He Tiantian stepped on her pair of big red high heels about 12 cm high and was about to turn around and walk away, but she happened to face the gloomy face of Liu Heyan behind her.

Liu Heyan? Why is Liu Heyan here? No, No. Liu Heyan didn't happen to see what he was like just now. No, would he tell the story? no way! I will never let anyone ruin my plan! He Tiantian thought hard in her heart.

Liu Heyan was also angry at this time. He had been ready to leave, but when he stepped out of the door, he found he Tiantian hiding secretly. After he Tiantian drugged Chu Nian last time, he hated he Tiantian to the extreme in his heart. Such an unscrupulous woman had the cheek to appear here.

He Tiantian was still flustered, but suddenly remembered that Liu Heyan liked song Zian before? At the right time, he wants Chu Nian and he wants song Zian. If he catches the line of Liu Heyan, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Thinking like this, he Tiantian hooked her lips, gently put her hand on Liu Heyan's shoulder, put it close to his ear, and said in a tone that she thought was extremely sexy: "ah Yan, don't you like song Zian, let's break up song Zian and Chu Nian together, and then you take song Zian, I want to go to Chu Nian, how about?" besides, Liu Heyan is also good-looking, Although he didn't have a relationship with Chu Nian, Liu Heyan seems to be good if you think about it carefully.

Liu Heyan pushed him away without hesitation. Listening to her words, he couldn't help disgusting. He knew he Tiantian didn't want to be shameless. He didn't expect to be so shameless. He shouted, "do you think everyone has the same snake and scorpion heart as you! Get out!"

He Tiantian took some effort to stand firm after Liu Heyan pushed her away. She didn't expect Liu Heyan, a famous gentleman, to treat her like this. Although the heart is not forked, but the face is not obvious, but also shows an extremely pitiful look: "how can you treat me like this, a woman, you are still not a man."

Liu Heyan couldn't help rolling his eyes and couldn't treat such a shameless woman with an ordinary heart. He took two steps back without giving he Tiantian any mercy, and his dislike was self-evident.

Even though he Tiantian had planned to use him, he was very angry at this time. There are such ignorant men in this world.

Liu Heyan disgruntled and left the corners of his mouth. He didn't need to show mercy to such a vicious woman.

He said fiercely to he Tiantian, "listen to me! Don't think I can't see what you want to do here. I warn you, song Zian is not someone you can touch, and Chu Nian is not worthy of you! If you really do something to frame song Zian, the consequences are definitely not what he Tiantian can bear."

Liu Heyan's tone is dangerous. Even if he Tiantian is several meters away from him, he Tiantian is also a little flustered at this time, but his face is not obvious.

"People like you don't deserve to live in the world. If you dare to destroy the relationship between Song Zian and Chu Nian, I will never forgive you." that tone is too dangerous. He Tiantian is really afraid that Liu Heyan will pull her down from her current position in the next second.

He Tiantian slightly clenched her hands and almost pulled her nails into her palm. He Tiantian put away her almost uncontrollable emotion and smiled at him, "what can I do?"

Liu Heyan still doesn't believe in this woman. When the dog is anxious, she will jump over the wall. Who knows if she will do anything unfavorable to Zian.

He narrowed his eyes slightly. "I can't do anything better. If you are bad for song Zian, I will make you regret it." Liu Heyan was impatient. He glanced at her and turned to leave.

He Tiantian looked at Liu Heyan leaving with a smile. The corners of her mouth strangely recalled that she would not do anything to that cheap woman. She just wanted to get back what she should have.

He turned around, stepped on high heels, twisted the snake's waist, walked back step by step and sat in the house. He Tiantian suddenly felt a little anxious.

There are several bags of instant noodles on the table. He Tiantian is a little upset and sweeps them directly to the ground. Why can that woman get Chu Nian's love? She can't.

With a slight cold hum, ah, Chu Nian will change her mind when she has a child! At that time, this man and those rich lives will be their own.

With a ferocious expression on his face and a terrible smile, he grabbed the card on the table and looked at it for a while.

No, not enough recently, not enough. She has to work harder to conceive the baby as soon as possible, so Chu Nian won't be suspicious. Otherwise, the day is wrong, and she can't explain it.

Thinking of that woman, he Tiantian only felt that every cell in her body was shouting dissatisfaction. If it weren't for her, she would be abandoned by Chu Nian.

