Bai Yizhou finally couldn't help seeing Xia Luoyu tossing and turning on the tatami. He came over and hugged Xia Luoyu.

Some looked back in surprise. When she saw Bai Yizhou's smiling eyes, Xia Luoyu was stunned. She didn't know how to go back. Just now her heart suddenly jumped twice.

Some flustered wanted to push Bai Yizhou away, but the more flustered, Xia Luoyu's cheeks became redder.

Bai Yizhou looked at her suddenly red face strangely. At this glance, he didn't control himself and directly leaned over and kissed her.

After a long kiss, Xia Luoyu's face became more ashamed and red. He just pushed Bai Yizhou away and wanted to say something, but the doorbell rang at the door.

Bai Yizhou had to let people go, then turned to open the door and brought in lunch in an instant.

After lunch, the two were idle again and had nothing to do. Then they thought of going out.

Xia Luoyu took out the plan of last night and found that they still had so many places to go.

Bai Yizhou came over and took a look, with some smiles on his face. He hugged Xia Luoyu into his arms, and then asked softly, "where do you want to go?"

Xia Luoyu didn't speak, but looked at the remaining places in embarrassment.

Bai Yizhou didn't rush, so he looked at her quietly, waiting for his final choice.

Finally, I made a decision in my heart. When Xia Luoyu just wanted to speak, the mobile phone on the side rang and picked it up strangely.

Mickey called. He seemed very worried. Charlotte was nervous and asked, "what's the matter with you? Is something wrong?"

Mickey is going crazy now. He quickly told Xia Luoyu everything that happened today, "Wei Qi is missing!"

Xia Luoyu was startled. She didn't understand how a good person suddenly disappeared.

Mickey said anxiously, "I suspect his ex boyfriend did it. Two days ago, Wei Qi received a call from the man. He came to China!"

Hearing Mickey say this, Xia Luoyu trembled. If she was really Wei Qi's ex boyfriend, he must have come to revenge!

Get up quickly. Xia Luoyu looked at the room blankly, and suddenly stuffed all the things into the suitcase to find you.

Bai Yizhou frowned, came over and asked, "what happened? Are you so flustered?"

Xia Luoyu said, "we're going home right away. There's an accident with Wei Qi. Please book a ticket at the latest time!"

Immediately book the ticket, because all the flights in the daytime were sold out, Bai Yizhou had to book the ticket in the evening. After they packed up their things, they rushed to the airport immediately.

Xia Luoyu doesn't know what happened. She just knows that Wei Qi is missing and his ex boyfriend happens to be in China.

Bai Yizhou saw such a flustered Xia Luoyu, quickly held her hand tightly, and then comforted her softly: "you're not afraid early, Wei Qi, he'll be fine."

Disorderly nodded, but how could Charlotte rain really calm down?

She has few friends. Although she hasn't known Wei Qi for a long time, Xia Luoyu still regards him as one of her best friends.

Time suddenly became very difficult. Before the plane took off at night, Xia Luoyu didn't eat anything. She couldn't eat at all. She was very flustered at the thought that something might happen to Wei Qi.

After worrying all the way on the plane, Xia Luoyu finally returned to China. Xia Luoyu hurried to Mickey and Wei Qi's home. After the two met, Mickey finally said the whole thing completely.

"Wei Qi's ex boyfriend came to China two days ago and wanted to see him, but Wei Qi refused. They had a quarrel. I don't know what they said, but after hanging up the phone, Wei Qi was very unhappy."

Xia Luoyu frowned, but she was more worried, "how could that man suddenly return home? Isn't he married?"

Mickey shook his head in chagrin. "I don't know. I don't know anything, because Wei Qi was very unhappy. I never mentioned it again."

Bai Yizhou had been listening quietly. After a long time, he asked, "do you have the contact information of that man?"

Mickey was stunned for a moment, then ran aside and took out a piece of white paper with a string of telephone numbers on it.

When the phone was dialed, it was indeed a foreign phone. The phone rang for a long time, but no one connected.

Several people looked at each other. But I don't know whether this is good news or bad news.

After finally reacting, Mickey immediately took his clothes and was about to rush out.

Bai Yizhou quickly stopped him. There was no specific news. If you rush out so rashly, there will be no result. You should calm down. We must have a way.

Forcibly put his heart back to the distance. Mickey sat on the sofa, but he was really restless. What should Wei Qi do if something really happened.

