Chu Nian saw that Liu Heyan didn't speak. His expression already contained something on his mind. He felt that he and Liu Heyan shouldn't press step by step when song Zian didn't want to.

Chu Nian suddenly had an idea that love should be more respect, space, mutual want and peace.

Chu Nian suddenly had an idea and said to Liu Heyan, "Heyan, I wonder if we shouldn't be too self. Since Zian doesn't want us to appear in front of her all the time, should we also leave some space for her?"

Chu Nian felt as if he had never been so patient. He put himself in the position of a person and tried his best to overcome all difficulties for her.

"Well, you're right. It seems that Zian hasn't been very happy recently. If so, it may be because we're always waiting for her?"

Liu Heyan has been inspired by Chu Nian's words. Although Liu Heyan is older than Chu Nian, in terms of emotional experience, they are half weight. It seems that no one is better than anyone.

"He Yan, what do you say is like? What is love?"

Chu Nian suddenly felt melancholy and would think of such a disgusting remark.

"That's enough, you boy! Drink when you come out. Don't talk about unnecessary things. You still like and love. Don't tell me here. I can't stand you."

Liu Heyan was originally a man of hearing and seeing. After Chu Nian just made a little adjustment, he understood it, so there was no need to entangle it.

Men, now that they have finished their business, the most important thing next is to get drunk!

When they left song Zian's topic, they found that there were countless topics to talk about. After all, they were similar in age and career, so there was a taste of making up for those times.

When she woke up the next day, Chu Nian felt that her head was clamped. It was stuffy and painful. She didn't want to stop drinking for a long time. Now her drinking capacity is declining so fast.

After sitting in his office, Chu Nian was a little worried. He didn't know how many things he could deal with today.

"President Chu." as soon as he Tiantian saw Chu Nian coming in, she came in to report her work at the first time.

"Well, what's the matter?"

He patted his forehead gently, and Chu Nian hummed a few words from his mouth.

"President Chu, do you have time for the banquet held at the seaside hotel on Saturday night? Why don't you attend it together?"

He Tiantian summoned up her courage and said what she had thought for a long time.

He Tiantian knows that Chu Nian has no intention of himself, but she is unwilling.

Since the scandal between he Tiantian and Chu Nian began at the banquet, he Tiantian couldn't help trying to get another chance for herself.

In the busy Chu Nian, I suddenly heard he Tiantian's invitation. It took me a while to reflect what he Tiantian was doing.

Chu Nian couldn't help thinking. Hasn't he made it clear with he Tiantian before? Why does he Tiantian have to attend with herself now?

Chu Nian immediately thought that the previous misunderstanding was caused by his presence with he Tiantian. Later, it triggered not only media speculation, but also his relatives mistakenly thought that he and he Tiantian were ambiguous.

The so-called eating a moat and learning a wisdom, Chu Nian immediately made a decision in his heart.

"I still can't. I have something to do. It doesn't necessarily end when. Go first."

Chu Nian then bowed his head and busied himself again, without paying too much attention to he Tiantian.

He Tiantian paused and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to open his mouth.

He Tiantian asked herself in her heart, but do you want to give up like this? Do you want to fight again? If you miss this opportunity, he Tiantian doesn't know when she can have close contact with Chu Nian outside of work again.

But looking at Chu Nian without raising her head, he Tiantian suddenly felt that she lacked courage and didn't dare to say it again. It seems that I know it's impossible and have to try again and again.

Finally, he Tiantian sighed deeply in her heart and was ready to forget it.

He Tiantian turned and went out. Chu Nian raised her head and took a look at the direction he Tiantian left. He Tiantian couldn't help thinking about it a little. He thought he should just think more. Maybe he Tiantian asked this, that is, casually, so Chu Nian stopped caring about her.

When he Tiantian returned to her seat, she couldn't help thinking of the two previous banquets. She took Chu Nian's car and followed Chu Nian to appear at the banquet. At that time, she thought it was just a beginning and thought that more and better things would happen. The result was just a flash in the pan. Now it's impossible to want such things to happen again.

When you are in a bad mood, you just feel cumbersome and time-consuming when dealing with the work. However, he Tiantian has no reason to quit, so she has to continue the unfinished business while she is anxious.

Zhao Liang seems to know that he Tiantian is in a bad mood. He sends a wechat to he Tiantian shortly after work. He makes an appointment to have dinner at night. His attitude is extremely sincere, as if he is doing an extremely important thing.

