Towards noon, Bai Yizhou finally woke up. Looking at Xia Luoyu, who was still sleeping in his arms, he couldn't help but smile gently.

This feeling is very good, people can't stop warming up from the bottom of their heart.

Carefully turned over from the bed, Bai Yizhou went downstairs to eat something. There was nothing to do today. If you want to stay at home for a day, you should be right to accompany Xia Luoyu.

Xiao Fei prepared a lot of things and put them on the table. After Bai Yizhou sat down, he couldn't help frowning. He could see it. Xiao Fei makes breakfast with her heart. However, there are only two people at home, he and Luo Yu. There are too many of these things.

He handed Xiaofei a plate of things at hand. Bai Bei opened his mouth and said, "have you had breakfast? If you haven't, just eat some. After that, you can't finish it if you don't do so early in the morning."

Xiaofei nodded, but the flush on her face was not normal. Bai Beida didn't care about this person at all, but he couldn't hide it. Some people had grass in their hearts.

After breakfast, Bai Yizhou went upstairs to wake up Xia Luoyu. Looking at her confused appearance, he couldn't help laughing. Then he said, "Xiao Fei made breakfast. When you get up in a moment, remember to eat something."

Vaguely nodded. Xia Luoyu turned and slept again. Bai Yizhou touched her hair, then went downstairs and went out with Jue Jue and catkins.

Today is the day for Jue Jue and catkins to shave, but it seems that xialuoyu is difficult to get up from bed. Bai Yizhou went out of the door with Jue Jue and catkins.

When he came to the pet store, the clerk was very surprised when he saw catkins and Jue Jue, but he was very confused when he saw Bai Yizhou.

They know catkins and Jue Jue, but they don't know Bai Yizhou.

Looking around, Bai Yizhou came to this place for the first time. Naturally, he was curious.

When he handed the dog to the clerk, Bai Yizhou began to turn around at will in the store. Before, he always saw Xia Luoyu buy a lot of things back.

But when it was Bai Yizhou's turn, he didn't know what to buy.

Some curiously looked at the toy ball played by the dog in front of him. Bai Yizhou was excited. He just wanted to take one. The shopping guide said, "Sir, catkins and Jue Jue Jue are already big. This ball is a little small and may be swallowed."

Although a little embarrassed, Bai Yizhou didn't care. He took a bigger one from the side and put it into the basket.

Jue Jue and catkins have to flow out to take a bath and trim their hair. It must be a long time. Bai Yizhou is not in a hurry. He strolls around the store so slowly. He takes one of them at will if he likes anything, but he doesn't consider whether the two protagonists who really need it like it or not.

After a long time, Bai Yizhou finally got a little upset and sat in a chair. The clerk was busy checking out. Bai Yizhou took out his mobile phone and looked at the recent news at will.

Sometimes life is like this. It's boring, but it's more interesting.

When Jue Jue and catkins were finally pushed out and Bai Yizhou saw them, he also had a bright feeling in front of him,

Sure enough, after a simple clean-up, the two dogs became a lot more pleasing to the eye. Seeing Bai Yizhou inexplicably, they were also in a happy mood.

He came out of the bookstore with two dogs. After Bai Yizhou got on the bus, he was still very satisfied. He came to the pet store for the first time. In this case, it's still good.

When she got home, Xia Luoyu woke up and came down from upstairs, but she learned that Bai Yizhou went to the pet hospital with Jue Jue and catkins.

When he saw the two dogs, he had to admit that Bai Yizhou didn't show any mistakes.

The two dogs looked much better, but the idea of Charlotte rain was broken by a pile of things brought in by Bai Yizhou before it lasted a few seconds.

I don't know what Bai Yizhou thinks. He bought a pile of toys for Jue Jue and catkins. Usually they don't like them at all. They have to watch two dogs play together.

Xia Luoyu couldn't stand him like this. He went back upstairs directly. Most of the time, Bai Yizhou was Xia Luoyu's shield, a reliable look.

But occasionally, what Xia Luoyu can't understand, Bai Yizhou will become very childish, just like a child, and sometimes even more childish than a child.

After reading the latest design draft in the study, Xia Luoyu still felt that she was confused looking for you in her mind. Finally, she came out of the study reluctantly.

At this time, Bai Yizhou was in the backyard and had a good time with two dogs. He bought a lot of toys today. Although most toys, Jue Jue and catkins smelled, he was not interested at all.

However, Bai Yizhou himself was very happy. He completely removed all the toys he bought, and then pulled Jue Jue and catkins for a trial.

