Sometimes it's true to think about it. Chu Nian and Liu Heyan don't know what song Zian is and are chasing after each other?

Song Zian was very unhappy with this understanding. It seemed that as a woman, she had just become a gift for Chu Nian and Liu Heyan.

Song Zian wants to leave, but he looks at the familiar people around him. At the moment, he will inevitably be criticized. But looking at the two people who choke as soon as they meet, song Zian even doubts whether he should not come tonight.

Just before Song Zian regretted his youth, he suddenly heard the host say that the next step is to enter the dance link. Please the men present, take the woman's hand and prepare to spin and spin as much as possible

Liu Heyan took the lead in extending his hand and handed it to song Zian very gentlemanly. In a low and slightly magnetic voice, he thought: "zi'an, can I ask you to dance?"

Chu Nian saw that Liu Heyan invited song Zian to dance for the first time. He secretly scolded himself for being stupid. Then he stretched out his hand without showing weakness, looked at Song Zian eagerly and said, "zi'an, please dance!"

Song Zian completely didn't expect that Chu Nian and Liu Heyan were not enough to quarrel. They had to compete in action. He was angry immediately. He felt that Chu Nian and Liu Heyan didn't respect themselves, but it was not easy to attack directly. For a moment, the scene was a little embarrassed.

Liu Heyan and Chu Nian looked at Song Zian with expectant eyes, as if they were waiting for a crucial moment in their life.

At this time, the people around noticed what happened here. Many people turned around completely with the attitude of watching the play, ready to see how song Zian handled it.

Even Mr. and Mrs. Chu Ning and Mr. and Mrs. Yang Lele were shocked at the moment. Unexpectedly, Liu Heyan and Chu Nian were on the bar at the scene.

Song Zian saw that so many people around him were staring at himself, and some people were still whispering. Their inner dissatisfaction increased. The first reaction was to leave, but he kept pressing his actions with reason. After all, it was a banquet. You can't lose face, you can't lose face.

Suddenly, in all kinds of expressions, song Zian went straight ahead and completely ignored the invitation hands extended by Liu Heyan and Chu Nian.

Everyone is wondering what song Zian is doing?

Song Zian walked up to Jiang Yu not far away and said sweetly, "Jiang Yu, can we dance together?"

Although everyone thought they could see jokes, they were deeply shocked by song Zian's atmosphere and Appropriateness.

Liu Heyan and Chu Nian don't care about their face at this time. Liu Heyan strangely looks at the boy who doesn't seem to grow up in front of song Zian.

Chu Nian's eyes were about to burst into flames. Unexpectedly, song Zian ran to find Jiang Yu in order not to dance with him!

At the moment, Jiang Yu suddenly became the protagonist of the whole audience and was watched by several people from beginning to end. Moreover, Jiang Yu was stunned when he looked at the gentle and kind song Zian!

He didn't think about it at all. He didn't spare any effort to look at Chu Nian's warning eyes not far away. Jiang Yu seemed to be poisoned and directly reached out to hold song Zian's hand!

Song Zian's mouth smiled like the most beautiful lotus, fresh and elegant, so that Jiang Yu didn't care about anything else at this time.

When the music started, Jiang Yu looked at Song Zian intently and took song Zian into the middle of the dance floor.

Chu Nian and Liu Heyan were stunned on the spot. They looked at each other very depressed, and their eyes were full of sadness.

Chu Nian and Liu Heyan looked at the pair of people in the center of the party who were intoxicated with the music. They suddenly felt very hurt and didn't want to find a new partner. They just looked at the people in the middle with cold eyes. The feeling of alienation on their bodies shocked people for no reason.

"Chu Nian, you say, we are brothers and sisters?"

Liu Heyan suffered a lot and looked at Chu Nian. It seemed that Chu Nian had also been rejected, which made Liu Heyan feel a lot more friendly.

"Not really."

Chu Nian didn't want to chat with Liu Heyan at this time. He really looked at Jiang Yu holding song Zian's hand and holding song Zian's waist. His eyes were like sand.

Chu Nian even wondered if Jiang Yu would rush up and do something if he wasn't his own brother

Liu Heyan felt that Chu Nian was owed money. He felt bored and ran away by himself.

Chu Nian conveniently brought a glass of champagne and looked up and counted all his belly.

But Chu Nian doesn't know why he is so angry at this time. Obviously, he just danced with song Zian, but Chu Nian seems to be blocked by cotton in his heart. He can't get out and go down.

When Jiang Yun saw Jiang Yu dancing with song Zian, she found that Chu Nian's expression was not right.

Just now, when she realized that Liu Heyan had been around Chu Nian, Jiang Yun didn't come forward to disturb her. At this time, she saw that Liu Heyan had left, and Chu Nian was drinking alone. Jiang Yun hurried up: "brother, are you okay?"

