She stood aside, watching Chu Nian and song Zian's confession, saying "I love you" and sweet words, showing a happy and satisfied smile, and felt her heart ache like a needle.

Every word Chu read seemed to be poisoned and stabbed in her heart.

Why? Where is song Zian? Is it worth two such excellent men to be fascinated by her?

He Tiantian showed a reluctant look.

She has always despised song Zian. Obviously, she has everything at home, but she has to go out to work. What is this? Can't you give them good jobs? Besides, what's the use of her work? No, or at home?

Do you just want to label yourself as independent?

So she always looked down on Song Zian. I think she just pretends to be independent and strong.

She always thought that Chu Nian would see song Zian's true face one day and see her efforts one day. But unexpectedly, the day she was waiting for would never come again.

Apart from her family background, where can she compare with the woman who loves to pretend? Who is more suitable for the Chu family's wife besides her?

He Tiantian wants to rush up like this, shake Chu Nian's shoulder, ask clearly, and let him open his eyes and wake up. Let him know who really loves him. Song Zian is just a woman who likes to pretend. She has an empty appearance and doesn't deserve him at all!

She clenched her fingers, and her nails pierced into the meat, and the pain spread a little.

But she didn't feel any pain.

The anger of jealousy was about to burn her whole person. More painful things kept torturing her heart, so that she had no way to pay attention to the physical pain.

Just after Liu Heyan came, she looked at his figure and couldn't help stopping.

Because she thought he would make trouble, cry about his sadness, and spoil their affairs.

After all, he has been chasing song Zian. He is really sincere about song Zian, isn't he? And Chu Nian is his brother. His brother is with his favorite woman. Isn't that double sadness?

But I didn't think of it! He blessed them generously!


Thinking of this, he Tiantian's face can't help being twisted.

Why can the person you love be robbed and still smile like that and give blessings? She can't figure it out.

She looked at the three people and the beautiful picture, but she felt very dazzling. Not only dazzling, but also puzzled.

These three people should be enemies. Why can they get along so well?

At this time, song Zian also saw her. After being stunned for a while, he smiled, "he Tiantian, are you here too?"

But he Tiantian looked at her smile, but she wanted to tear her face to pieces!

But now is not the time. She told herself so in her heart, and then forced herself to show a decent smile. It's just that there's something wrong with that smile.

She looked at Chu Nian, her eyes showing some sadness, "brother Chu Nian... I... I wish you too."

Chu Nian looked at her smile and frowned. But after all, the other party has blessed them, and this may be lovelorn for her. For a lovelorn woman, it's better to be generous.

So he nodded and said politely, "thank you."

The seriousness in his eyes made he Tiantian feel more sad. She thought Chu Nian would show some sad expressions or concerned expressions anyway.

But unexpectedly, he accepted it!


Great anger flared up in her heart again. Why can he accept his blessings so calmly, but turn a blind eye to his pain and sadness!

Is it true that she has been chasing for so long. She is all amorous and just singing a monologue!

Liu Heyan noticed something wrong with her and frowned at her.

This woman used to be very wrong. It seemed that she had an attempt in the hotel that time. Although there is nothing wrong with liking a person, after all, love is happening all the time in the world.

But if you want to get the other party by any means, or even hurt the other party and do something wrong, it's very bad.

He Tiantian always kept his actions in mind, but later she didn't make any special actions, and Chu Nian slowly alienated her after her dizziness and brain swelling at the beginning, so he didn't care any more.

After all, I don't have any exact evidence. If I say it rashly, it's bad.

And since she doesn't have a chance to act again, it's okay. Maybe it was just her obsession? is it? Always give people a chance to repent.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Obviously, he Tiantian didn't put him down and wanted to make other ideas.

I don't know if they saw it, but he did see jealousy and unwillingness in the woman's eyes. There was even a trace of malice.

Liu Heyan was surprised and couldn't help being more vigilant.

This woman is not simple at all. It seems that her so-called simple, gentle and lovely are just pretending! No, after that, we must find a chance to stare at her, and we can't let her destroy their happiness!

He guessed right. These two people really didn't see he Tiantian's cruelty and jealousy.

Both of them only saw her sadness, which was a sadness of love. Is a kind of sadness that is out of reach for happiness.

He Tiantian just doesn't think she can stay any longer. She doesn't want to see Chu Nian fall in love with song Zian, nor does she want to see song Zian look happy and hypocritically concerned at her.

So she found a bad excuse and hurried out of here.

She wanted to use this poor excuse to tell Chu Nian that she was sad and sad. But Chu Nian has just confessed successfully. He is full of song Zian. Where do you want these?

He just thought that it was good for he Tiantian to leave without a light bulb. The two of them have just become a couple, and finally they can get along with each other.

Liu Heyan naturally saw the meaning of Chu Nian, so he smiled and left, leaving the two of them still there.

Those who didn't want to do it finally left. Chu Nian looked at Song Zian with deep feelings in her eyes.

Song Zian blushed and whispered, "well, it's evening. We have to go home, otherwise the family will be worried."

He knew it was shy, so his heart became sweeter and sweeter.

They have experienced a lot before they finally come here today. It's really not easy. Think about how many times he almost passed by on the road, he became more afraid and more happy.

I'm glad I didn't give up easily, and I'm glad song Zian gave him this opportunity.

"OK." Chu Nian smiled, hooked her lips and hugged her waist, "let's go home."

The two men went downstairs to the car and kept holding hands. But after all, they are young people who have just become lovers. They are very thin skinned. They don't dare to look at each other and look shy.

Especially song Zian, with red cheeks, didn't dare to look up at him. He had to walk with his head down.

There was nothing to say along the way, but their hearts were full of happiness. It seems that over the years, a place in my heart has finally been filled by each other. The feeling of fullness is very warm.

Occasionally, several employees who left late immediately understood their appearance.

The president has a girlfriend! And it seems to be the first time to fall in love! Shy can't!

Secretly smiled, and they all gave their blessings in their hearts. After all, men and women look very right. And they are all very happy. Whether as an employee or as an audience, they feel full of happiness from their happiness.

Song Zian was even more embarrassed by their eyes and couldn't help accelerating his pace.

Sitting in the car, her mood calmed down a little.

Chu Nian saw her through the rearview mirror. She just felt very cute.

Thinking that he had missed such a lovely girl, he felt afraid for a while. If I hadn't suddenly discovered my mind and began to chase song Zian. If it weren't for Jiang Yu and Jiang Yun's good assists, could he still be with song Zian now?

The answer is probably no.

What about song Zian? Where would she be? It's probably going to go shopping with other men, date, buy flowers, watch movies, do what couples should do, and talk about a love that doesn't know how to taste.

Then wait until the time, put on a white wedding dress for the man, and then enter the palace of marriage together. They may still be very happy, have children and live a full and happy life.

But what about him? He can only look at their happiness from a distance and bury this love and sadness in his heart forever. Sometimes I dream back in the middle of the night and regret it a little more.

Just thinking about this, he couldn't stand it. If he does become like that, he will probably go crazy.

In the past, when he and song Zian had been together, he might be able to persuade himself to endure when he had never noticed his mind. But now that he had understood everything, he could no longer bear it.

Fortunately. Chu Nian suddenly felt a little happy. Luckily they didn't miss it. Fortunately, their happiness will be given by each other.

This is probably the happiest, luckiest and most satisfied thing in his life.

While song Zian sat aside, looking at the roadside lights and the rush of people, he also felt very lucky.

What kind of fate do so many people in the world have before they can meet, know and love each other? What kind of fate does it have, so as not to pass by and become a regret?

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