"Mr. Chu, you're looking for me." he Tiantian originally wanted to see Chu Nian today and pretend to be wronged, but at this time, he had no idea of pretending. He just secretly looked at Chu Nian.

"Please give me an explanation about what happened last night." Chu Nian basically had a complete understanding of this matter, but he couldn't help questioning he Tiantian, as if he couldn't believe that there were such people around him.

"Last night... Last night... Last night, you were drunk and you said you wanted to rest. I can only help you into the hotel room and let you rest first. As a result, you will... You will..."

He Tiantian's eyes turned a few times, and finally made up a long thought nonsense according to what he thought before.

"Oh? He Tiantian, I really didn't realize that you were like this. I checked with Mr. He this morning. There was no meeting last night. What did you instruct others to add to my coffee in the hotel? What else can I say after I fainted?"

Chu Nian was very angry at this time. Unexpectedly, he Tiantian's ability to tell lies with her eyes open was perfect.

"President Chu, President Chu, I didn't..."

He Tiantian totally didn't expect that Chu Nian knew all about her Kung Fu. He Tiantian thought that even if she did anything with Chu Nian's style, she could have an insight in advance, but she didn't expect Chu Nian to come up and catch the key.

"No? The surveillance image is right here, and you deny it."

Chu Nian gasped and thought in his mind how to deal with he Tiantian.

Although he Tiantian is really not a good woman, it is also a fact that Chu Nian has a relationship with he Tiantian. Chu Nian thinks he is also damn. Why didn't he take precautions in advance.

After thinking about it, Chu Nian took out the check, filled in a number, tore it off and put it on the table, and said, "take this money and go. Don't let me see you again in the future."

Chu Nian then turned his back and stopped looking at he Tiantian.

He Tiantian was only crying at this time. He thought he would receive the result today, but he didn't expect to be kicked out by Chu Nian.

He Tiantian quickly calculated in her mind. He Tiantian looked at Chu Nian's back and wanted to say something more, but she didn't know how to defend herself in front of the evidence. There was no way. He Tiantian had to pick up the check and go out in a gray way.

Back to his seat, he Tiantian's tears haven't stopped.

Seeing the movement, He Jing and a group of colleagues immediately gathered around and asked him what happened to Tian Tian. Even Susan cast a curious look.

But he Tiantian didn't say anything. Is it not enough to lose face? At this time, everything will become a stain on her. He Tiantian had to pack up her things silently and quickly and left Huangtian group.

The employees of Huangtian group are speculating about the reason why he Tiantian left suddenly, but there was no news before, so they have no clue.

He Jing was investigated by everyone because she was familiar with he Tiantian before.

"He Jing, why did he Tiantian suddenly leave?"

"I don't know!"

He Jing is also in a bad mood at this time. It is said that he Tiantian has been eating and drinking with him for a long time, but he Tiantian obviously doesn't treat her as a friend and doesn't tell her anything. He Jing didn't even see the omen before such a big thing happened.

We can't find out what to ask. We gradually lose interest and don't ask about He Jing anymore.

He Jing wants to contact he Tiantian to see what happened. As a result, he Tiantian turned off her mobile phone after she left Huangtian group. He Jing can't contact him no matter how she calls.

Chu Nian saw that he Tiantian finally left. He didn't hesitate for a moment. He was going to find song Zian.

Susan saw that he Tiantian had gone and didn't know what had happened, but she still had to work hard to do her part.

Susan took today's document and prepared to go to Chu Nian to review and sign it. Before she entered Chu Nian's office, she saw Chu Nian going out in a hurry.

"Mr. Chu, these documents are urgent and need your signature."

Susan was surprised and worried when she saw Chu Nian going out. She hurried to say.

"I'm in a hurry to go out. Take the important documents to President Jiang first for signature."

Chu Nian doesn't want to delay any longer at this time. She has found out the truth. Chu Nian just wants to let song Zian know quickly. Although Chu Nian knows that she is wrong, even if she explains it to song Zian, song Zian may not forgive herself, but Chu Nian still has to see song Zian as soon as possible. It can't be late for a minute.

Before Susan could react, she saw Chu Nian's back was getting farther and farther away.

She had to sigh secretly, and Susan agreed to re divide the documents on the breakup.

Chu Nian went to the hibiscus studio as fast as she could. In Song Zian's current state, she could only stay in the hibiscus studio and anesthetize herself with work. She was unwilling to do anything else.