Bai Yizhou made some analysis. From the phone call just now, Wei Qi's disappearance should be related to the ex boyfriend.

But after all, he is a foreigner. He has no residence in China and the hotel is not realistic. The only possibility is that he rented a house.

Xia Luoyu nodded. What Bai Yizhou said is reasonable. However, s city is so big that even if they rent a house, they can't find one side for all of them in a period of time.

Mickey obviously thought of this situation, and the whole person was much depressed.

After a long time, Bai Yizhou didn't know what he thought. He suddenly stood up and said to Mickey, "I think you should get rid of your brother and check this man. He can't go without a trace."

Mickey nodded in silence, then went aside, called his big brother and asked him to help check all the news of this man, including the time when he went abroad.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Luoyu felt an awkward atmosphere and didn't know what to say. After the three people were silent for a long time, Bai Yizhou said, "it's very late tonight. There won't be any results."

Mickey smiled reluctantly and said, "you two go back and rest and continue to look for news tomorrow."

Without speaking, Xia Luoyu returned home in silence. Bai Yizhou gently hugged her from behind. "Don't worry too much. I'll contact you tomorrow and continue to find the news of Wei Qi."

Xia Luoyu reluctantly smiled and lay on the soft big bed, but she couldn't sleep.

Knowing that she was worried, Bai Yizhou didn't say much, but silently hugged her, and then a light kiss fell on Xia Luoyu's forehead.

I don't know when Xia Luoyu finally fell asleep. Looking at the sleeping man in his arms, Bai Yizhou slowly closed his eyes.

The next morning, three people came out of the house. Mickey's big brother had made it clear that the man had gone abroad a week ago. He was only the destination of his first stop. It was country F.

He bought a real estate there and then came to China. As for his wife, Mickey was surprised to learn that his wife was pregnant.

His mother had great control over him and had to give him up because of the child.

After listening, Xia Luoyu was silent for a long time. She understood that the man should still love Wei Qi and regret giving up him. He just went crazy when she found that everything could not be retrieved.

Mickey wants to find Wei Qi more urgently. He can't even believe what happened in these ten hours.

Bai Yizhou was silent. At this time, he didn't dare to say a superfluous word. Maybe it was just the simplest word, which could become the last straw to overwhelm Mickey's psychology.

Bai Yizhou contacted all airlines and would contact Wei Qi immediately if he had information about going abroad.

Mickey's big brother has tried his best to help him find clues, but there should be few information that can be found for so long.

A few people began to run around all the housing rental and trading places, but because there are too many foreigners in this city, all the impressions are vague.

Several people didn't get any useful information at all at the end of the day.

When he got home depressed, Mickey held his hair tightly. He knew that at this time, he should calm down, but it was really difficult for him to do it.

Xia Luoyu opened her mouth and wanted to comfort him, but she didn't say anything in the end.

After entering the door, Bai Yizhou was not talking until his mobile phone rang. Bai Yizhou went aside and answered the phone. They finally knew some useful news.

Hang up the phone. Bai Yizhou comes over and looks a little wrong on his face. I don't know how it could be. Charlotte rain is just a feeling. The phone call just now must have something to do with Wei Qi's disappearance.

Sure enough, after seeing Xia Luoyu's eyes, Bai Yizhou turned his head and slowly said, "it's not necessarily his ex boyfriend who kidnapped Wei Qi."

"What?" Mickey cried out strangely. Charlotte rain was also surprised. They tangled for so long, but the final result was the opposite.

Mickey feels like he's really going crazy!

He grabbed Bai Yizhou's arms and asked loudly, "who is that, but who kidnapped Wei Qi!"

Bai Yizhou motioned her to calm down first, and then slowly said, "I just received the news that Wei Qi is currently in a lawsuit with a real estate company. The lawsuit is 100% and Wei Qi will win."

Mickey calmed down. He knew the case, too.

If it really has something to do with the case, things will become much simpler. With two days left, the case will be heard. If Wei Qi is not present, the result of the case is likely to be reversed.

Since they can't find useful information, they believe that after the other party gets benefits again, they will let Wei Qi go. After all, there is only interest involved relationship between them.

Two days, it's not worth mentioning, but Mickey is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot every day. He really has no way not to imagine what will happen next.

Finally, on the day of the trial, Mickey went to sit in early in the morning, but the last thing he heard, Mickey was more frightened.

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