Lin Yueqin's two words seemed to set off an uproar in an instant, raging madly at the bottom of Qu Ran's heart, and the disaster began to haunt, "what are you talking about!"

She doesn't believe it.

She didn't hear it either.

Qu ran at this time is extremely resistant to this statement. She must be lying to her. Lin Yueqin, a woman, has never said half the truth. She must be lying.

Shan Yuyang was also quite shocked and couldn't believe it. "You have to let me do it before you are willing to tell the truth?"

He doesn't want to hit women.

After all, Shan Yuyang knows that his image of cheating in marriage has been damaged. He doesn't want to make a bad name for beating women at this time.

Lin Yueqin was frightened at this time. "No, no, I didn't lie. I'm also very sad. I've been sad for a long time. I don't know whether to tell Qu ran or not. At that time, I thought about going to prison to find Qu ran..."

"Shut up, shut up, I won't listen to anything. I tell you, I won't listen to you. Hand over my daughter quickly, or I won't spare you."

Die together.

At the moment, Qu Ran's attitude is very blatant. She also loses control. She wants to die with Lin Yueqin. If her daughter dies, Qu ran will certainly do whatever it takes. Either Lin Yueqin dies or she dies. She can't stand such deception

"Quran, I'm sorry... Forgive me... No, I don't ask you to forgive me, but please forgive me. I'm also kind." Lin Yueqin kept explaining.

Qu ran couldn't listen to a word and started. In fact, she never wanted to fight with Lin Yueqin like this, but Lin Yueqin deceived people too much. "Hand over my woman. Do you hear me? Give my daughter back to me immediately, or you'll die."

She was very determined, and the ferocious look in her eyes was full of shocking essence. Even Shan Yuyang on the side clearly felt the collapse from Qu ran.

She had completely collapsed when she got the news, but she was still trying her best to be strong and strong. In the final analysis, she didn't want to believe it and couldn't believe it.

"Quran, Quran... Stop..." Shan Yuyang didn't expect Quran to be particularly fierce and brave when she became noisy.

Qu ran can't hear anyone's words at the moment. In her mind, only the words "death" are tightly surrounding and lingering. How could her daughter die? She gave birth to her so hard in prison. The child is also very strong. How did she leave at this moment.

Qu ran doesn't believe a word, but even if she doesn't believe it, she already has an idea in her heart. When she learned that Lin Yueqin raised her child in the welfare home, in fact, she had a strong hunch that the child will have an accident. However, when she heard that the child had an accident, especially it was far more unacceptable than she thought, Qu ran was completely crazy.

The power from the palm of Qu Ran's hand is heavier and heavier time by time. Obviously, while Lin Yueqin is in pain, she is also in pain, but this pain is far less than the pain in her heart. The overwhelming hatred makes her unable to let go. Even if Shan Yuyang stops it, Qu ran is out of control and can't be obstructed.

Lin Yueqin asked for mercy. "Qu ran, stop, I beg you to stop. It's not what you think. The child's death has nothing to do with me. The child was born with heart disease. The doctor said it's a miracle to live."

"It really has nothing to do with me, Qu ran. I'm also kind. I want to educate her well, take good care of her and make up for my debt to you. However, who knew she would suffer from such a disease."

Lin Yueqin explained while dodging.

Even if she heard Lin Yueqin's explanation, Qu ran would never believe that it was right. "Sisi can't have heart disease. It's impossible. You damn it, you don't tell me the truth. Where did you hide my daughter? You must have hidden the child for me."

Lin Yueqin began to cry. She was not only frightened by Qu Ran's entanglement, but also wanted to get away.

"Shan Yuyang, help me. Listen to me. Even if I'm bad, I won't be unable to live with a child. Qu ran, believe me, I really haven't done anything shameless to your child. I treat her as my own granddaughter..."

"But who knows that the child's life is too thin. How can such a child get sick..." Lin Yueqin cried, his words seemed to be serious and sad.

However, Qu ran didn't want to believe it. She finally began to restore a little calm consciousness. She didn't believe it. "You lied... You lied to me... My daughter is not ill. She is obviously healthy..."


At this moment, Qu ran seems to have emptied all her power, which is threatening to occupy her whole body.

Shan Yuyang forced Lin Yueqin to ask why, "which hospital did the child die in? If you dare to lie, I'll break your arm."

