At this moment, no matter what Qu ran said, he CHENFENG was still unconscious.

Qu ran firmly holds his hand, which comes from the coldness of he CHENFENG's palm and fingertips. In that way, Qu Ran's fear and horror soared to the highest point, as if he CHENFENG might be lost overnight.

Qu ran doesn't allow this to happen. "He Qi, you can't do this to me. Wake up, even if you wake up and scold me."

She almost begged he CHENFENG. You know, when she was with he CHENFENG in the past, she was always like a hedgehog full of thorns. She never softened a little. Every time she just wanted to fight with he CHENFENG.


Now, as long as he CHENFENG can wake up safely, Qu ran can promise anything, and even be desperate. No matter what happens, she will satisfy he CHENFENG.

However, Qu ran can realize that at this moment, it seems that everything is too late. No matter what Qu ran says or how Qu ran asks him to wake up, he CHENFENG's world seems to be completely isolated from the outside world. No matter what Qu ran says, it doesn't move, as if it really can't last.


He CHENFENG urgently needs liver transplantation. His family also came to perform matching surgery for he CHENFENG, but the results of matching examination are not satisfactory. People like Su Wenliu, who are old and especially have heart disease, are not suitable for any donation surgery. The hospital also refused to do matching examination for Su Wenliu, even if they meet the conditions, The hospital can't put Su Wenliu at risk.

However, Yue Qiaolian and he Ankang, he CHENFENG's father, hurried back from abroad, but they failed to match with he CHENFENG successfully and help him.

Yue Qiaolian was in a mess because of he CHENFENG's affairs, which completely disrupted her originally calm and rich life, as if she could never recover her former appearance, especially if he CHENFENG had a mistake, "no... no..."

Yue Qiaolian shook her head at this time. "It must not be like this, doctor. You are wrong. We are his biological parents. How can we not match successfully."

The doctor was very sorry, "I'm sorry, Mrs. he. We've done matching tests again and again, but the results disappointed us. At present, we can only connect with other foreign hospitals as soon as possible. If there is a suitable one, we will immediately perform matching surgery for young master CHENFENG, but..."

At this point, the doctor stopped talking.

At this moment, he Ankang was worried about his son's safety, but after all, he was a man who could barely control his emotional problems, "doctor, it's okay for you to say it directly."

"I'm just afraid that young master CHENFENG's physical condition won't last long. Mr. He, if you think about it carefully, is there anyone in the family who hasn't come to do matching? The probability of successful matching is the highest. If there are no family members who have come to check, Mr. He would ask them to cooperate as soon as possible, so that young master CHENFENG has more hope."

The doctor didn't hide he CHENFENG's condition. It was very obvious at this time. He CHENFENG's condition was obviously very bad and needed everyone's help urgently.

Yue Qiaolian was in silence for a moment, and her mood was more competitive than before. "Say, are you the person sent by Su Wenliu to specially trick Chen Feng? You must be! Don't think I don't know what Su Wenliu's mind is. Now she is crazy. No matter what means she uses, she wants to prevent Chen Feng from taking over the he family and let he Jinhang replace him, right?"

"Don't think so, I will let her succeed. Even if Yue Qiaolian dies, I won't let her achieve her wish."

If you want to let he Jinhang sit in the he family and make him the only successor, you have to ask her whether she agrees or not.

Yue Qiaolian's distorted words were stopped by he Ankang in time. "Is that enough? Is it interesting to say these at this time? The most important thing for us now is to try our best to let he CHENFENG survive."

Although he Ankang has always been ashamed of he Jinhang, because he owes to her mother, he Ankang is indeed partial to he Jinhang in some things, and is more willing to make concessions to he Jinhang, but these do not mean that he doesn't care about he CHENFENG, but in Yue Qiaolian's view, he Ankang and Su Wenliu are actually the same thing and don't care about he CHENFENG, Just wholeheartedly support he Jinhang.

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