But he Tiantian was not in the mood at this time, so she had to reply: "sorry, Zhao Liang, I'm busy today. There are still a lot of things to do now. I'd better do it another day.".

"It's all right. You're busy first."

Zhao Liang quickly returned the information with a super intimate expression.

But he Tiantian only feels bored when she sees Zhao Liang's information. It seems that she doesn't like it, but she doesn't know whether to refuse or not.

Chu Ning came home early today. Seeing Jiang Yun and Jiang Yu playing games at home, she asked, "are you two little guys doing anything at the weekend?"

"What's up, mom?"

Jiang Yun answered Chu Ning very skillfully during the gap of the game. Jiang Yu was just addicted to the handle in his hand and didn't even bother to answer Chu Ning.

"There will be a party at the weekend to invite our family. If you two have nothing to do, you can join us."

Chu Ning knows that Jiang Yun and Jiang Yu are very lively. Generally, she is happy to attend this kind of banquet. Moreover, Chu Ning and Jiang Yunxian are old. They are not interested in going to the party by themselves. They might as well have more fun with their children.

"OK, mom! By the way, is sister-in-law an going?"

Jiang Yun heard what Chu Ning said and immediately responded. She was worried that she had nothing to do at the weekend.

"Go ahead. You should also invite aunt Lele's family."

Chu Ning blurted out without thinking. After all, Chu Ning and Yang Lele basically do the same business, and now even song Zian is engaged in design, so they will basically attend this kind of banquet together.

"Oh yeah! That's great. I'm going. I'm going to play with my sister-in-law an."

Jiang Yun shouted excitedly, as if the excitement in her words could not be covered up.

"Wait, Jiang Yun, how many times have I told you to stop calling sister-in-law an? They don't have anything to do with your brother now. If you keep calling like this, it's too impolite!"

Chu Ninggang hasn't paid much attention to Jiang Yun's address. Now he suddenly finds it and corrects it quickly.

Chu Ning also pays close attention to Chu Nian and song Zian in private. She is still very happy since she heard that Chu Nian and song Zian confessed last time.

But later I heard that song Zian didn't accept it. Recently, Chu Nian seems to have made bad progress.

"Well, well, I know, mom. That's why I'm going to the party. I'm going to help my brother in person, or my sister-in-law an will be robbed by others!"

At this time, Jiang Yun has put down her game and focused on chatting with Chu Ning. With a strong sense of responsibility for Chu Nian, Jiang Yun actually feels that Chu Nian's emotional problems are now worrying, which is much more important than the game in her hand.

"Oh, really? By the way, you two little devils are well informed. Have you heard any new news recently? Your brother is so stuffy that he doesn't say anything."

Chu Ning mentions Chu Nian and feels that sometimes she is really worried for him. She is clearly a daughter-in-law who has been determined for a long time. Finally, she makes it like this.

"Eh? Mom, why do you care so much about your brother recently? Don't you often say that your son's life is important and he has to decide by himself? Why don't you think so now?"

Jiang Yun looks at Chu Ning in a hurry. She thinks carefully and jokes about Chu Ning.

Chu Ning naturally can't let Jiang Yun go. She tries to pinch Jiang Yun's ears. Jiang Yun quickly takes advantage of the situation to beg for mercy. Chu Ning just let Jiang Yun go.

Just after Jiang Yun's trouble, Chu Ning was obviously in a good mood. She just mentioned that Chu Nian was so gloomy. At this time, it all disappeared.

Chu Ning can't help feeling that having these three children is her happiest thing.

"Don't make trouble, you know what? Hurry to recruit from the beginning."

Chu Ning asked Jiang Yun with a smile. The atmosphere was quite harmonious.

"Mom, I really don't have any exact news. I just heard that my brother is chasing sister zi'an recently, and it seems that my brother has a rival in love. Now sister zi'an is in hot demand, but my brother has more than one choice!"

Jiang Yun simply analyzed the current situation with Chu Ning. Moreover, in order to make Chu Ning happy, the title of song zi'an has changed back to zi'an's sister. It looks very regular and clever.

"Really? Your brother has a rival now?"

Chu Ning was also interested. Why didn't Chu Nian mention it before?

Or did Chu Nian say that he had forgotten? Chu Ning felt that her brain, which was just a little old, seemed to be incomparable when she was young.

"Well, yes! Mom, don't you know? My brother's rival is still very big. Last time my brother confessed to sister zi'an, it seems that my brother's rival was also there."

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