Shan Yuyang tightened her arm and attacked again fiercely. There was a strong smell of blood in her eyes. No wonder Qu ran was so unable to control his emotions. Even he, who was hostile to he CHENFENG, was in a very difficult mood when he heard such things. Even Shan Yuyang would blame himself for "standing by".

Since even Quran has been saved, why doesn't he take Quran's children to live abroad.

Maybe in this way, Qu Ran's child may not die unexpectedly. After all, although she can only choose to believe Lin Yueqin at this time, she has too many doubts and extravagant hopes. She always thinks that the child should not have died.

Lin Yueqin quickly answered with tears in her eyes, "if you don't believe it, you can ask the doctor who treated you at that time. The doctor tried his best, but the child died without waiting for a suitable heart transplant."

Hearing the words of "heart transplantation" from Lin Yueqin's mouth, Qu Ran's heart suddenly trembled.

He CHENFENG has also had a transplant before, but the price of doing a transplant with he CHENFENG is that he Jinhang lost his life. Is this retribution! But retribution should not be on children.

Suddenly, Qu Ran's strength was exhausted, empty and painful, "I don't believe a word. You'd better hand over my daughter, or you'll die."

Qu Ran's expression is full of negative discomfort.

"Ranran, I really didn't do anything to hurt the child, I swear..."

Lin Yueqin is serious, but Qu ran will never trust her again. Even when she looks at Lin Yueqin again, her hidden strength erupts again and jumps at Lin Yueqin vigorously, "are you really dead? Is my child really killed by your madness..."

Lin Yueqin has no power to parry, and Shan Yuyang didn't expect Qu ran to attack fiercely again. Of course, Qu Ran's mind can be understood. It's hard for anyone to hear such news, not to mention that she is the child's mother.

"Qu ran, I... Tried my best. I tried my best to save her. At that time, as long as I could have a suitable heart to save her, I would be willing to lose all my money." from beginning to end, Lin Yueqin was wronged, very innocent and helpless.

It's just that Qu Ran has known Lin Yueqin for so many years and they have lived together for so many years. She doesn't believe her, "in that case, bury my child! It must be painful and lonely for her to leave alone. Let's go and accompany her."

Qu Ran's so-called "dying together" is obviously not just talking. Her children are dead. What else does she fear and what else can she miss.

"Ah... Qu ran... It hurts... You let go of me, you heartless thing. I took good care of her, but you blame me! If I hadn't brought her back, she would die faster, and don't think how bad life in the orphanage is..."

Lin Yueqin fought back, and there was no longer the grievance she had just pleaded for forgiveness. At the moment, she was also angry with Qu ran.

"I'd rather she stay in a bad environment. I'd rather she stay there quietly, even if it's hard. I don't want you to be so hypocritical! If it weren't for you, my child wouldn't die at all."

Therefore, she must let Lin Yueqin be buried with her.

Qu Ran is not impulsive. At the moment, there is such a strong hatred and hatred that Lin Yueqin will pay the price.

Shan Yuyang forcibly separates Qu ran from Lin Yueqin. Although he hates Lin Yueqin, Qu ran may really lose heart if he doesn't let Lin Yueqin leave at this time.

"Qu ran... Come on... Qu ran, maybe it's not like this. You should calm down first." Shan Yuyang vigorously tightened Qu Ran's arm, but Qu ran had infinite power in despair. It was obvious that she was not afraid of death at all.

When Quran is forcibly held in Shan Yuyang's arms and obstructs all her crazy acts, Quran's hysteria, as well as her inner heaviness and sadness, will completely drown her.

She couldn't accept such a fact. Maybe before she came, she would think that because of the malice of Lin Yueqin and Qu Ling's mother and daughter, Sisi might suffer a lot of grievances, but now it's not as simple as being wronged. She left directly. Without warning, Qu ran left her.

"Why do you do this to me? Even if I do evil, even if I do something wrong, it should not be borne by the child. No, damn bitch, I want to kill her. I want to kill her. My child must have been killed by her. I don't believe there is a heart disease. I don't believe a word."

Qu Ran is in tears. She is crazy and rampant in front of Shan Yuyang. The wanton pain overflows every corner of her body, as if she is about to suffocate and die in the torrent of pain.

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