Chu Nian hurriedly said, "Liu Heyan, it's a pity that you keep saying that you like zi'an, but you don't even know what he likes to eat." he said with a sarcastic tone, thinking that Liu Heyan can't realize it now.

Then he turned to song Zian and said, "zi'an, wait here. I'll get you something to eat to ensure your satisfaction." then he went to get breakfast for song Zian and left Liu Heyan and song Zian sitting.

Seeing that Chu Nian had the opportunity to show off, Liu Heyan was unwilling to show weakness. Then he asked, "Zian, let me get you something to drink!" seeing that Liu Heyan was so sincere, song Zian couldn't refuse.

Considering that she still has a lot of work to finish today, in order to improve her working spirit, she smiled and said, "just ask me for a cup of coffee. It can be a little bitter."

But when Liu Heyan heard this, he refused and quickly retorted, "no, you can't drink coffee in the morning, otherwise it's bad for your health. You'd better change it to milk! It's good for your health."

With that, without waiting for song Zian's consent, he strode to get song Zian milk. At this time, Chu Nian had taken breakfast and came back. Song Zian saw that she liked it. It turned out that he still remembered.

Although I was a little moved in my heart, I didn't express it. Because she knows that she must be rational now. Now she is carrying Hibiscus studio. Let's talk about her feelings later.

So he just said a very polite thank you to Chu Nian. Chu Nian didn't say much when she heard it. Instead, he bowed his head and ate breakfast, because from this sentence, he knew that song Zian still had a grudge in his heart.

But she will accept her kindness to her. Chu Nian is already satisfied. Then she will work hard slowly and will move her. Here, Liu Heyan also brought back breakfast.

But he felt something wrong with the quiet atmosphere and was sure he had missed something. After giving the milk to song Zian, he said nothing and bowed his head to eat breakfast.

But I keep thinking about what happened.

However, song Zian began to talk, "you two are quite destined! You travel at the same time, not only in the same place, but also in the same hotel."

Song Zian obviously knows what he is asking, but he still wants to make fun of them to see how they answer. In addition, the atmosphere at this time is too embarrassing and needs someone to break it.

Hearing song Zian's question, the two blurted out the answers they had already prepared. Liu Heyan first replied, "of course, the company is on a business trip! But the three of us are too destined to meet together."

Then Chu Nian also said, "I came here to talk about cooperation. Because I was pressed for time, I hurried over. What I didn't expect was that you were here." Song Zian couldn't say anything when he heard it.

Although they both came for song Zian, they didn't want to be too obvious, so they had to say it was for official business. Fortunately, song Zian did not continue to ask, otherwise he would be afraid to reveal the truth.

Liu Heyan and Chu Nian looked at each other and smiled, as if they were saying that they had not been found. At this time, song Zian continued, "I'm going out to talk about business later. I hope it's not so coincidental."

Of course, song Zian said so, and they couldn't do anything else,. You can only wait for song Zian to come back in the hotel and find a chance to get close! Song Zian is so devoted to his work now. If he doesn't screw up his work, he will be finished. He still stays in the hotel.

Seeing song Zian out of the hotel, they went upstairs and returned to their room, but what had just happened was seen by he Tiantian, who had breakfast in the restaurant. She was very angry.

She got up early, washed and waited in the room for Chu Nianlai to feel that she had breakfast. But after waiting for a long time, she knocked on the door, but no one responded. She thought it was Chu Nian who hadn't woken up.

But when she came downstairs, she knew from Aunt cleaning that Chu Nian was no longer in the room. As soon as she went downstairs, she saw Chu Nian and Liu Heyan having breakfast with song Zian. She was very jealous and wanted to run to take Chu Nian away.

But she knew she couldn't do that. If she ran forward, Chu Nian would hate herself very much. At that time, she didn't even have a chance. She'd better bear it first, and then she wouldn't believe there was no chance.

After breakfast, she went out of the hotel for a stroll, but no one was interested. She walked for a while and came back. It was boring to go back to the hotel. I turned on the TV and fell asleep.

It was very late last night. I got up early this morning for Chu Nian. It's strange that I can't sleep now. When she woke up, it was already three or four o'clock in the afternoon, but her stomach had already growled because she didn't have lunch.

Considering that Chu Nian might not go to lunch alone, he called Chu Nian. Chu Nian on the other side was waiting for song Zian to come back. For fear of missing her back, she didn't even eat lunch.

