But before Song Zian thought much, he heard Yang Lele's hearty laughter: "ha ha, let's go with your father. Just wait at home and wait for Chu Nian to pick you up."

When Yang Lele finished, he urged song Yimin to leave. Song Yimin only knows how silly song Zian is. He doesn't realize how embarrassed song Zian is now.

Song Zian felt for the first time that the so-called married daughter, the water poured out, is expected to be a true portrayal of himself soon.

Song Zian wanted to say something more, but he only saw the back of Yang Lele and song Yimin leaving hand in hand, so he had to give up.

As soon as Yang Lele and song Yimin left the door, Yang Lele said mysteriously to song Yimin: "Yimin, I was right. Do you think our silly girl was shy?"

Yang Lele didn't feel that Chu Nian robbed song Zian at all. He just felt full of joy and spoke with cadence.

"You, you still say that, knowing that our daughter is thin skinned, you are not afraid that our daughter will blame you!" Song Yimin gave Yang Lele a spoiled look.

Before, because Chu Nian and song Zian's feelings were not very clear, Yang Lele didn't worry less. Song Yimin, who was watching, also felt worried. Now he finally got the result he wanted most. Song Yimin couldn't help feeling relaxed.

"What are you afraid of? I just feel happy. Yimin, think about it. How many years have Zian liked Chu Nian?" Yang Lele sighed deeply, and his words showed deep love for song Zian.

"Hey, this, where can I make it clear that our son an is really..."

As song Yimin said, there was a sense of choking. It seemed that song Zian should have been happy and happy for her long time. At this moment, harmony came too late.

Yang Lele and song Yimin seem to have a relaxed dialogue, because they suddenly become a little heavy when they think of song Zian's years. Yang Lele and song Yimin don't want to complain about Chu Nian, but they all deeply understand a truth, that is, emotionally, it can't be said who pays more, who gets more, and who owes who. It's just one willing to fight and one willing to suffer

In those days, Chu Ning and Jiang Yunxian, Yang Lele and song Yimin, and now Song Zian and Chu Nian are all like this

Yang Lele and song Yimin set out. Song Zian looked at the sound of the car downstairs and quickly remembered important things.

That's what song Zian is wearing tonight? This is song Zian's major event at present. Chu Ning has always praised song Zian's excellent clothes and good dress. Compared with girls of the same age, song Zian is knowledgeable, reasonable, gentle and elegant. Chu Ning has always asked song Zian to take Jiang Yun, saying that Jiang Yun is like a tomboy who doesn't have an idea.

At that time, song Zian always laughed and joked, saying that Jiang Yun just didn't arrive. When she wanted to bloom, she must be the most beautiful little princess in the world.

At that time, although Jiang Yun was always frank, after listening to song Zian's evaluation, she ran away for the first time.

Song Zian didn't care how long he thought about it, so he hurried back to reality again.

Girls have a characteristic, that is, the more others praise, the greater the pressure in their hearts, like to take advantage of this praise, more like to continue this praise.

Walking to his cloakroom, song Zian was worried. Because there were many misunderstandings with Chu Nian before, song Zian basically focused on his work and didn't pay close attention to the new products released by the fashion festival at all. Many clothes in the wardrobe had been added before.

However, thanks to Yang Lele and song Yimin going first, there are still some advantages. At least when Yang Lele is not at home, he won't let Yang Lele laugh at himself.

Song Zian felt a burst of happiness in his heart, took a deep breath and immediately began the intensive search process.

Slightly annoyed, song Zian really didn't want to appear in front of the Jiang family. It was a bit of miscalculation.

Song Zian glanced at the time on the bracelet. Chu Nian had set out for a while. If there was no traffic jam, he should arrive at Song's house soon.

But looking at the way he was still wearing home clothes, song Zian felt that he was really living more and more backward. How could he meet people like this?

When song Zian was depressed and didn't know how to solve it, song Zian's phone rang.

You don't have to think about it. Chu must have read it! Song Zian felt that clearly a meal should be a harmonious and happy family dinner, but he just let himself tangle to this point.

Song Zian is ready to choose one at will and wear it. Since he can't satisfy himself, he has to retreat and ask for the second place.

But what the phone shows is not Chu Nian, but Yang Lele!

