The originally planned two person trip has become a four person trip. Liu Heyan and song Zian are OK. On the surface, they get along very well. At least Liu Heyan is really happy.

Song Zian has been so kind to himself for the first time since he refused his proposal last time. He Tiantian here chattered with Chu Nian all the way to stimulate song Zian.

But Chu Nian didn't pay much attention to her, because his whole mind was on Song Zian. But song Zian's mind seems to be all on Liu Heyan now.

In order to stimulate song Zian, he Tiantian deliberately took Chu Nian in front of them. Even if Chu Nian didn't want to, he didn't want to make her lose face in front of so many people, so he followed he Tiantian in front of them.

Today, Liu Heyan brought song Zian to a small village that should not be developed. The scenery here is very beautiful. The most important thing is that it is very quiet. There are not many tourists. He thinks song Zian will like such a place.

Song Zian really likes it, and now she needs a quiet environment to calm down. The four people in the line walked very slowly, because the roads here are paved with stones, which is not easy to walk.

So Liu Heyan specially asked song Zian to change his sneakers, but someone came out wearing high heels. In fact, he Tiantian is used to wearing high heels, which is not difficult for her.

But she came out to show song Zian. She wanted song Zian to deepen her misunderstanding with Chu Nian. So he Tiantian showed her acting skills when she came to a section of uneven stones.

As she walked, she suddenly sprained her left foot, and Chu nianyou was just on her left, so she leaned over. Chu Nian couldn't defend her sprained foot, but she couldn't ignore it when she turned upside down.

So Chu Nian took advantage of the situation to hold he Tiantian. He Tiantian shouted "ouch, ouch" in order to make the performance more realistic. Seeing Chu Nian holding her, she put her hands on Chu Nian.

Originally, song Zian and Liu Heyan didn't notice. Song Zian is listening to Liu Heyan tell her some local customs here. It was he Tiantian's words "ouch, ouch" that attracted their attention. Song Zian and Liu Heyan hurried to see it when they heard the cry.

But song Zian didn't expect to see such a picture. When they turned around, they saw Chu Nian holding he Tiantian tightly, and he Tiantian adsorbed on Chu Nian like an octopus.

Such a picture looks very intimate. Song Zian thinks he won't be sad after seeing many such things, but what he didn't expect is that his heart still hurts.

Liu Heyan saw song Zian's inner loss. It turned out that she still cared about Chu Nian. Chu Nian saw song Zian and hurriedly pushed he Tiantian away, but he Tiantian kept holding him, and he couldn't help it.

Chu Nian was afraid that song Zian would misunderstand him again, so she hurried to explain to him. Unexpectedly, song Zian spoke first. "Since miss he sprained her foot, Chu Nian, you can take her back first! I'll go around with He Yan."

Chu Nian knows song Zian misunderstood again when she heard this, but looking at he Tiantian's poor expression, she can't let her go back alone. Let's talk to song Zian in the evening!

When song Zian finished speaking, she took Liu Heyan to another path. It was not until Chu Nian went away that she showed a sad expression. Liu Heyan on the side also saw song Zian's reaction.

I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what to say. Finally, I chose silence. After walking for a while, song Zian said she was tired and wanted to go back to rest. Liu Heyan knew that she was not in the mood to go on, so he took her back.

On the way back to the hotel, they didn't say a word. Until I got on the elevator, song Zian finally spoke, "Liu Heyan, I'm sorry, I shouldn't use you to start Chu Nian."

Knowing that song Zian was unhappy, Liu Heyan and Xiao Zhao said, "I don't mind what you mind. You will use me to prove that you still have me in your heart, ha ha..."

Seeing Liu Heyan's smile, song Zian didn't say anything. Liu Heyan then said, "hurry back to take a bath, have a rest, have a sleep, and take you to a more interesting place tomorrow."

Returning song Zian to his room, Liu Heyan thought he should talk to Chu Nian. The fair competition agreed at the beginning, but because of he Tiantian, song Zian's misunderstanding of Chu Nian is getting deeper and deeper, even if he wins in the future.

Moreover, he also observed he Tiantian for several days and found that as long as there are places where song Zian and Chu Nian are, he Tiantian will appear, and each time there are different interfaces to make song Zian unhappy.

