At this time, it was a pure accident to see he Tiantian here. Song Zian looked around for a week and found that the clerks gathered together, and the store manager came out. He felt that something had happened, but song Zian insisted on leaving space for people. She nodded and smiled at he Tiantian in response to he Tiantian calling her name. The past has passed, let it pass, and he Tiantian has also been punished, so she will no longer be investigated.

Jiang Yun doesn't like he Tiantian. Remembering what happened because of her before, Jiang Yun wants to tear he Tiantian up so that she can never appear around her brother and sister-in-law again. The best thing is to let your brother and sister-in-law live happily all the time.

Jiang Yun takes an impatient step forward, blocks he Tiantian's gaze at Song Zian, frowns and says to he Tiantian.

"I'm such a living man. Can't you see me here now? What are you yelling at my sister-in-law?"

Jiang Yun disdainfully raised the corners of her mouth and continued.

"Some people should see their identity clearly. They shouldn't ask for what they shouldn't have. They can't grab it. Moreover, it's ugly. It's really rubbish."

Then Jiang Yun turned and took song Zian's hand and said intimately, "this is my sister-in-law. What kind of wild cat and wild dog can be, sister-in-law, you too. What kind of face do you want for such people."

Song Zian pinches Jiang Yun's hand and indicates that she is OK. Jiang Yun winks at Song Zian playfully and smiles mischievously.

He Tiantian trembled angrily. She stretched out her finger and pointed to the direction of Jiang Yun and song Zian, staring wide.

"You..." I couldn't say anything for a moment.

Jiang Yun smiled and said.

"I'm afraid I don't have Parkinson's disease? Ah, I can't even speak well, but I have to go to the hospital quickly. I don't know if you have money to go to the hospital after you just lost your job. If you don't have money... Miss Ben won't help you."

He Tiantian grits her teeth angrily. She feels that Jiang Yun doesn't pay attention to her, but she can't do anything. She has to think twice before refuting.

If... If you marry Chu Nian

Thinking about this, he Tiantian couldn't help staring at Song Zian again.

Jiang Yun sees he Tiantian and stares at Song Zian. She stomps her feet and wants to say something. Finally, song Zian stops her.

"Forget it, ignore her, good."

Jiang Yun nodded obediently, glanced at he Tiantian, turned around and looked at his clothes with song Zian.

The clerks and store managers on one side were very happy to see such a big play. They also heard a lot of interesting information from it. For example, the previously naughty woman seems to have an unreasonable desire for the boyfriend of the very good-looking man, and she seems to have done something. And the woman seems to have lost her job and her source of income.

The store manager stepped forward and motioned to he Tiantian for her men's clothes that had been pinched and wrinkled by her because she was so angry just now.

"Miss He, please let go."

He Tiantian didn't react and released her hand. The store manager picked up her clothes and looked carefully.

The snow-white clothes are soaked and wrinkled by sweat. The material of this clothes is special. I'm afraid it will leave traces. It can't be sold. If you sell it, you can't sell it at the original price.

The store manager frowned. It is reasonable to say that he should compensate he Tiantian. After all, she made the dress like this, but take a look at he Tiantian. I don't want anyone who will pay compensation well. I'm afraid something will happen. Well, it's a big deal. Even if you lose this dress, take the money to buy peace.

Song Zian, who has been quiet, saw the store manager's expression and the folds of his clothes. Song Zian knew the material of this kind of clothes, so she went up to pick up the dress in the store manager's hand and said to the clerk, "wrap this one up and I'll take it."

The store manager was surprised, and then came gratitude. But he was determined to refuse.

"Thank you, but still..."

"Don't refuse. This matter has something to do with us. We can't let your store bear this loss..." Song Zian smiled gently.

"No, no, no, it's too..."

"Oh, oh, don't refuse." Jiang Yun waved aside and pointed to many clothes in the store. They are the best clothes in the store. Several are still limited edition. "Let's just buy it together. Please wrap up these clothes I mean."

Jiang Yun said, took out a card from her wallet and handed it over. The clerk was slightly surprised to see the card, and then went to check out more respectfully.

Song Zian, who also wants to pay with a card, is stopped by Jiang Yun.

"Yunyun, I can't let you pay..."

"It's okay, it's okay. This is my brother's card. Shouldn't he buy you something?"

Hearing this, song Zian blushed slightly, but he no longer insisted. Let Jiang Yun pay the money, tell the clerk where to send it home, and then pull her to the next place.

Jiang Yun glanced at he Tiantian and snorted coldly before leaving.

