"Don't overestimate yourself. If you dare to act rashly again, I won't just slap you."

Xia Luoyu felt that she was the most unlucky person in the world today. Her husband slapped her twice for other women, but she had no power to fight back.

Yuan Xiaoxiao hid behind Bai Beichuan. The smile on the corner of her mouth hurt her eyes. The bitch succeeded after all.

"Bai Beichuan, I know you protect her, but don't deceive people too much. As long as I don't agree to divorce one day, I will still be your legal wife. It may not be good for you to force me to a dead end."

Bai Beichuan's slap just now was a little heavy, and her eyes were black.

"It's useless to say more. I naturally have a way to let you sign the divorce agreement. You can get out and don't let me see you here again. It's a disappointment!"

With that, he took yuan Xiaoxiao's hand and walked into the villa together. Xia Luoyu looked at the back of their love and tears fell in her eyes. The woman came to the house like this. There was nothing she could do.

Xia Luoyu supported his body away from the Magic Cave, and his mind was still replaying Bai Beichuan's appearance of maintaining yuan Xiaoxiao. His face was full of tenderness, which he had never seen since his marriage.

Xia Luoyu doesn't understand that she has been actively fulfilling her obligations as a wife. What is it that Bai Beichuan is full of resentment against her?

She has been in love for seven years, but she has never understood the man.

When her father was seriously ill, Bai Beichuan took her hand and begged her father to agree with them in the intensive care unit. He said he would spend the rest of his life with her and promised to make her happy.

How beautiful the love words are. Up to now, I only hate them. The promise of a lifetime has turned into a stinging ice needle.

Those hands had personally put on a shining wedding ring for her, and now in order to protect her, the snake and scorpion beauty did not hesitate to fan her white face with gravity.

At this time, Xia Luoyu is like a lost puppet. She has no waves in her eyes and has a heavy pace. She has walked out of the luxury villa area unconsciously.

There was a constant stream of vehicles on the road, and passers-by passed her, and no one would notice her lost soul.

"You see, the world is still bustling. Who knows how much you have been wronged, and no one cares about you." Xia Luoyu murmured.

There was a red light in front of her, but she didn't stop, but walked straight forward, as if she could be relieved when she reached the other side of the road.

There was an emergency brake sound in his ear. A fierce man leaned out his head and abused "looking for death, don't you see the red light? Don't live, just change a place, and want someone to be your back!"

Charlotte looked at the stranger calmly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"What a psychopath!" the driver scolded and drove away.

At this time, a black Porsche stopped beside her, the door opened and came down a kind-looking middle-aged man.

"Young lady, are you all right? Why did you appear in this place? No one was with you?" Uncle Jiang asked in surprise.

Xia Luoyu looked at the innocent speaker's face. It turned out that he was Uncle Jiang, the full-time driver of the Bai family.

"Uncle Jiang, I'm fine. You go first. Don't worry about me." Charlotte Yu's mouth is hard. She doesn't want anyone to see her vulnerable side, especially those associated with the white family.

Uncle Jiang looked at the palm print clearly visible on her face and a trace of pity flashed in his eyes. "Madam, I saw you almost hit by a car when you crossed the road just now. I'll take you back. You're not in good condition. You must be escorted home safely."

With that, uncle Jiang made an invitation gesture. Xia Luoyu didn't know where to go, so he got on the car.

There was a nice smell of lemon in the car, and the air conditioner came to my face, which immediately isolated the heat and noise outside.

Her eyes glanced into the rearview mirror, and there was a man behind her. It was a face that softened her heart, her best friend, Bai Yizhou.

He sat quietly in the car with a piece of information in his hand and looked it up carefully.

Xia Luoyu quietly observed his expression. He was very serious and focused on the information at hand. As the president of Baishi group, he always had a lot to deal with. He was a real workaholic.

She wanted to say something to Bai Yizhou, but she didn't know how to say it. She looked so embarrassed today.

The car drove along Century Avenue. It seemed that he was going to go back to Bai's house.

"Why did you appear alone in Yujiang famous products? Did you go to find Bai Beichuan?" a calm and magnetic male voice came.

Xia Luoyu's nose was sour. Brother Yizhou's concern almost made her lose her defense. Only he really cares about himself all the time.

"Yes, I have something to talk to him," she said, her voice choking.

Bai Yizhou frowned slightly and looked up at her face in the rearview mirror. "Have you cried? Why is your face red and swollen? Bai Beichuan has the courage to hit you?"

Bai Yizhou took the lead in discovering the lost xialuoyu at the traffic light. She had a quarrel with a driver.

He hurriedly asked the driver to stop. After she got on the bus, he tried to maintain his inner peace. He pretended to look at the information. In fact, his heart had ripples for a long time.

