Chu Nian felt that there was no good in this stalemate, so he had to quickly say, "he Tiantian, I have given you a sum of money. We have made it clear. Don't come to me again. I don't want to see you again."

Chu Nian then turned and left. His tone was very strict, as if he didn't look up to he Tiantian at all.

He Tiantian was stunned on the spot and completely lost the courage to say anything. It seems that he never thought Chu Nian would refuse so much.

Still hesitating on the spot, Chu Nian had returned to the car, started the car and left without hesitation.

He Tiantian's tears seemed to freeze at this time, leaving only a sad face, like complaining about Chu Nian.

Chu Nian was in a good mood on his way back to Huangtian group. He felt very upset at the thought of he Tiantian's crying face.

For he Tiantian, Chu Nian thought it would be better if she never saw her again.

After returning to Huangtian group, Chu Nian just sat in the office and saw Susan come in with a pile of documents.

Since he Tiantian left, Chu Nian's secretary was only Susan, so Susan's work suddenly increased.

And worse than before, Chu Nian used to work overtime in Huangtian group every day, but now Chu Nian is devoted to falling in love and basically checks the business of Huangtian group. A lot of work falls on Susan.

Susan is more and more miserable. The heavy work pressure, coupled with a less worried boss, makes Susan constantly want to put down her work and have a good rest.

Fortunately, though Chu Nian is a little more leisurely than before, he still has a good grasp of the general direction. Susan also experienced great progress during this period, and gradually began to take charge of herself.

That day, as soon as Chu Nian got off work, he went to the hibiscus studio to find song Zian. Every night, Chu Nian arranges all kinds of activities in different ways. Chu Nian and song Zian often have a great time. When they get home, it's midnight.

As soon as Chu Nian arrived at the hibiscus studio, she walked towards song Zian's office.

But Chu Nian saw song Zian and Liu Heyan in Song Zian's office.

Chu Nian was surprised. For Liu Heyan, Chu Nian's mood was also very complex.

If it hadn't been for Liu Heyan's help, Chu Nian didn't find out he Tiantian's true face so quickly. He wouldn't have coaxed song Zian so soon.

Moreover, although Chu Nian and Liu Heyan are rivals in love, Liu Heyan is definitely a real man and has always had a fair fight. Even for he Tiantian around Chu Nian, Liu Heyan saw he Tiantian's bad intentions early in the morning and reminded Chu Nian several times.

"He Yan, you are!"

Chu Nian pretends to say hello to Liu Heyan easily. For Liu Heyan, Chu Nian's mood has always been very complicated.

"Well, I'm here."

Liu Heyan was not in a good mood when he saw Chu Nian coming.

For Liu Heyan, although he has decided to respect song Zian's idea and told himself to put it down. The beauty of a gentleman is the beauty of being a man, Liu Heyan always has some itching in his heart and can't help but want to see song Zian.

Before coming to song Zian, Liu Heyan was ready to meet Chu Nian, but for Liu Heyan, he kept saying that it was better not to meet him as much as possible. After all, seeing it was also a harm to Liu Heyan.

However, it seems that nagging never works. Liu Heyan goes to song Zian's office before he sees Chu Nianlai. If he didn't know that coincidence would happen frequently in the world, Liu Heyan would really doubt whether Chu Nian had installed an alarm here in Song Zian.

"He Yan, are you here?"

Chu Nian saw that Liu Heyan agreed, as if he didn't know how to go on, so he had to continue to chat.

"I came here to find Zian, of course. Otherwise, what am I doing here?"

Liu Heyan looked at Chu Nian and was very angry at this time. After all, as a man, letting go is a kind of bearing, but there are always some face problems in his heart.

"Oh, OK." Chu Nian looked at Liu Heyan as if he had a problem with himself. In view of Liu Heyan's great help before, Chu Nian didn't take it to heart at this time.

Song Zian saw that after Chu read it, the two had been bickering. He couldn't help laughing and said, "what's the matter with you two? You can't get along well."

Liu Heyan glanced at Song Zian and seemed to feel very boring. He turned his face to one side like a child.

At this time, Liu Heyan's heart was a little broken. Song Zian was obviously helping Chu Nian when he spoke at this time. He must have thought that Chu Nian had the upper hand. Song Zian helped Chu Nian.

However, Liu Heyan felt sour when he thought so. He couldn't help asking himself what he was doing? Why do good people come here, stimulated by these two people? Knowing that song Zian is falling in love with Chu Nian at the moment, it is estimated that there will be no benefit except sour eyes.