Time goes by more and more slowly. Jue Jue and catkins are a little laborious and impatient. Especially Jue Jue, catkins are a very patient dog.

Basically, he won't make any resistance to Bai Yizhou's behavior, but Jujue Jue is different. As the main object of Bai Yizhou's oppression, Jue Jue Jue is already irritable.

Bai Yizhou didn't seem to notice it at all. He still had a good time. Xia Luoyu stood in front of the French window and couldn't see it. He went downstairs to catch Bai Yizhou back.

Let Bai Yizhou sit beside him and watch TV with him. Xia Luoyu smiled secretly. In fact, she likes the feeling of Bai Yizhou's company.

At noon, Xiao Fei cooked the braised meat Xia Luoyu wanted to eat and several other light dishes.

Xia Luoyu was very happy. After dinner, she went back upstairs and sat in front of the French window looking at the original scenery.

After doing it in front of the French window for a long time, Xia Luoyu struggled for a long time in her heart. Finally she had a choice. She wanted to keep fit and exercise!

Two days ago, Xia Luoyu went to the hospital for another examination. The results of the examination were not bad. There was no big problem, but the doctor ordered it. Xia Luoyu needs exercise.

In their home, there is a gym. When they are not busy, Bai Yizhou often goes to exercise, but Xia Luoyu never goes.

Recently, Xia Luoyu has gained a lot of weight, and the whole person is indeed much weaker. He often has little strength all over.

After some ideological struggle, Xia Luoyu still came to the gym. As soon as she entered the door, Xia Luoyu sighed long.

I don't know where to practice. Xia Luoyu looked at the treadmill in the corner. After opening it, he went up and ran for a while, but he felt that he had reached his limit in less than ten minutes.

Looking around, Xia Luoyu sighed deeply. It seems that there is no sports suitable for her here, or she doesn't like sports at all.

Bai Yizhou didn't see Xia Luoyu for a long time. He went upstairs to look for it in his study, but he didn't see Xia Luoyu.

Some strange people came out of the study. Far away, they heard the sound in the gym.

Not only did Bai Yizhou upstairs hear it, but also the servant who was cleaning up downstairs.

There was a loud noise from the gym. I don't know what happened.

After two quick steps, Bai Yizhou came to the door of the gym and saw Xia Luoyu standing in the room with a barbell at his feet.

Bai Yizhou walked over, pulled the man to his side, and then glanced up and down. When he saw that Xia Luoyu was not hurt, he was relieved.

"What are you doing here?" Bai Yizhou asked.

Xia Luoyu was startled by the loud noise just now. When he heard Bai Yizhou's question, he reacted. Then he pouted and said, "how did I know that thing was so heavy that I didn't hold it, and fell down all at once."

Bai Yizhou reached out and gently patted Xia Luoyu on the forehead, and then said, "do you know how heavy it is? If it really hits your feet, you have no place to cry."

Xia Luoyu stuck out her tongue. She really wanted to know that she was like a child who did something wrong. She pulled Bai Yizhou out of the house.

Walking downstairs, he said, "I was really shocked just now. That barbell is really heavy. Where did you put him for what?"

Bai Yizhou didn't speak, but smiled spoiled. Xia Luoyu was always like this. Children's temperament didn't think about the consequences first.

When he came downstairs, Bai Yizhou raised his eyebrows and asked, "don't you have anything to say?"

Charlotte Yu sighed, and then began to say sadly, "the doctor said I should exercise more that day, but there is nothing suitable for me in your gym."

Bai Yizhou couldn't help laughing for a moment. Xia Luoyu never proposed to exercise. In fact, how could there be something suitable for him in the room.

In fact, Bai Yizhou had the idea of making Xia Luoyu exercise more for a long time. He just couldn't be cruel for a moment. When he started doing things, he must have been less severe than he thought.

But now it's different. Xia Luoyu himself put forward this matter, and Bai Yizhou will not block it any more.

On the same day, Bai Yizhou contacted the fitness coach to help Xia Luoyu prepare a complete fitness plan, and then ordered a lot of fitness equipment.

There is no room in the original room. Bai Yizhou seems to have to clean up a room and come out as a gym for Charlotte rain.

She hardened her head and watched Bai Yizhou clean up everything. Xia Luoyu suddenly felt like riding a tiger. She didn't know what to do.

Xia Luoyu is just a third of the heat. It's easy to say, but it doesn't necessarily want to exercise. Now Bai Yizhou has arranged everything.

If you want to give up talking, you can't say it all at once.

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