Xiaoting saw Chu Nian come in in a hurry. She was very different in peace. She couldn't help feeling whether something had happened. Just wanted to inform song Zian, Chu Nian had already broken in.

Xiaoting shook her head slightly and did nothing more. After all, Chu Nian is not only the general manager of Huangtian group, but also song Zian's boyfriend, so Xiaoting still knows how to be measured.

"Zi'an," Chu Nian said eagerly when she entered song zi'an's office.

Seeing Chu Nian coming in, song Zian was in a very complicated mood. He didn't know what to say. He just raised his head and didn't make a sound.

"Zian, listen to me. I've found out that it's all he Tiantian's conspiracy. She lied first and said that President he of he's group asked me to have dinner at night. As a result, after I went, she drugged my coffee. After I drank it, I fainted, and she dragged me into the room.

This is the surveillance image of the hotel. If you don't believe it, take a look. "

Chu Nian said eagerly and raised the USB flash disk in his hand, hoping that song Zian would understand him immediately.

When song Zian heard Chu Nian's explanation, she didn't know how to feel. In fact, for song Zian, Chu Nian was very clear. Sometimes she might know Chu Nian better than Chu Nian herself. After all, she had spent so many years together. But Chu Nian's weakness, song Zian is also very clear that the lack of judgment and prevention of people's hearts is the reason for today's incident.

So although Chu Nian explained the whole story, song Zian's mood didn't get better after the rain. He just felt that he couldn't get through it.

What song Zian can't accept right now is the time when Chu Nian and he Tiantian were alone in bed. If Chu Nian didn't mean it, it can be easily passed.

Chu Nian saw that song Zian was still sad and didn't say anything. He became more worried. His face was full of eagerness and distress: "zi'an, can you forgive me this time? As long as you can forgive me, you can let me do anything, and I promise, I won't happen again. I won't have a relationship with any woman again. Believe me!"

Chu Nian made a promise incoherently. It seems that as long as song Zian's mood can get better at the moment, Chu Nian can do everything.

Song Zian looked at Chu Nian sadly, with a trace of helplessness and exploration in her eyes, as if she didn't know what to do.

Seeing Chu Nian trying so hard to guarantee now, song Zian only felt a burst of heartache. Is this still the very proud Chu Nian before?

After a burst of stunned, song Zian had to nod silently.

Chu Nian was very happy to see song Zian respond to him. She went to song Zian and hugged song Zian, as if she didn't know how to express her mood.

But song Zian's expression has always been very melancholy, because the scene of that night has been lingering in Song Zian's mind.

However, song Zian also knows that there is no way to change what has happened.

Chu Nian saw that song Zian was still in a bad mood although he forgave himself. He also knew that such a thing had happened. It took time for song Zian to recover, so he no longer insisted.

Chu Nian was just thinking about how to coax song Zian faster, and instantly felt that his brain was not enough.

"Brother Chu Nian, don't you go back to work?" Song Zian saw Chu Nian carefully in front of his eyes. He felt very uncomfortable. He couldn't help but want chu Nian to go back first.

Chu Nian wanted to spend more time with song Zian, but seeing song Zian's mood, he had to agree first.

Song Zian paralyzed himself with work all day and went home at night.

Chu Nian has been busy with song Zian's Affairs recently. She has a lot to deal with at work. She doesn't even bother to pick up song Zian from work.

Yang Lele and song Yimin worried about song Zian's state yesterday.

When song Zian got home in the evening, Yang Lele and song Yimin were already waiting for song Zian at home.

Seeing song Zian coming back, Yang Lele hurried forward and asked, "Zi an, how are you coming back?"

When song Zian heard Yang Lele's headless words, he immediately understood what he meant.

Seeing that Yang Lele and song Yimin are very worried, song Zian, who is much better, feels very guilty. Yang Lele and song Yimin are always frightened because of their emotional problems.

"Mom, I have nothing to worry about. You and Dad don't have to worry about it." Song Zian grinned and showed a very normal smile.

"It's all right. It's all right. Zian, what happened last night?"

Yang Lele saw that song Zian's mood had been much better today. His hanging heart couldn't help falling down, but Yang Lele was still very curious about what happened last night.

Looking at the performance of Chu Nian and Liu Heyan last night, Yang Lele has roughly guessed that this matter must be related to Chu Nian, but Yang Lele doesn't fully know what happened.

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