Xia Luoyu's body slowly recovered and her eyes healed. It was a blessing in disguise. They gradually forgot the impact of Lin Yanyu, and life still needs to continue.

After Bai Yizhou returned to Baishi, the whole company began to operate normally gradually. After the big cleaning, Lin group was no longer qualified to cooperate with Baishi.

Lin Zixiang is not a stupid person, because he loves his wife, so even if he has two children outside, he has never endangered Lin Yanyu's status.

Now it's different. Until his wife had a miscarriage, the first thing Lin Zixiang did was to eradicate all Lin Yanyu's forces in the company.

Lin Yanyu obviously has no chance to return to Lin's group. Lin Zixiang then brought his illegitimate children into the company and taught them to deal with affairs.

The people who used to be beautiful are now like the evaporation of the world. No one mentions them anymore, and those who have been hurt by her, although they can't be recovered, also begin to go in a good direction.

Lin Yanyu's ex boyfriend has married his former fiancee and is ready to move. The world is always wonderful.

After they arrived abroad, they actually saw Lin Yanyu again. She looks a little bad now and lives on the park bench.

The original beautiful face can no longer be seen, leaving only endless pain.

The man gave some coins to another tramp in the park and knew everything about her.

Lin Yanyu was a beggar when she first came here. Before Lin Zixiang sent her abroad, she finally gave her a lot of money in the hope that she could reform and live a good life.

However, Lin Yanyu obviously didn't do it. She became like this less than half a year after she came here. Because of the huge change of her identity, she was infatuated with taking drugs, and even came together with a small gangster selling drugs here.

Finally, Lin Yanyu lost everything and became a man with nothing. After she had no use value, the gangster tried to sell her to a brothel.

If it hadn't been for that gangster, who had been denounced and entered the police station, they would have lost sight of Lin Yanyu by now.

After listening, the man took a cigarette out of his pocket and handed it to the tramp, "I want to know, what does she do for a living now?"

After hearing this, the tramp laughed inexplicably, and then pointed to a more hidden direction in the park, "see there? That's where she works."

Looking in the direction of the tramp, the man saw only an empty lawn and a dirty sheet.

Thinking of the tramp's smile, the man soon understood. The disgust in his eyes became more obvious. After leaving, he took out a larger bill from his pocket and handed it to the tramp.

The money is enough for the Tramp to spend many nights on that dirty sheet, but he won't just do it.

Leave the park and find their wife. They bought a villa near the sea. When they wake up every night, they can see the sea opposite.

Then they will meet their first child here and everything will be better.

At home, the first thing Charlotte had to do when she got better was to drive her brother back to school.

Stay at home for a long time every day. Xialuoyu is extremely boring. Finally, take two dogs to the street every day. Catkins are very popular dogs in the pet store.

Every time Xia Luoyu takes her to beauty, many people come to touch catkins. Of course Xia Luoyu won't refuse.

Catkins grow bigger and bigger, but their temperament is still very docile. They feel more and more like Bai Yizhou's character. They always look coldly at the people they want to get close to.

After she was in good health, Xia Luoyu indulged herself a lot. She would appear every day when she watched art exhibitions, press conferences, and even when new products came to the luxury store.

After such days lasted for a long time, Xia Luoyu couldn't help sighing with Bai Yizhou: "such a lazy day is really wonderful."

Bai Yizhou just smiled and didn't say anything superfluous, because he also understood that I'm afraid Xia Luoyu will be tired of living like this.

Sure enough, just two days later, Xia Luoyu couldn't help it. She packed up her tools and came out. She wanted to go back to the studio.

Bai Yizhou didn't stop her. Every night, Xia Luoyu was in the study and tossed until very late. Knowing that Bai Yizhou couldn't help it, he came to urge her. Xia Luoyu returned to the room to have a rest.

Finally, after feeling almost ready, Xia Luoyu resolutely returned to the studio. Everyone didn't expect him to come back so soon. Naturally, he was very happy.