Jiang Yun looked at Chu Nian's expression and involuntarily brought a little worry. She secretly calculated in her heart that Chu Nian is jealous of her brother?

That's funny. Jiang Yun secretly said that it's lucky that she is a woman. Otherwise, if she comes to help Chu Nian, she may not be able to help, but let Chu Nian remember her hatred.

At this time, Chu Nian just looks at a pair of beautiful women who look very harmonious in the middle of the dance floor. It should not be Jiang Yun's words. It's just that Jiang Yun is still thinking. Chu Nian's glass of champagne has seen the end.

"Brother, are you okay? Your drinking capacity is still..."

Jiang Yun looked at Chu Nian with a little worry. She felt that today was not a good day. Otherwise, how could she suddenly fall into such a chaotic situation.

"Come on, go home."

Chu Nian completely ignored Jiang Yun's trembling mood. Seeing that Jiang Yu and song Zian had finished, he was ready to leave.

Jiang Yun looked at Chu Nian's sudden change of face and was hesitating. She heard Chu Nian's new order: "Jiang Yun, you go and call Jiang Yu up and go home."

Chu read and turned away.

Jiang Yun kept tutting her mouth in place and sighed that Chu Nian's iron face, which has not changed for thousands of years, seems to be broken at the moment.

Just for a moment, Jiang Yun suddenly remembered Chu Nian's last words, and hurriedly turned back to look for Jiang Yu's figure.

Jiang Yu was still immersed in the wonderful dance of Song Zi Amman, and looked very stupid.

Song Zian had already left with a smile at the end of the music.

Only Jiang Yu, who looked stunned, stood in place with a smile.

"Jiang Yu, you fool, go!"

Jiang Yun ran to Jiang Yu and squeezed Jiang Yu's arm so that Jiang Yu could wake up quickly.

"Hurt!" Jiang Yu's eyes filled with discontent when he looked at Jiang Yun with a cold air from the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, you know it hurts. What are you doing?" Jiang Yun said unhappily. He really felt that Jiang Yu couldn't tell the state clearly.

"Why don't I know the pain? What do you say I'm doing?" Jiang Yun looked at Jiang Yun and felt very angry. He scolded him for no reason.

"Jiang Yu, you don't know what we're doing today. Didn't you find that you easily lost your brother's chance?"

Jiang Yun felt that she was really superfluous at this time. She didn't do well in what she should do, but she made a general stand with Jiang Yu here.

"Oh! Yes, how can I forget this! Where's sister Zian?"

Jiang Yu has just been immersed in the joy of inviting beautiful women to dance. He has automatically ignored that song Zian is not an ordinary beauty, but a beauty already determined by his brother.

"Hum, you finally remember. If you don't go to find your brother, my brother will be angry!"

Jiang Yun saw that Jiang Yu had awakened and said unhappily, but the protagonists had left and had a good chance of one night. It was so blind.

On the way back, Jiang Yu has been next to Chu Nian. He has exhausted his ability to please Chu Nian from childhood and wants to tease Chu Nian. Unfortunately, Chu Nian is in a bad mood and doesn't pay much attention to Jiang Yu.

If Chu Nian is angry with Jiang Yu, it's not. Although Jiang Yu is an adult, in Chu Nian's opinion, he is still a half-aged child. It's not intentional or intentional. He happened to meet him anyway.

In the final analysis, song Zian was unwilling to accept Chu Nian and, of course, Liu Heyan. That is, Jiang Yu was standing there at that time, which could be used as a prop, otherwise song Zian would find someone to solve the dilemma at that time.

It's just that Chu Nian wants to pass, and he's not in a good mood. Chu Nian doesn't know what to do to capture song Zian's heart, and this difficulty makes Chu Nian a headache.

Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning sat in front, looking at Chu Nian's frustration.

Want to open your mouth to persuade, but feel that no matter what you say, it's embarrassing enough. Moreover, different people have different opinions about chasing girls. Chu Ning and Jiang Yunxian don't seem to have any good ways to teach.

Jiang Yu, who has awakened, sees that Chu Nian doesn't speak all the way. His rare guilt soars. He feels that he is the only one who has spoiled Chu Nian.

"Brother, don't be angry. Next time I ask sister Zian out with Jiang Yun, I'll make up for you, okay?"

Jiang Yu kept thinking about how to make Chu Nian better, and even didn't hesitate to catch up with Jiang Yun.

Of course, the main reason why Jiang Yu said he wanted to work with Jiang Yun was that Jiang Yu didn't have the confidence to ask song Zian out on his own.

Jiang Yun, who is reading a joke for no reason, sees that Jiang Yu makes a favor with himself and stares at Jiang Yun bored, but he can't help but be happy at Jiang Yu's rare dog leg expression.

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