When I came to the Song family to plead guilty, it seemed that I was familiar with the road.

After a while, Yang Lele came to open the door and saw Chu Nian. He looked very surprised. He didn't seem to know why Chu Nian appeared here alone at this time.

"Nian Nian, why are you here? Where's Zian?"

In Yang Lele's opinion, song Zian usually stays with Chu Nian after work in the evening, except when he goes home.

Today, song Zian neither came back nor was with Chu Nian. Yang Lele immediately felt that something had happened. Seeing Chu Nian's anxious appearance, it should not be a small matter.

"Aunt Lele, Zian didn't come back?"

Chu Nian thought song Zian was at home, but seeing Yang Lele's reaction, song Zian seemed to have never come back. And seeing Yang Lele's blankness on his face doesn't seem to deceive Chu Nian.

Chu Nian was suddenly sad. It seems that song Zian didn't come back in order not to worry Yang Lele. At this time, he doesn't know where song Zian went alone and what happened.

"Zian is not with you? What's going on?"

Yang Lele is a little worried and wants to ask Chu Nian.

"Nothing, aunt Lele, I won't talk to you first. I'll find zi'an!"

Chu Nian turns around and is ready to leave. At the moment, Chu Nian's idea is to find song Zian no matter how hard it takes, apologize to song Zian and ask for her forgiveness.

"Nian Nian, wait a minute."

Yang Lele timely shouted Chu Nian. Although song Zian didn't go home today, but song Zian's mind is restless these days. Yang Lele has long seen it in his eyes, but he doesn't know how to speak.

Seeing Chu Nian's appearance now, it is estimated that he has quarreled with song Zian. Yang Lele feels that he can't help asking no more. He shouts Chu Nian and hopes to hear Chu Nian talk about what's wrong between him and song Zian.

"What's the matter, aunt Lele?"

Chu Nian was anxious, but since Yang Lele stopped him, Chu Nian couldn't pretend that he couldn't hear him and left directly. He just stood on his toes and now he was facing the outside direction.

"Niannian, is something wrong with you and zi'an recently? We zi'an are afraid of what I worry about. We always hide it from me and don't want to tell me, but you know, I have a daughter..."

Yang Lele has never said this to Chu Nian, but now looking at the two children, it is clear that they have determined each other's intentions, but they still torture each other. Yang Lele really can't understand it.

"Aunt Lele, let's... Let me explain to you later. In short, it's all my fault. I'm sorry for zi'an, but I really didn't mean it. I'll ask zi'an for forgiveness. You must believe me. I really like zi'an."

Chu Nian is not good at saying this, but at this time, Chu Nian must take his own attitude, and Chu Nian is really full of guilt for the song Zian family.

"Well, you go."

Yang Lele just kept apologizing to Chu Nian, but he didn't say what had happened. Looking at Chu Nian's anxious appearance, Yang Lele was also worried that song Zian was out alone. Don't happen anything, so he had to let Chu Nian go.

Yang Lele sat alone in the living room. He was very worried. He quickly took out his mobile phone and called song Zian, but he couldn't get through.

Yang Lele took out his coat and went out to find song Zian. He thought he could find one more person earlier.

Although Yang Lele knows that song Zian is not a little girl who needs to be taken care of everywhere for a long time, song Zian has his own thoughts and responsibilities.

At this time, song Zian has been with Liu Heyan.

Song Zian felt depressed, disgusted and sad about he Tiantian, and these emotions pressed on her without giving her any buffer time and space.

Song Zian had been wandering by the river alone, but the sadness in her heart seemed to devour her, and she couldn't even dissolve her tears.

It turns out that no matter what happens, song Zian can get great energy as long as he finds Chu Nian, looks at Chu Nian's face and talks with Chu Nian, but now he can't.

Somehow, song Zian suddenly remembered Liu Heyan, the big brother who had given her warmth.

During the few days of business trip abroad, he Tiantian also kept blocking song Zian at that time. If she had nothing to do, she had to create such a hot eye picture. Song Zian was often unhappy, and Liu Heyan always tried his best to comfort song Zian.

If Chu Nian hadn't sincerely confessed to song Zian at that time, there might be a trace of love between Song Zian and Liu Heyan.

Song Zian was looking for Liu Heyan at this time, but he didn't want to find any feelings. He was so sad that he thought of looking for the big brother in his heart.