As soon as she returned to the studio, Charlotte rain soon began to get busy and produce new products soon, but Charlotte rain didn't have any design inspiration.

Staying in the studio every day, Xia Luoyu always feels that he can't help. He can't help but feel sad. He has been out of touch with his own work for a long time.

The time soon passed. Although Xia Luoyu finally designed some things, she was still very dissatisfied. When she was depressed, she suddenly remembered the designs she drew when she couldn't see with one eye.

Hurry to find out all those designs. Xia Luoyu looked at them carefully. There are still some advantages.

After careful study all afternoon, I saw that it was completely dark, but Charlotte rain still didn't come out in his office.

Bai Yizhou waited downstairs for a long time and simply went upstairs.

When she came to the door of Xia Luoyu's office, Bai Yizhou gently knocked on the door, then directly pushed the door and went in. Xia Luoyu was seriously painting the design. She didn't realize that Bai Yizhou came in.

Until Bai Yizhou's hand was gently put on Xia Luoyu's shoulder, Xia Luoyu was startled, and he found the existence of Bai Yizhou in the room.

Turning around, she buried her head in Bai Yizhou's chest. Charlotte said in some frustration, "I can't seem to do anything after resting for so long."

Bai Yizhou painfully touched Xia Luoyu's forehead, then kissed her gently and said, "don't worry. Don't you often say that design needs inspiration? Without inspiration, you still can't do anything."

Xia Luoyu nodded wrongfully. I don't know why. She has always been very upset recently. She hasn't done a good job. No matter what reason she thinks, she always affects her mood.

After so many things, Bai Yizhou gradually understood that Xia Luoyu was her life. As long as she had nothing to do, everything could be handled calmly.

After returning home, the two people don't have much warm time. Bai Yizhou has to deal with the company's affairs, and Xia Luoyu has plunged into the design. I'm afraid they can't do the desired design and won't give up easily.

Both of them were still working in their study. After stopping the cooperation between Lin's group, Bai Yizhou began to look for new cooperation goals.

Recently, the industry has been greatly impacted. Bai Yizhou inevitably has other thoughts. He wants to take advantage of the east wind of the Internet to push Bai's completely.

Then he invested in several network platforms, but the response was not very good. Bai Yizhou certainly understood that this would not be the final result, but others did not think so.

At present, there are many people waiting to see Bai Yizhou's jokes. Of course, Bai Yizhou will not give them this opportunity. Therefore, all the results need to be accurately predicted in advance.

When Xia Luoyu finally put down the painting in her hand, it was late. The cook cooked the food, but they didn't see two people coming down. She sighed helplessly.

When I came down from upstairs, I didn't see Bai Yizhou. Xia Luoyu was also a little strange, so I went directly to the study to find him.

Bai Yizhou didn't know what he was discussing with Meng Yun. When he saw Xia Luoyu coming in, he just smiled gently, and then began to make an immediate report.

Xia Luoyu just looked at it quietly and knew that Bai Yizhou had cut off the phone with Meng Yun, then stood up and walked to Xia Luoyu.

"Haven't eaten yet, let's go down," Bai Yizhou said with a gentle smile. Xia Luoyu took his extended hand and the two went down the stairs together.

After dinner, the two people sat on the sofa. I don't know why, they suddenly discussed the moon. Today, the sky is empty, and even the shadow of the moon can't be seen.

Xia Luoyu suddenly remembered that the bright moon she had shown Bai Yizhou was a little lonely in her heart, because she could never find it back.

Tonight, like the rain in Charlotte, looking at the empty sky outside the window, and Bai Beichuan at home, Lin Luoshi went to film. He hasn't come back for more than three months.

Their relationship is just mutual use. Bai Beichuan can't give her the best resources, and Lin Luoshi can never be just around her.

He drank all the red wine in the glass silently, and then turned and walked into the bedroom. The people he missed had changed and changed, but he was still not finding his lover.

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