"Don't worry. I will make Zian happy all her life! I swear, I will be the best husband in the world and I will live up to her!"

The conversation between the two men finally came to an end at this moment. They seemed to have reached some consensus. They smiled at each other and cheered again. The atmosphere became relaxed and quiet again.


In the next period of time, Chu Nian and song Zian started the dog abuse mode, such as this scene.

There are flowers and ribbons at the door of Liu Heyan's quiet restaurant. It's not surprising. People have been advertising, proposing, marrying and breaking up here since before.

The restaurant also slowly took the light luxury route.

Looking at the two people hugging together, Liu Heyan felt his heart as if he had watched a hundred bitter movies and wanted to cry.

If you can, Liu Heyan really wants to cry well. It's time to clean up and start again after such a long time.

But he Tiantian, who is standing on one side, doesn't think so. Song Zian is really out of the way. If only she could disappear, would Chu Nian have his own place in his heart.

Chu Nian's hands are really beautiful. How can you hold song Zian, a bitch? Only yourself and I, he Tiantian, are the most suitable people for you.

But no matter how jealous and unwilling he Tiantian is in his heart, he is also interested. At present, this situation is really unbearable to destroy. If his eyes can turn into a substantive knife, song Zian may have died thousands of times.

He Tiantian is afraid that if she looks back, she will find a knife in the restaurant. The worst thing is to die together.

She defiled the male god in her heart. Damn it.

Liu Heyan seemed to notice something, turned his head and looked at he Tiantian's back and smiled bitterly.

Looking back, he had adjusted his expression, smiled, picked up a bright red and beautiful rose from the flower arrangement bottle on the table next to him, and walked to Chu Nian and song Zian.

"Congratulations! After so many years, I finally achieved the right result. I was too hasty to bring anything. I temporarily gave a rose to our beautiful, lovely, charming and generous Mrs. Chu." Liu Heyan slightly turned down to look like a knight, which made song Zian feel that the situation was harmonious and funny.

"He Yan, you're teasing me again."

"Well, don't do that. He Yan, let's have dinner together." Chu Nian's heart was bad and hooked song Zian's little finger. No one could have imagined that this serious and boring president Chu was so sullen in his heart.

"Forget it. I don't want to be a light bulb. Will Jiang Xiaoyun reward your brother Liu's face and go to dinner with your brother Liu?"

Liu Heyan hooked Jiang Yun's shoulder. The ruffian really didn't deserve to be beaten. Of course, Jiang Yun did so and gave Liu Heyan a kick. Fortunately, Jiang Yun thought that she would run around today without wearing high heels, otherwise I'm afraid Liu Heyan's feet might swell up.

"Such a big man, talk well and hook up." Jiang Yun separated from Liu Heyan and looked at him.

Their performance was in the eyes of Chu Nian and song Zian. They looked at each other and could see the smile. Song Zian squatted directly on the ground, and Chu Nian accompanied her. The smile in their eyes was even worse, but more were hooked out by song Zian.

Song Zian didn't know that she was like a fox happy after eating meat.

It was really out of control. Chu nianchong drowned and touched song Zian's head. He gently held song Zian's low face, and a dragonfly kiss fell on Song Zian's eyes and corners of his mouth.

Song Zian's ears were pink. He wanted to get up and persuade the two who were still fighting for right and wrong, but he was a little dizzy because of the lack of blood supply to the brain. Fortunately, Chu Nian timely surrounded her from her back to stand firm.

"Well, well, you two are not afraid of other people's jokes. Don't shirk it. We had an appointment today. Let's eat together. A Yun, call Jiang Yu and ask him to come over for dinner and kill your brother."

"Since zi'an said so, how can I leave? Xiao a Yun, you should call Jiang Yu quickly and let him come to dinner. The boy is very serious today. He asked me a lot of questions, and I'm afraid he might be another chunian in the future." Liu Heyan frowned when talking about Jiang Yu. Although he wants to start a career, he can't do it overnight, Be sure to persuade him later.

"OK, sister-in-law, do as you say and kill my brother." Jiang Yun was happy at the thought of making the big demon king pay, and even lied to Jiang Yu when he called.

"Jiang Yuyu, come to the restaurant for dinner. Yes, it's the restaurant. Brother pays for it. Come on, come on. Please pay attention to your safety when you come. Be careful of being detained by the police uncle ~"

"You know how to bully your brother. Fortunately, I don't care about you today. Otherwise, you'd better stay here and wash the dishes today." Chu Nian hugged song Zian and raised his mouth.