Although he knew that song Zian was out to talk about business, he would not come back until after lunch.

But because he knew he might be busy working at night, if song Zian was working again when he came back and couldn't leave, Liu Heyan took the lead.

Now wait, as soon as song Zian comes back, he will know. Suddenly the phone rang. Seeing that it was he Tiantian's phone, he didn't want to answer it, but he was afraid of something at work, so he answered impatiently.

"Hey, what's up?" Chu Nian said coldly.

"Mr. Chu, I'm worried that you didn't eat lunch, so I called to ask if you want to eat?" "no, if you're hungry, go and have some by yourself!"

Chu Nian just wanted to hang up, but he heard a Ding Dong, and a new email came. There must be something at work again. Then he said, "come to my room after you finish. You're going to start working."

Hearing this, he Tiantian was very happy and finally had a chance to get close to Chu Nian. So she didn't eat any food. She ate two biscuits and padded her stomach. She was afraid that she would miss song Zian's return.

When he Tiantian passed, Chu Nian had already opened the door and waited for her, and he was busy at the computer desk.

He Tiantian came in and just wanted to close the door, but Chu Nian said, "open it!"

He Tiantian knows in her heart that Chu Nian asked to open the door because he was afraid that song Zian would misunderstand him when he came back, but leave it open! He Tiantian sat down and was busy with her own work. They didn't talk much except work.

When Chu Nian looked up and looked outside, it was completely dark and the lights outside the window were dim.

Seeing that song Zian hasn't come back yet, he can't help worrying. He wants to finish what he's doing and wait for her at the door of the hotel.

After a long time, Chu Nian finally finished everything, quickly turned off the computer and prepared to wait for song Zian at the door of the hotel. He said to he Tiantian, "it's late. Go back and have a rest early!"

He Tiantian saw that Chu Nian was ready to go out. She was afraid that he would go to song Zian and said, "President Chu, do you want to go out so late, or I'll go with you!"

Chu Nian quickly refused, "no, I'm just going out for a walk." Chu Nian packed everything and was ready to go out. The phone rang, which made him a little annoyed, but he couldn't help it. He reluctantly picked it up.

Chu Nian then called and went to the window. At this time, he Tiantian also packed her things and was ready to go back to her room. As soon as she got to the door, she heard the sound of the elevator. She guessed that song Zian might be back again.

He hurried back to Chu Nian's room and still opened the door.

He Tiantian, who returned to Chu Nian's room, was preparing to do something to make song Zian misunderstand. So she looked around and found that Chu Nian's data had not been sorted out.

Moreover, the desk is just opposite the door, so that song Zian can see it clearly when he comes back.

At this time, the sound of high heels is getting closer and closer to the room, and he Tiantian is also trying to act for song Zian.

When song Zian came to the door, he Tiantian looked out specially. Sure enough, song Zian came back. Song Zian walked to the door and found that the door was not closed, so he took a look inside.

Unexpectedly, what I saw was he Tiantian, and Chu Nianzheng was standing by the window, not knowing what he was doing.

Seeing this scene, song Zian felt as if he had been caught by something. He grabbed the whole thing and was extremely uncomfortable.

She was thinking that Chu Nian didn't come for her, just because she had to travel on official business. If she came specially for her, she wouldn't bring he Tiantian.

He knew that he Tiantian had quarreled with him many times before, but this time he didn't shy away, so he wanted to let himself know how much their feelings were, okay?

Back in the room, song Zian was very sad, but she was not the song Zian she used to be.

After so many things, she has grown up a lot, and her feelings for Chu Nian are not as strong as before.

It's hard to see this picture, but now she can accept it smoothly. Besides, she's seen a lot before and doesn't care so much.

I still put my mind on work first. After a tired day today, she decided to have a good beauty sleep. No matter who disturbed her, she ignored it. When the work is settled, she will go back immediately.

Song Zian began to wash, because he was too tired today.

Chu Nian on the other side had just finished calling. When he saw that he Tiantian was still in his room, he was a little angry.

He said coldly, "I told you to go back and rest. Why are you still here?" he Tiantian certainly wouldn't tell the truth, so he replied, "I went to the door and forgot to take something, so I turned it back."

"In addition, I heard you talking on the phone with your partner. I'm afraid there's still work to be done. I'll wait here until you finish calling." hearing these words, Chu Nian had no choice but to let her go back quickly.

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