"Hum, it's cheap to be with such people."

He Tiantian watched them buy so many clothes. Her eyes were straight and filled with jealousy. She struggled to afford a piece of clothes. They easily bought a lot! This one, that one, and that one, she liked but gave up because it was too expensive. As a result, they bought it so easily now!

Song Zian, this woman! It's shameless to spend Chu Nian's money.

He Tiantian stamped her feet with hatred. What Jiang Yun said when she left embarrassed her even more. She turned around with an ugly face and saw the look of the clerk. She couldn't help blushing when she remembered that she had just lost such a big person. But she still had to buy clothes. Finally, under the gaze of the clerk, she hurried to buy a dress and then flew away.

With the lights on, there are more and more cars on the street. The traffic is still busy, the flash lights shine on the city, and the city is more and more shining at night. He Tiantian walked on the road, wearing a black low cut lace skirt. Her sexy clothes lined her graceful figure. Pedestrians on the road looked at her one after another, showing different eyes, some desire and some disgust. He Tiantian doesn't care about these eyes, ignores them one by one and continues to go to the bar.

He Tiantian is very famous in this bar recently. We all know that there is a pretty girl who comes here almost every night. She will accept almost everyone's wine and dance on the dance floor with all kinds of people. She is hot and lingering. Finally, she goes to the hotel with people after she is drunk. People who have tried say that this girl tastes very good, which makes many people want to taste her and adds many guests to the bar.

He Tiantian walked into the bar. Several men saw her whistle and immediately surrounded her. He Tiantian didn't refuse. He took the wine handed over by one person, took a sip, smiled and gently pushed one of the men. The man smiled and patted he Tiantian's hip. He Tiantian smiled coyly and scolded playfully: "what are you doing ~"

The voice with a crisp ending instantly called away the man's soul. The man hugged he Tiantian and rubbed her chest. He Tiantian struggled to resist, but it was more provocative, and finally went with the man.

He Tiantian picked a man and blew a kiss to the remaining men, indicating that he would go into the dance floor and dance with this man next time.

Just after drinking a few glasses of wine, he Tiantian is not too sober, but she is not confused. After a lingering and hot dance, he Tiantian returns to the bar and asks the bartender to mix a Gin Fizz. The lights are projected in colorful colors, reflecting a scene of paper drunk lamp fans. He Tiantian sips the wine and glances around looking for today's goal. Suddenly, she has a look in her eyes, I saw a man. He looked familiar.

Holding the wine glass, I walked slowly past. My high-heeled shoes clattered and were drowned by the music in the bar.

"Liu Heyan?"

When Liu Heyan heard someone call him, he looked back in surprise and saw he Tiantian in a low cut black lace skirt.

"Why are you here?" Liu Heyan's voice was somewhat surprised. He looked at he Tiantian in surprise with a glass.

He Tiantian smiled, "why can't I be here?"

When she saw Liu Heyan dressed in famous clothes, she thought of her experience in the clothing store this morning. For a moment, she twisted her waist, reached out and brushed her hair. Her smile became sweeter and sweeter. She tried to show her best appearance, but she looked more vulgar with the light of the bar. The tone of voice was also charming: "it's you. What are you doing here?"

"Me?... hehe, it's just to relieve your worries with wine." Liu Heyan replied faintly.

He Tiantian turned her eyes and got closer to Liu Heyan. Seeing Liu Heyan dodging, she quickly said, "speaking... I saw song Zian shopping in the mall this morning. It's so happy."

Hearing this, Liu Heyan felt bitter and depressed. He couldn't help thinking of the old days. For a moment, he was in a trance.

He Tiantian sees that Liu Heyan is absent-minded, seizes the opportunity, turns around and sits in Liu Heyan's arms, hooks Liu Heyan's neck with both hands, and looks up to kiss his lips.

When Liu Heyan could recover, he saw he Tiantian's close face and lips. He was shocked. Regardless of his gentlemanly demeanor, he ruthlessly pushed he Tiantian away, stood up in disgust, took two steps back and shouted, "what are you doing, he Tiantian!"

Liu Heyan pushed he Tiantian away. Although she was not a good woman, Liu Heyan didn't expect he Tiantian to be so shameless. He said, "he Tiantian, why are you so shameless and climb on others when you see a man? How long have you not touched a man? You were deeply interested in Chu Nian before? That's it in a twinkling of an eye?"

He Tiantian took the opportunity to climb onto Liu Heyan again. Thinking of his family background, Mei looked at him and said, "He Yan, in fact, I love you."

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