Her eyes narrowed. She wanted to do something to the woman, peel her skin and drink her blood, but now she can't do anything.

It's a little late now. He Tiantian takes off the clothes she's been wearing for a day and throws them aside. When she returns to Chu Nian, she must change some of the most popular clothes. She doesn't disdain to wear these inferior goods.

After looking at the card on the table, she will choose some more attractive clothes tomorrow. Otherwise, those men who only think by their lower body will not look at her.

Put on the pajamas, walk to the bathroom, take out a bag of facial mask, tear the bag, gently apply to the face, her face is the most important weapon, but good maintenance is the only thing, hum, Song Zian, wait and see, there is a day when you cry!

The next morning, Jiang Yun went to song Zian with her bag. When she arrived at her door, she raised her hand and directly began to knock on the door.

She made an appointment with her sister-in-law an to go shopping today.

On the other hand, he Tiantian also just woke up and struggled to get up bleary eyed. He immediately cleaned himself up and specially painted a very rich makeup, which made her more demon charming.

He looked in the mirror with satisfaction and then turned to pick out clothes. The clothes in the cabinet were a little old, but they were actually just bought. He Tiantian was not satisfied with the price of these clothes from the bottom of her heart.

After frowning and picking for a long time, she finally picked out a dress that could be seen in the eyes. She showed her shoulders slightly, just enough to show her round snow-white shoulders.

Looking at herself with exquisite and enchanting makeup, he Tiantian showed a confident smile around her mouth. She must be pregnant as soon as possible so that Chu Nian could marry her.

Turned to the living room and picked up the card on the table. Her eyes were suddenly gloomy. If it wasn't for the woman, she didn't have to do this. Someone sent it before she said anything.

His subordinates clenched consciously and smiled. The card had a lot of money. She directly took the card to buy clothes. In this way, she could hook up with those men, although it was disgusting at first.

But men are the same. As long as they endure these days, her good days will come.

Go to the door, take out a pair of shoes with 10 cm high heels, bend down and put them on. Women still wear more enchanting clothes to attract men's eyes.

After deducting for a long time, she changed the old shoes. Her eyes were even more gloomy. She must take back all her own shoes.

Picked up the bag hanging on the wall, narrowed his eyes slightly, opened the door and walked out confidently.

Walking out of the door of the community, I remembered that I hadn't had breakfast today. I frowned slightly. Forget it, I'll lose weight and don't eat.

Raise your hand to greet the taxi. After waiting for a long time, a car slowly drove over.

He Tiantian opened the car and went in. The sour smell from the car made her frown. What's the smell.

The driver looked at the expression of the woman behind him and scratched his head with some embarrassment. "I'm sorry, miss. A guest got carsick just now. I haven't come yet and cleaned up too much. Why don't you see, you change one?"

He Tiantian held back her discomfort and shook her head slightly, "master, drive."

I don't know how long it will take to wait for another one. Her home is a little remote. Song Zian, all this is thanks to you. Without you.

He Tiantian's obsession in her eyes is deeper. She will never stop until she gets Chu Nian. Anyway, that position can only be hers.

Her hands are tightly clenched and her eyes are filled with deep resentment. She must get pregnant quickly so that she can get close to Chu Nian.

Tell him that the child is his. I believe Chu Nian won't care about her own child. At that time, she will be able to impress Chu Nian again.

As for the fox spirit, hum, we'll see! Song Zian!

The car drove very slowly. I don't know how long it took before it reached the downtown. He Tiantian endured the impulse of vomiting all the way. She took out a few tickets from her wallet and threw them directly to the driver. Her thin lips gently opened, "don't look for them."

Then he raised his neck and walked out with some pride, like a white swan, but he didn't know where this pride came from.

Soon, he Tiantian arrived at her destination.

He Tiantian looked at it in the clothing store and couldn't decide which clothes to buy. He asked the clerk to take this one down and try it. He didn't think it was very good-looking and couldn't match his brilliance. So he asked the clerk to take another one down and try it, but he felt too gaudy.

The clerk kept a gentle professional smile. After handing over clothes one after another and cleaning up clothes one after another, the smile on her face finally couldn't hang, but because of her professional education, she couldn't say anything. Finally, the smile on her face became lighter and lighter. She asked quite helplessly, "miss, which dress do you want to buy?"

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