Since Chu Nian already has a he Tiantian around him, he should not provoke song Zian again and make song Zian sad again. He wants Chu Nian to quit automatically, so that song Zian can see his good.

In the evening, before Chu Nian could find song Zian, Liu Heyan came to find him first, which surprised Chu Nian. When he arrived at Chu nianfan's room, Liu Heyan didn't beat around the Bush, so he explained his intention directly.

"Chu Nian, I have something to talk to you about song Zian."

"You say it!" Liu Heyan then said, "let song Zian go! Stay away from her and don't make her sad."

Hearing this, Chu Nian replied angrily, "I can do anything I want, but I can't promise you to give up song Zian. Besides, it's too late for me to be good to her now. How can I make her sad!"

Liu Heyan understood that Chu Nian didn't understand why song Zian alienated him. Said: "don't you find that song Zian will always be unhappy as long as you and he Tiantian appear?

Liu Heyan asked Chu Nian. He knew that song Zian always deliberately alienated himself these days, but he didn't know that she was angry with herself, so he asked, "what do you mean by this?"

Liu Heyan didn't want to hide it from Chu Nian anymore, so he told Chu Nian what he had observed. "Remember the night song Zian went out to talk about business? She came back late that day."

"In fact, I've been waiting for her in the hotel. I think she must be very tired after working all day. It's like giving her a surprise when she comes back, but do you know what I see?"

Chu Nian asked curiously, "what?" "that day, when I heard the sound of the elevator, I guessed that song Zian came back, so I came up with a room to scare her, but when I saw he Tiantian coming out of your room and walking to the door of the room, I suddenly went back. I was particularly puzzled about this. I thought it was what happened to you."

"When song Zian passed your room, she looked inside, and then her face was very sad. She cried as she walked. I didn't even notice when I opened the door, so she hurried back to her room."

"I don't know what happened in your room, which will make her so sad, but I know it must be sweet again. And today, he Tiantian's sprained ankle was pretended by ATV. I specially noticed that her left ankle was not red and swollen."

"We didn't do anything that night. He Tiantian said that she came back when she forgot something. At that time, I was calling the customer and didn't communicate with he Tiantian“

Liu Heyan said, "there's only so much I can tell you. You can do the rest by yourself. If you still want to recover song Zian, you should stay away from he Tiantian, or you'll lose her."

"In addition, I don't think he Tiantian is a good girl. Although I don't know what she looked like before, I dare say that she is at least not a good girl now."

Chu Nian doesn't believe what Liu Heyan said. She believes he Tiantian is still a good girl. Although song Zian misunderstood her before, she certainly didn't mean it.


That day, song zisong was about to go shopping. As soon as she opened the door, she saw a standing figure standing in front of her door.

The figure looked back, oh, it was Chu Nian.

Song Zian wanted to pretend he didn't see it and pushed the door to go out.

But Chu Nian stopped her.

Thinking of song Zian's attitude towards him during this period of time, especially that song Zian began to get close to Liu Heyan, anger suddenly surged into his heart.

Chu Nian said to song Zian, "why, I'm standing at your door. Do you still want to pretend not to see it? Song Zian, what do you mean, hiding from me for so many days and being so close to Liu Heyan. Song Zian, what do you think of me?"

Song Zian said angrily, "what do I think of you? Chu Nian, have you figured it out? I should have asked. Chu Nian, what do you think of me? You've been so close to he Tiantian these days. She's just your secretary! What's it like for a big boss of a company to be so close to the secretary?"

Chu Nian captured the content of song zi'an's words: "zi'an, are you jealous?"

Song Zian said angrily, "I'm jealous? Joke. I don't have the word jealous in Song Zian's dictionary. Besides, who are you and who is he Tiantian? Why do you make song Zian jealous? It's really overkill."

Chunian sneered, "what are you angry with? Song Zian, I know you. The more you react, the more I know. I'm right." chunian said, "Song Zian, don't deny it. You're jealous."

Song Zian is admitting in his heart, but he can't say so on the surface.

"Get, get, Chu Nian, you're the boss. What you say is what you say. OK? Don't stop me now. I have something else to do."

Song Zian wants to cross over, but Chu Nian still stops in front of song Zian and won't let her pass.

Song Zian shouted, "Chu Nian, what do you want to do? I'm going to work now. I don't have time to play family games with you here."

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