and comparison with every single male around her. But over time, he Tiantian found that these were not what he wanted.

Later, after he Tiantian became Chu Nian's secretary, she fell in love at first sight and fell in love with those ordinary employees around her.

For a long time, he Tiantian seems to have begun to gradually lose this ability. It seems that he Tiantian has lost his initial preparedness and vigilance for the opposite sex who doesn't know what purpose to approach.

However, after what he Jing said today, he Tiantian immediately recalled everything in recent days.

Although he Tiantian has been absent-minded in recent days, he Tiantian is neither blind nor stupid. Moreover, he Tiantian is still very young and has a good memory. So he Tiantian doesn't have to work hard. He Tiantian remembers the frequency of Zhao Liang's recent appearance around him and seemingly seemingly passing by, all accompanied by eyes like sneaking glances from different angles.

He Tiantian was surprised. Unconsciously, she already had people who secretly love her.

I don't know whether to be happy or troublesome. He Tiantian feels no sense, just no sense.

After all, if Zhao Liang is friendly, he seems to have no direct friendship after working for so long.

How does Zhao Liang like song Zian? Song Zian thought at will. He didn't seem to have any clue. Anyway, men and women have eye to eye. Sometimes they don't talk about facts and reason. Maybe that's the case.

"Hey, what do you think!"

He Jing thought she had ordered he Tiantian. He Tiantian would say something. Who knows what he Tiantian would say after listening, he Tiantian was just standing alone and silent, as if he had nothing to do with the surrounding world.

He Jing couldn't help pushing he Tiantian. She felt that it was too boring to go on like this. She couldn't fart for a long time. She didn't know whether he Tiantian was talking about.

"Me? I didn't think about anything, He Jing. Thank you. If you hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have noticed."

He Tiantian sees that He Jing is no longer happy, and quickly thanks He Jing warmly.

He Tiantian sometimes feels very tired, because people around him need he Tiantian to spend a lot of effort, even friends.

Not to mention the etiquette disputes, he Tiantian has to keep reminding himself to be courteous and make people happy, or else it seems that this relationship can't go on.

"Hey, what are you talking about? We're not friends."

He Jing said casually with her eyes like a crescent moon at this time. When talking about friends, He Jing obviously smiled very happy, as if the word friend would make people feel better.

He Tiantian also smiled with He Jing. It's not a friend.

Anyway, friends are an extremely general generalization. When it comes to helping, it's because it's a friend. When it's polite, it's because it's a friend. When it comes to alienation, it's also because it's a friend

Everyone's understanding of friends is also very different. They have their own ideas and practices.

After a few words, Zhao Liang and He Jing obviously have no interest in continuing deep pickling.

Gossip is like this. The more explosive it is, the more information it has, the more interest disputes it has... The more people are willing to keep talking and listening

When it comes to the trivial things of life such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, even if there are many gossip, it seems to have lost the value of communication, leaving only leisure to grind the skin and spend time.

He Tiantian reads that He Jing has just reminded herself of a thing that needs attention. After writing it down in her heart, she asks he Jing: "He Jing, is there any other news about Huangtian group recently?"

He Tiantian is afraid of missing something because she can't take care of her sometimes, so she has to keep asking He Jing whenever she has a chance. In the final analysis, she is also afraid of being disconnected.

He Tiantian doesn't know how important it is to try his best to understand and participate in the large and small affairs of Huangtian group, and how helpful it is to his career. However, seeing that everyone is happy about it, he Tiantian finds that he can't avoid customs.

Because he Tiantian is just he Tiantian, not Mrs. Chu.

"No, I expect you to tell me something. You tell me, how are you and Chu?"

He Jing looked back at this time. After the river wind, her eyes didn't look as charming as usual, and seemed to have a cold feeling.

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