However, although Liu Heyan thought so, his ass was like a nail. He sat firmly and didn't move. It seems that even if you are abused, you should take a good look at Song Zian.

Chu Nian looked at the scene and became a little embarrassed. Song Zian's face was also a little embarrassed. Chu Nian had to say, "He Yan, let's go to dinner later. We haven't had dinner together for a long time."

Chu Nian and Liu Heyan have not been in contact once or twice. For song Zian, they are used to seeing and breaking moves. However, for song Zian's happiness, it is the common wish of the two people, so Chu Nian takes Liu Heyan more as a brother and a friend than a love enemy at the beginning.

"Well, if you don't go, you won't go." Liu Heyan didn't know what was wrong with his mouth, as if he had been saying something against his heart.

Clearly knew that it was also abusing the dog, but his mouth was connected immediately.

Song Zian has been observing Liu Heyan's reaction. Seeing Liu Heyan's expression of regret after he promised, he couldn't help laughing and was very happy.

Song Zian's feelings for Liu Heyan have always been like his brother. Seeing that Liu Heyan can coexist peacefully with Chu Nian is song Zian's wish.

Chu Nian saw that Liu Heyan agreed. Song Zian smiled and was relieved. He asked, "what do you want to eat? I'll book a hotel."

"Eat whatever you like. Don't be so formal." Song Zian perked up when he saw that Chu Nian wanted to eat the three people's dinner as a business banquet.

Recently, song Zian's work is also busy, and he has been tired of attending all kinds of formal occasions, so when he is resting, he always wants to be simple, how to come at will.

"OK! I agree with zi'an. Be simple. Zi'an, what do you want to eat? I'll find it." Liu Heyan seems to deliberately oppose Chu Nian. Seeing that Chu Nian's proposal was refuted by song Zian, he is in a good mood immediately. It seems that as long as he can see Chu Nian eat flat, Liu Heyan has the motivation to act.

Song Zian, who was thinking, saw Liu Heyan's face suddenly coming up. He was a little embarrassed. He glanced at Chu Nian and found that Chu Nian didn't care and didn't say anything anymore.

Song Zian suddenly found that the two people may continue to get along with each other in an extremely delicate relationship.

Before Song Zian chose between Liu Heyan and Chu Nian, although he finally chose Chu Nian, song Zian still felt sorry for Liu Heyan. It was not a pity to give up this relationship, but that Mingming could be a good friend and a great partner. It would be a pity if he died of old age and didn't contact each other in the future because of this past.

However, looking at the current state of Liu Heyan and Chu Nian, song Zian suddenly found that the three people can get along in a new way, that is, Liu Heyan can simply be a friend and a brother.

I just don't know if Liu Heyan will be wronged? Song Zian kept turning his head and thought. It seems that the most important thing now is to help Liu Heyan find a suitable and worthy person, so that he is no longer alone and can have his love.

The three people were generally discussing the fight. Young quarrels and laughter came from Song Zian's office from time to time, which surprised the employees outside the door. We all knew more or less that Liu Heyan and Chu Nian were enemies of each other. We thought Liu Heyan and Chu Nian were going to have a big war, but we didn't expect to get along in harmony so soon.

We can't help but feel that the feelings of these bosses are really different from ordinary people. You ordinary people are only suitable to have a look.

The three finally decided to go to vegetarian fast. Because song Zian has a general appetite recently, has a stomach disease again, and is a little tired of greasy, Chu Nian and Liu Heyan naturally have no second words, so they all have to accommodate song Zian.

During the meal, Chu Nian is now Song Zian's boyfriend, but it is not Chu Nian's privilege to boo song Zian.

Liu Heyan always acts according to his own ideas. If he wants to cook for song Zian, he will. If he wants to stand beside song Zian, he will stand beside song Zian. It seems that he deliberately makes Chu Nian ugly.

But Chu Nian didn't care, just smiled foolishly.

If it had been in the past, Chu Nian would have been furious and fought back, but Chu Nian still knows Liu Heyan very well.

If Liu Heyan wanted to sneak in or play tricks, Chu Nian would have done nothing for a long time.

Sometimes, the more provocative you are in the open, the more honest you may be.

After thinking about this clearly, Chu Nian is too lazy to care about Liu Heyan's behavior. He just looks at it lazily. Sometimes he returns to the corners of his mouth and just lets Liu Heyan vent.

But song Zian obviously doesn't look as open as Chu Nian. Every time Liu Heyan is a little intimate, song Zian is always very nervous for fear that Chu Nian is generally angry.

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