Because of Gong Yao, Li yunyun doesn't want to see the child at all. She even seems to be someone who has a little relationship with Gong Yao. She not only doesn't want to comment, but also hates her to the bone.

Especially the child with Gong Yao's blood, Li yunyun always seemed unable to accept it, but when she looked at the little girl in the incubator, she was so small, her fingers and feet were so small that people felt pity, and there was a deep pain at the bottom of her heart.

She shouldn't be soft hearted. She should be hard hearted to such money losing goods, but seeing the little girl's wrinkled skin and bare, extremely lovely and poor body, just like Qu ran said, she was desperately trying to live.

At the moment, all Li yunyun's angry emotions are gradually disappearing, and her eyes stay on the little girl for a long time.

Qu ran seems to be able to predict that Li yunyun will not bear it when she really sees such a lovely child. Sure enough, her mood has been stabilized to a certain extent.

She paused, turned and looked at Li yunyun's back. It seemed that she was soft hearted and had different ideas. Qu ran could also be 100% sure. There was no need to worry that Li yunyun would dislike the child. The family affection of blood thicker than water could not be ignored and broken.

In fact, Qu Yingjie became like this because Gong Yao was involved in the rape case. Qu ran kept saying that Qu Yingjie's results were his own fault, but in fact Qu ran felt bad.

Although she didn't want to go to the so-called "director Luo" in Lin Yueqin's mouth for help, Qu ran still kept thinking about how to solve Qu Yingjie's problem

However, Quran didn't expect that Lin Yueqin was far more anxious than she thought, even despicable and shameful. She didn't want to see director Luo, but director Luo had come to the door.

Director Luo, as Lin Yueqin said, is an old man. His hair has been withered in the center. He has a face full of flesh on his face and wears a pair of black framed glasses. His first impression to Qu Ran is that he is very obscene. Trivial, how obscene!

At the beginning, director Luo only saw Qu ran from the photos provided by Lin Yueqin. She was already very beautiful in the photos. But when she saw herself, director Luo seemed to be deeply attracted by Qu Ran's appearance. Maybe she was not a national and city type woman, but she was beautiful. Her facial features were so exquisite and perfect that she couldn't find any defects.

Qu Ran's figure is even better. She's not tall or short. She's just good. Director Luo has watched her on her chest. She's not big or small. It's just good.

But Qu ran was going to be crazy with his unscrupulous and dirty eyes, "hey... Where the fuck are you looking!"

Qu ran hugged her chest conditionally, hugged her tightly, roared like thunder, and sparks had burst out in her eyes

Director Luo was immediately flustered by such a roar, scratched his head and hurriedly said, "sorry, Miss Qu ran, i... I can't help it... Sorry, I'm sorry for my behavior just now. This is also because Miss Qu Ran is beautiful enough to make me look silly."

"Shut up, you, is it still my fault?"

Shit, Qu Ran has cursed him 180 times in her heart.

But director Luo obviously didn't give up when he saw the good news. "No, Miss Qu ran... Don't get me wrong... I just..."

Director Luo, who has been in officialdom for many years, stutters when facing Qu ran. It is clear that he is a little nervous.

"I'm just a little nervous. I'm so excited to see you."

From the words spoken by director Luo, Qu ran feels disgusted. In particular, director Luo even puts forward, "Miss Qu ran, can you invite me to sit in for a while? We can talk about your brother. If I help your brother, how are you going to repay me?"

He looked as if Qu ran wanted to "promise each other by example". His eyes were bad and dirty. It seemed that director Luo spoke especially smoothly once he mentioned hooligans.

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