Chu Nian should be he Tiantian's.

He Tiantian's heart is unwilling. He tries his best to get Chu Nian back! But what can we do? He Tiantian kept thinking in her heart.

These days, he Tiantian basically didn't do anything. He slept and ate in his small room every day. All his ideological activities revolved around how to open song Zian and Chu Nian and let Chu Nian be with himself.

He Tiantian, who is in a daze in the house, suddenly receives a call from He Jing.

"Sweet, what are you doing?"

After he Tiantian left, He Jing thought that her colleagues had become friends, so she always called he Tiantian out to relax, but he Tiantian was not in the mood most of the time.

"At home."

He Tiantian talks feebly, as if she has no soul.

"Come out and have dinner together. I haven't seen you for a long time."

He Jing recently saw the news about Chu Nian and song Zian. It's estimated that he Tiantian's mood can't be better.

"I don't want to go." he Tiantian refused He Jing's invitation more and more simply and directly.

"Let's go. I know you're in a bad mood. I specially invite you to eat some delicious tonic." He Jing still doesn't give up.

He Tiantian also wants to refuse. When he Jing mentions that she is in a bad mood, her mind suddenly turns and thinks that although she has been driven out by Huangtian group, He Jing is still in Huangtian group and may have some new news.

"All right."

After he Tiantian thought it over, she agreed immediately.

It's not easy to dress yourself up again. He Tiantian looks a little swollen after days of self abandonment.

He Jing sees he Tiantian, and even if he is a man, his father and mother always say that he Tiantian can live as long as he Tiantian finds an honest and willing man. He Tiantian always thought later that it was because his father and mother had never been serious in big cities and had never seen a man who often talked about tens of millions of business. Such a man was not only rich and powerful, but also extremely linked to the level of taste and status.

Seeing such a man, let he Tiantian go back to a small place, find a place a few feet square, and live with a man with a big belly. He Tiantian feels that she might as well be alone.

After thinking about it, he Tiantian realized for the first time that she couldn't go back. It's like walking on a single wooden bridge. You can only move forward, not backward.

For Chu Nian, he Tiantian seems unwilling to put it down since the moment he Tiantian puts it in her heart. He Tiantian feels that no matter how much effort it takes, she should try to the end. Chu Nian, for he Tiantian, is the one who wants everything.

After thinking about it, he Tiantian doesn't hesitate.

He quickly sat up from bed, washed his face and looked at himself in the mirror. Obviously, he didn't have much time, but he looked haggard.

Secretly warned himself that he can't go on like this. Beauty is a weapon for a woman to survive at any time.

He Tiantian spent a lot of time to clean up her yellowish face. Let your young face glow with new vitality.

He Tiantian decides to start tonight. If you get pregnant as soon as possible, you can have a showdown with Chu Nian as soon as possible.

For Chu Nian and song Zian, he Tiantian doesn't want them to be bored all day. I always feel that with the passage of time, Chu Nian will love song Zian more deeply, which he Tiantian doesn't want to see.

Finally, in the evening, he Tiantian made up heavily and almost didn't recognize herself. Big waves, thick eyeliner, glamorous eye shadow, flashing skin and bright red lips, she is basically a real nightclub girl.

As if it was intentional, he Tiantian painted all kinds of cosmetics on her face layer by layer. There was a faint voice in her heart saying that as long as she painted more layers, she would not be he Tiantian, or the original he Tiantian.

After painting her face makeup, he Tiantian rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, took out all the clothes she had bought in recent years, and found one of the most exposed. He Tiantian once bought it and never wore it out because it was too short, but today is different. He Tiantian needs such a dress and needs to meet the right person at the first time.

Looking at herself in the mirror, he Tiantian is quite satisfied.

The high ball head can't see the thick and colorful facial features.

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