I've heard that her marriage with Bai Beichuan exists in name only, but I didn't expect that guy to be so rampant and dare to beat her. Bai Yizhou's stomach is full of fire. He doesn't know how he can marry Xia Luoyu, but he doesn't know how to cherish it.

"No, we're fine. Our face is swollen. Maybe it's a cosmetic allergy. You don't have to worry about me." Charlotte Yu's mouth is hard. She doesn't want Bai Yizhou to know what she suffered.

"Why hide it from me? Do you think I can't see it?" Bai Yizhou untied her disguise.

"Brother Yizhou, don't ask again, let me calm down." Xia Luoyu covered her face in pain. She didn't know how to vent her sour white belly. She didn't want Bai Yizhou to see her like this.

Bai Yizhou and she are real childhood sweethearts. The two families are family friends. Since childhood, she likes to follow him and play with him.

Bai Yizhou, who is several years older than her, has always taken care of her. The family joked that when she grew up, she was promised to her brother Yizhou as a wife. She is always shy to avoid.

Later, Bai Beichuan suddenly broke into her life, and Xia Luoyu fell in love with him uncontrollably.

A few years later, despite Bai Yizhou's opposition, she insisted on marrying Bai Beichuan. The distance between them suddenly opened.

Bai Yizhou is rarely seen in the Bai family. Only he will attend the annual family banquet on time. As the president of White's group, there is no shortage of women around him, but he has never seen him bring his female companion back at the family banquet.

"When are you still trying to be strong?" Bai Yizhou was distressed, but after all, she was someone else's wife. What position did she care about.

"Uncle Jiang, let me get off at the front. I want to walk alone." Xia Luoyu was afraid that she would lose control of her emotion in the face of Bai Yizhou's concern.

"Madam, I'll take you home. It's very hot outside." Uncle Jiang looked at Bai Yizhou. His face was a little tangled.

"No, I can do it alone."

"Uncle Jiang, stop ahead and let her get off!" Bai Yizhou's tone did not fluctuate.

The car stopped at a corner. Charlotte thanked the rain and walked towards Bai's house alone.

Uncle Jiang drove on. "Young master, Miss Xia has got off. Do you want to go back to the company or to Bai's house?"

Bai Yizhou gently massages his temples. Recently, he is worried that there are too many facts. "Go to the company, I have a meeting."

Uncle Jiang nodded. "Young master, I have a question. I don't think Miss Xia is in good condition. When crossing the road, the whole person's center of gravity is unstable. Can you rest assured to let her off?"

Bai Yizhou sighed, "she is pretending to be strong. My concern will make her confused. Ask someone to help me stare at Bai Beichuan. I want to see what he is doing."

In an instant, a sharp light flashed in his gentle eyes.

Back to Bai's old house, Xia Luoyu straightens out her state of mind. If she keeps a straight face, she will annoy her mother-in-law.

"Mom, I'm back from Yujiang famous products!"

Zheng Caixia was making a cup of health tea. She didn't look at her when she heard her talk. She sorted out her shawl and looked up at Xia Luoyu's back. "I told you to go to Beichuan and come back. Why can't you do it?"

The fact that her son doesn't return home gives her a headache as a mother.

Xia Luoyu was embarrassed. "Beichuan said he had a meeting to be held and the company had to work overtime, so he couldn't come back today."

Zheng Caixia patted the tea lamp heavily on the table when she heard the speech. "The company works overtime? Why do you always use this excuse to prevaricate me! Do you know how long Beichuan hasn't been home? How did you become a husband? Isn't it your fault that her husband doesn't return home?"

Xia Luoyu feels wronged. Is Bai Beichuan's marital infidelity her fault? What logic is this! But she can't refute her mother-in-law, or there will be a storm.

"I'm sorry, mom. I'll persuade Beichuan."

Zheng Caixia glanced at her with some disgust. "I don't know how many times I've heard you say these words. I don't believe it for a long time! You should be more considerate of your husband. Our Bai family has a great career. He will inevitably have to work hard. Just take the initiative? You've been married for three years. Why hasn't your stomach moved at all!"

Xia Luoyu silently listens to her mother-in-law's complaints. It's not so easy to be a rich family's daughter-in-law. It's just a superficial scenery. Only she knows the bitterness behind her back.

"Caixia, what are you nagging about? Luo Yu is back. Let's have dinner together!" Bai Zhenhua came down the stairs.

This is the real master of the Bai family. Anyone in the Bai family should bow his head when they see him.

"Dad, I've had dinner outside, and my mother told me something." she had to make an end of it. It was really hard for her to talk about Bai Beichuan.

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