Did Yang Lele and song Yimin forget something? Afraid that Yang Lele and song Yimin were worried, song Zian quickly connected the phone.

"Hey, mom, what's the matter? Did you forget something?" Song Zian's voice sounded normal.

"Ha ha, no, by the way, Zian, there's a new skirt in my room. Go and see if you like it. If you like it, put it on!"

Yang Lele's voice at this time sounds like a blast! Song Zian thinks Yang Lele is the most intimate and warm mother in the world! I know almost every step of song Zian's mind and needs.

"Hey!" happily agreed. Song Zian hung up the phone and passed his good mood to Yang Lele at the other end of the phone.

Yang Lele smiled helplessly at Song Yimin. For their daughter, they seemed to have no way to pursue perfection and love smelly beauty. They only spoiled her indefinitely.

Just inadvertently, Yang Lele thought that the daughter she and song Yimin have been doting on should be handed over to Chu Nian. Song Zian's every thought, I don't know whether Chu Nian can know as well as her mother and meet her at the first time? Thinking of this, Yang Lele suddenly had some melancholy, but song Yimin didn't see it.

Song Zian hung up and happily entered Yang Lele's room.

Sure enough, I saw an elegant skirt lying quietly in front of song Zian. It seems that song Zian likes pure colors. Yang Lele chose a lake blue one. It looks gentle as water, but it is elegant, quiet and chic.

I was moved. Song Zian didn't delay. After all, Chu Nian might be not far from Song's house.

Quickly put on the skirt and carefully braid the hair behind your head. A fresh and lovely little princess appeared in the mirror in an instant.

Song Zian still trusts and likes Yang Lele's vision. After all, song Zian's aesthetics are mostly influenced by Yang Lele since childhood. Although there will be some differences when they grow up, the attitude of mutual respect between Yang Lele and song Zian makes them a rare mother and daughter.

Sure enough, song Zian had just cleaned up when he received a call from Chu Nian. Chu Nian had been waiting downstairs at the Song family.

With his small bag, song Zian set out happily. Standing in front of Chu Nian, he smiled and smiled for a moment, which made Chu Nian feel numb.

Song Zian suddenly felt that happiness had just come. It seems that everything that happens to him is relaxed and not so easy to get. Song Zian doesn't want to cherish it, nor does it end with painstaking efforts. It just makes song Zian get what he just wants when he is just right. There may be times of depression in the process, but when the result comes, I really can't help laughing.

On the way, Chu Nian stayed for a long time and didn't speak. Song Zian started the conversation first: "brother Chu Nian, what's the matter with you?"

"No, nothing, zi'an, I just found you very beautiful." Chu Nian praised sincerely. Chu Nian suddenly found that song zi'an had been with him for many years, but as a man, Chu Nian seemed to have never seriously stung song zi'an and looked at him carefully. It seemed that she had a feeling of no disrespect and would always give herself some restrictions in her heart.

Now, song Zian has become Chu Nian's girlfriend. Chu Nian seems to have suddenly got some permission to look up and down song Zian and think about it. This makes Chu Nian feel that her whole body is suddenly hot and dry.

Song Zian doesn't think he is a very shy girl, but such words come from Chu Nian's mouth. Song Zian really feels shy.

Along the way, Chu Nian and song Zian seem to have developed a tacit understanding. They are silent, but they are not quarreling, but both of them are experiencing the beauty of silence and let that feeling spread wantonly between them.

Yang Lele and song Yimin went one step ahead of song Zian and Chu nianjiang.

As soon as Yang Lele entered the door, he began to call Chu Ning. Chu Ning saw Yang Lele and song Yimin coming. Naturally, she was very happy. She happily took Yang Lele's hand and kept talking.

"Chu Ning, you know what? I can't stand these two little guys. You say it's so far away. Chu Nian has to pick up Zian. What's this? It's a naked show of love!"

Although song Zian is Yang Lele's daughter, Yang Lele is in a good mood at this time. He doesn't care whether song Zian will complain about Yang Lele's words when he learns later.

"Ha ha, isn't it! You say you two are too. Since Chu Nian has gone, let him pick you up together!"

Chu Ning was a little happy at this time. The two families, who were already infinitely close, thought that something could not be solved by one meal and one phone call, but the relationship between Chu Nian and song Zian has been grinding the two families for so many years.

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