Qu Ran's ears are constantly filled with Yue Qiaolian's reprimands, but Qu ran took them one by one. It is indeed she who caused all the current disasters and difficulties of he CHENFENG.

Even at this moment, Quran's heart has countless guilt, and the crazy surge of shame can not make up for he CHENFENG, nor can he CHENFENG wake up in the shortest time.

In particular, after the rescue, he CHENFENG's situation was very bad. If he didn't do the liver transplantation in time, he might leave forever. The news made Yue Qiaolian, who was originally full of anger and anger, completely soft and weak, as if from her heart. The severe pain of her body was about to faint her.

"What should I do? If Chen Feng dies, what should I do?"

At this time, Yue Qiaolian even had more hatred and hatred for Qu ran and he Jinhang, but instead, she was heartbroken. Yue Qiaolian seemed to realize that she couldn't do without bowing her head. "I went to beg he Jinhang. I knelt down and begged him. As long as he promised to save the minister, I would do anything."

"Ankang, I beg you. Will you also ask he Jinhang? I know he can save CHENFENG. Now the only person who can save CHENFENG is him."

Yue Qiaolian was full of pain at this time, and grief and panic occupied the bottom of her heart.

He Ankang's expression was also painful, "I'll ask him. Anyway, I'll ask Jinhang for help."

How could he watch he CHENFENG leave? He can't watch he CHENFENG die.

"CHENFENG can't have an accident. No one in he family can have an accident." he Ankang's muttering words are full of panic. For a time, it seems that he has lost his direction, as if even asking he Jinhang doesn't necessarily have a result.

Yue Qiaolian burst into tears and went to the intensive care unit to see he CHENFENG. Seeing he CHENFENG's weak and pale face is more unspeakable heartache. "Chen Feng, you can't do anything. You can't leave your mother. How can I let you leave? Even if you let me leave, you're willing as long as you can live well."

Yue Qiaolian's tearing voice came from the intensive care unit, "he CHENFENG, wake up, wake up..."


Qu ran stood at the door of the ward like a numb chicken, listening to Yue Qiaolian's sad and almost desperate voice. She also felt the pain of being torn. She had the same mind as Yue Qiaolian. As long as he CHENFENG could survive, even if she wanted her life, she didn't care.

Even when she is pregnant, Qu ran still wants to have a matching examination. As long as she can save he CHENFENG, anything can be done.

However, he Jinhang had long expected that Qu ran would have to do the matching test in the end. He had already said hello to the people in the hematology department and prohibited Qu ran from doing the matching test.

"Why can't I do the matching check..." Qu ran didn't understand that he Jinhang had obstructed her.

"Sorry, Miss Qu, I heard that you are a pregnant woman. Since you are a pregnant woman, it is absolutely possible to take blood for test. Even if the matching is successful, no hospital will give a pregnant woman a liver transplant."

The doctor in the hematology department clearly told Qu ran that although Qu ran knew that what the doctor said was true, he still wanted to try, "please, doctor, let me try. If the matching is successful, I can..."

She can save he CHENFENG without this child.

But he couldn't say this. All the time, Qu ran felt that she was crazy. It seemed that her brain couldn't work normally and think normally. But now it's important to save he CHENFENG. No matter how reluctant, she should save him regardless of everything.

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