When Liu Heyan received song Zian's call, he was working overtime in Liu's enterprise, which completely surprised Liu Heyan.

Liu Heyan always thought that if song Zian contacted him alone, it must be cooperation in the project or inform him to get married! Although Liu Heyan has some bitterness in his heart, sometimes it's good to think about it. At least song Zian and Chu Nian can be happy together.

Therefore, when Liu Heyan saw song Zian's call for the first time, it must be impossible to inform him of marriage. If a big family like the Jiang family really wanted to hold a wedding, it must have been heard all over the city. Therefore, it is estimated that song Zian wants to talk to Liu Heyan about work?

But what Liu Heyan never expected was that song Zian came to him because Chu Nian made her sad!

The sudden anger made Liu Heyan unable to read a word. He immediately got up, closed the documents and took his coat. Liu Heyan set out to find song Zian.

Liu Heyan found song Zian on a step by the river.

Song Zian was like a wounded little animal. He hugged him alone and sat quietly on the roadside. Just one glance made Liu Heyan feel distressed. Liu Heyan wanted to find Chu Nian immediately and beat him hard!

"Zian, what's the matter with you?"

"Brother he Yan, you're here..."

Hearing Liu Heyan's voice, song Zian raised his face with mottled tears, which made Liu Heyan heartache.

"Zian, go and change a place. It's windy and you'll catch cold!"

Liu Heyan painfully took song Zian and said he would take her to another place.

Song Zian is not stubborn. Since Liu Heyan says he wants to change places, it's better to change places.

Song Zian didn't want to abuse himself, but there was really no place to go.

I went to Hibiscus studio and now I don't want to work. The tears on Song Zian's face will make his employees suspicious; At home, song Zian really couldn't bear to toss Yang Lele and song Yimin.

Therefore, song Zian had to wander around in the streets to relieve his sadness.

Liu Heyan took song Zian to a quiet cafe nearby. It may be because of the small number of customers. Liu Heyan also found a corner to sit down and let song Zian talk to him.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, song Zian just sat blankly. Liu Heyan couldn't help asking, "Zian, what's the matter with you today? Have you cried?"

Looking at Liu Heyan's concerned eyes, song Zian doesn't want to hide it from Liu Heyan.

After all, Liu Heyan was called out because Liu Heyan knew this better than anyone around Song Zian.

"Brother he Yan, do you remember seeing brother Chu Nian and he Tiantian in the hotel that night?"

Although song Zian didn't want to mention it, it was the source of the current dilemma.

"Of course."

Liu Heyan could never forget that scene. Although song Zian finally chose to forgive, Liu Heyan still cried for song Zian.

"That night, he Tiantian was pregnant with Chu Nian's brother's child."

Song Zian's voice was not big, even without obvious anger, but Liu Heyan clearly heard the helplessness and pain in Song Zian's voice, which seemed to oppress song Zian.

"What! He Tiantian is pregnant with Chu Nian's child! How can Chu Nian let this happen!"

Liu Heyan's voice is obviously not as calm as he Tiantian, but with anger, very angry! Liu Heyan did not expect that he would experience so many messy things after giving up song Zian.

But at this time, regret is useless. Besides, song Zian is deeply disturbed by it mainly because song Zian deeply loves Chu Nian.

"What are you going to do now?"

Liu Heyan found that his anger could not solve any problems, and might cause song Zian more sadness. He had to restrain his temper and help song Zian analyze the current situation.

"I have broken up with brother Chu Nian..."

Song Zian said without hesitation, as if what song Zian needed at this time was not analysis, but companionship and comfort. For the results and solutions, song Zian seems to have thought clearly and clearly.

Liu Heyan looked at Song Zian helplessly. Song Zian's determination is really not comparable to that of ordinary girls. But the more so, the more Liu Heyan likes her, so independent and strong, but not sloppy.

"Zian, I sometimes wonder if you can not be so strong and sensible."

Liu Heyan's tone was full of heartache. It seemed that he wanted to rush over immediately and hold song Zian in his arms. However, Liu Heyan didn't dare. He completely resisted it.

"Oh, brother he Yan, you make fun of me again. I'm not a child long ago."

Song Zian took a sip of wine and said with a smile.

Originally, Liu Heyan wanted to take song Zian for a cup of coffee or something, but song Zian felt that the more coffee he drank, the more energetic he was now in such pain.

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