"Oh, it's amazing. Brother, you can't even joke. Alas, Liu Heyan, have you seen it? The power of love is really great. Call and call zi'an's little sister."

"Well, let's go. Aren't you hungry?" Song Zian took Chu Nian in his left hand and Jiang Yun in his right hand to the box.

Liu Heyan looked behind, wondering what he was thinking.

The lunch was spent in the sweetness of song Zian and Chu Nian, the happiness of Jiang Yun and Jiang Yu, and the bitterness of Liu Heyan.

After eating, several people drove away. Liu Heyan and Jiang Yu, Chu niannature and song Zian, and Jiang Yun pestered song Zian and Chu Nian.

"Don't make trouble with your sister-in-law. She's too tired recently. Let her have a good rest." Chu Nian looked in the rearview mirror. Song Zian's eyes were a little lax and sent a message to Jiang Yun in front of the green light.

"OK, I promise to finish the task." at the end, Jiang Yun added a lovely expression. She bent her eyes under her little yellow face, turned her mouth upward, and her cheeks were red. She was just as lovely as Jiang Yun when she was a child.

Chu Nian looked at it and smiled. This sister is still as likable as when she was a child. Even if she did something wrong, people can't bear to blame her.

Song Zian looked at the traffic outside the window. She was not awake. Her face was not afraid of pain on the glass window. Jiang Yun tilted her body and gently let her lie on her legs.

"Ann is fast asleep, isn't she? There's a blanket behind her. Cover her. Don't catch cold."

"Yes, yes, cover. I really have a daughter-in-law and forget my sister. It's too bad. It's too bad." because song Zian slept, they didn't speak loudly, so Chu Nian didn't hear what Jiang Yun said, but he also knew his sister's character. Smiled and shook his head.

"Sister Zian, sister Zian? Here, here." Jiang Yun gently shook song Zian.

"Hmm? Where have you been?" Song Zian rubbed it and asked in ignorance. It looked like a little milk cat just waking up.

"When I get to the company, oh, no, I have to go first, otherwise those people don't know what to say."

"What are you afraid of? My sister Chu Nian can't be bullied by outsiders. But it's right to be punctual. Hurry up, or I'll deduct your salary."

"Cheapskate, hum, I don't know how you found such a good girlfriend as sister Zi an." then he got off and walked quickly to the company.

"Why do you say that? Frighten ah Yun. I'm not afraid she'll take revenge on you." although song Zian's mind is clear, there is still some innocence in his eyes. Chu Nian is ready to move.

It seems that song Zian is aware of something. Song Zian also carries his satchel and kisses Chu Nian on the right face. He also pulls open and quickly gets off the bus, leaving Chu Nian alone in the car.

Looking at Song Zian's hurried back, Chu Nian smiled and made a little noise, like a cat when it was comfortable. His left hand touched song Zian's kiss, as if he wanted to touch something on it.

"Wait for me after work and I'll pick you up." Song Zian looked at his mobile phone sweetly and smiled. He stayed for a long time before slowly pressing the start button.

Song Zian knows that even if he doesn't reply to him, even if he tells him that he can go home, Chu Nian will wait for her downstairs. Of course, song Zian doesn't want to refuse. It's a hard time. It's sweet like honey. People want to stay in it. How can they bear to refuse.

At the thought of seeing Chu Nian in the evening, song Zian was full of energy.

Time flies unconsciously, which is a moment in Song Zian's eyes.

Looking at the black car in the distance, song Zian felt that his heart seemed to be filled with warm water, warm and not hot.

Quickly walked forward, opened the door and sat in the co driver's seat.

As soon as he thought that the destination of the car was his own home, song Zian felt a burst of happiness. There was no reason for this happiness. He just suddenly felt that he wanted to laugh, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

"What are you laughing at, silly girl? Have you met something fun in the company?" Chu Nian asked as she took down the Bluetooth headset stuffed in her ear with her right hand.

"I didn't meet any interesting things in the company, but I met you here at President Chu. President Chu wants to know what it is?" Song Zian played with Chu Nian's fingers on the central console, sometimes wrapped them in his hand, held them tightly, quickly released them and held them again.

"Oh? I met you here? When? Why don't I know."

"Just tell me if you want to know." Song Zian waved Chu Nian's hand.

"OK, OK, please tell me what's funny." Chu Nian took song Zian's left hand when she wanted to hold it.

"I was just thinking, oh, this car is driving to my house and my lover is driving. If time can be kept, I hope I can record it well. I am very happy at this moment." Song Zian looked at Chu Nian's side face and said slowly.

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