At this time, Qu Ran is also worried about He Xin. She always feels that this matter will have something to do with Xu Zhimin. Therefore, Qu ran hurried to the hospital as if she had a strong idea. She must have been cheated by Xu Zhimin and Yan Yazhen.

"He Xin, don't worry. There must be no accident."

Qu Ran's voice is so trembling now.

Sorry, it was their negligence that caused He Xin to be taken away by Yan Yazhen. If something happened to He Xin, Qu ran didn't dare to imagine the consequences.

"Xinxin, you must wait for me. Wait for me there. Don't worry. I won't leave you anyway."

Qu Ran is now so regretful and annoyed, because before Zhong Jian left, she suffered a lot of pain and suffering, so that she ignored He Xin to a certain extent.

Qu ran even avoids He Xin. She feels that she is such a person full of bad luck. It seems that bad luck will only be passed on to the people around her. First he Jinhang died and left, and then Zhong Jian left. She died off guard, which once plunged Qu ran into grief.

She is almost afraid that her bad luck will be passed on to He Xin. She is afraid that even he Xin will encounter accidents. Such ideas often appear in Qu Ran's thoughts. Even though Qu ran desperately doesn't think about them, they will continue to reappear in her mind like a magic spell.

"Xinxin..." Qu ran said he Xin's name, and the panic in her heart intensified desperately.

At this time, a familiar voice came, "let me go... Let me out, I don't want to draw blood, and I don't want to kill me."

He Xin is so stubborn. Even when she comes to the blood drawing room, she still breaks free. The nurse in the blood drawing room can't help her. "This little girl is too strong. Come on, come on, I don't hurt when I draw blood."

Yan Yazhen and Xu Zhimin also chased out. Unexpectedly, He Xin, a girl, can't be underestimated. Yan Yazhen drank fiercely, "Damn it, get over here quickly. If you struggle again, I'll kill you."

"You get rough, I won't pay attention to you. I won't believe you as a liar anymore. Thanks to my previous protection of you, you are indeed a vicious woman." He Xin seemed to more clearly determine Yan Yazhen's true face at this time.

"Help, who will help me..." He Xin struggled vigorously.

Yan Yazhen once again slapped He Xin in the face. "Shit, little bitch, as cheap as your mother, I won't teach you a lesson. You don't know what is powerful, do you? I told you to draw blood, you'll draw blood for me. Be honest, or I'll peel your skin."

Yan Yazhen slapped her vigorously. Qu ran was really shocked at that moment.

I didn't expect that Yan Yazhen could treat He Xin so ruthlessly. In particular, He Xin has always been very protective of her and always loved her. As a result, Yan Yazhen asked he Xin to draw blood and do bone marrow transplantation for he Nuo.

"Yan Yazhen, stop! Stop it for me quickly." Qu Ran is desperate to stop Yan Yazhen.

"Quran..." He Xin was also stunned. Unexpectedly, she was thinking about Quran's appearance. She actually appeared.

He Xin's debt to Qu Ran is even deeper. Before, she treated her indiscriminately. Unexpectedly, Qu ran saved her at the most critical moment.

"Qu Ranran, you're here at last." He Xin couldn't help tears at the bottom of her eyes. Tears blurred her vision. Although he Xin had a hot pain on her face, she was very reassured and down-to-earth. She was finally saved.

"Yan Yazhen, you've gone too far. Thanks to He Xin's kindness to you, how can you even do such things? He Xin is still so small."

Qu ran was so angry that the next second she slapped Yan Yazhen as if she were seeking justice for He Xin, "I can be cheaper than you. I robbed my man, robbed my children, and now I have to hurt my children. Why can you do this? You think I want to recognize you. You are not from our Qu family for a long time. You don't want to admit us, and we don't want to admit you. Go away. Get away from me, He Xin and he CHENFENG. If you dare to fight again in the future He Xin's idea, I can't spare you. "

Qu Ran is so angry that she has never been so angry.

She really didn't think that Yan Yazhen was such a brazen and cruel person that she wouldn't let go of even a child.

Yan Yazhen's face was also filled with a bright red five finger mark. Yan Yazhen was also very angry, "how dare you hit me? Why!"

"If you annoy He Xin again, try to hit him, let alone hit you, I can do anything. You wait." Qu Ran is not afraid of anything. She vigorously grabbed Yan Yazhen's arm and ruthlessly opened the distance between her and He Xin.

He Xin also held Qu ran tightly, as if she didn't want to be separated from her for a minute. It was also clear that only Qu ran was the best for her.

He CHENFENG also immediately followed Qu ran. At this time, he saw Yan Yazhen in the hospital and Xu Zhimin. He immediately knew what was going on.

He Xin was also wronged when he saw he CHENFENG, "Dad."

She really regretted that she didn't dare to leave sister-in-law Wu's sight. She shouldn't listen to Yan Yazhen at all.

Xu Zhimin also knew that once he CHENFENG came, he Nuo's transplant operation must have failed. Xu Zhimin came hysterically, "what's wrong with asking He Xin to draw blood for he Nuo? If he Nuo dies, I will never let you go..."

"Enough, shut up, Xu Zhimin. Listen to me. We owe he Jinhang, but we never owe you. Don't think about my daughter!"

"I've contacted the people in the hospital over there. I'll come over the day after tomorrow to give heNo a transplant."

He CHENFENG's words seemed a little cold and heartless. He looked quite serious. Xu Zhimin was also a little shocked, but after the shock, he looked at he CHENFENG solemnly, "you say it's true. Can you really have an operation the day after tomorrow?"

Xu Zhimin was already excited and his heart beat wildly. "So he Nuo is saved and can finally get better."

"When he Nuo gets better, let's go. Don't stay here, but everything belonging to he Nuo will be given to him."

He CHENFENG has a firm attitude. Whether Xu Zhimin or he Nuo, he is not suitable to stay here. Once he stays here, there will be a lot of trouble. After all, Xu Zhimin is not a fuel-saving lamp.

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