The next morning, Xia Luoyu got up and looked at the time. It was close to nine o'clock.

The breakfast time of the Bai family is seven o'clock. Xia Luoyu hasn't missed the time since she married the Bai family, but it doesn't matter now. She used to love Bai Beichuan deeply, so she doesn't want to make her mother-in-law Zheng MEIXIA unhappy.

After washing, I changed my clothes and went downstairs, but I found that not only Zheng MEIXIA but also Bai Fu were downstairs today.

When Zheng MEIXIA saw Xia Luoyu coming downstairs, she hummed heavily, but Bai's father was kind.

"Luo Yu, come and sit here."

Charlotte had to sit over.

"The family said, did you go to play last night?"

Xia Luoyu looked up at Bai Fu. Seeing that he just asked casually and didn't have any deep meaning, he replied, "yes, I got together with my friends yesterday."

Bai Fu closed the newspaper in his hand and said to Xia Luoyu with a smile, "young people, we should go out and walk more, talk with our friends and relax."

Zheng MEIXIA was very unhappy.

"What to play? I haven't even had a child for so long. I don't know how to persuade Beichuan to take heart. I only know to run outside all day. What's the use of marrying such a daughter-in-law!"

Xia Luoyu lowered her head and ignored her, but made her more angry. She also wanted to say something more ugly to vent the nameless fire in her heart.

But Bai Fu couldn't listen, and threw the newspaper on the table.

"What are you talking about? Your own son doesn't know how to strive for success. He knows how to spend all day drinking and drinking, which will ruin the reputation of my white family!"

Maybe I was short of breath. I took a hard breath before I continued.

"If you are so angry, it's better to educate your baby son. It's better to escape the boat. Now give me so many things!"

"You, do you still have a conscience!" Zheng MEIXIA was humiliated by Bai Fu in public, and her voice became sharp.

While crying, he wanted to reach out and scratch Bai Fu.

"My son? Isn't Beichuan your son? In your eyes, Beichuan can't compare with the son of cheap life. Why are you always so eccentric!"

Bai Fu had a headache and hurriedly summoned the servant, "send your wife back to the room, go!"

Zheng MEIXIA was pulled back to her room, and the living room was quiet again.

Bai Fu sat on the sofa powerlessly, "Luoyu, let you see a joke."

Xia Luoyu didn't know what to say, so she had to sit down and shake her head.

"Xiao Li," Bai Fu summoned the cook "to cook something for Luo Yu. She hasn't come yet and has breakfast."

"Yes, sir."

The cook took the order and went to the kitchen.

Bai Fu sat down for a while and got up to go to the company. Xia Luoyu got up to send Bai Fu, but was stopped.

"Take a break and go out when you have time. Many painters have come to Kerry building these two days. The Bai family has a little cooperation with there. I think the exhibition is good. If you are interested, go and have a look."

The white father paused, "don't listen to your mother."

"Well, I see, Dad."

Xia Luoyu watched Bai Fu out of the villa and got up and went to the dining room.

After breakfast, Xia Luoyu went upstairs to check the painting exhibition mentioned by cha Baifu. Many painters were involved, and even several of them were famous internationally.

Xia Luoyu is a little excited. Going to see the art exhibition is also very helpful for her to pick up the major of design again.

At lunch, Zheng MEIXIA still didn't go downstairs. The servant was scolded when she went upstairs and knocked at the door.

Xia Luoyu didn't want to touch Zheng MEIXIA's mold, so she had a hasty lunch alone.

The family was so depressed that Xia Luoyu decided to go to the art exhibition.

Put on your clothes and draw some light make-up. Then he took his bag and went out of Bai's house.

Since knowing that Bai Beichuan has no feelings for herself, Xia Luoyu no longer does not apply powder as before.

Which woman doesn't want to be beautiful, but Bai Beichuan doesn't like it. Xia Luoyu just gives up. Now she knows it's not worth it, so she does it at will.

Take a taxi to the Kerry building. As soon as you get off the bus, you see the sign standing at the door. The painting is on the 23rd floor.

I took the elevator to the 23rd floor, but was stopped at the door.

"Please show me your invitation."

"Invitation?" when Bai Fu said, he didn't mention the invitation. Xia Luoyu was a little puzzled.

"Sorry, miss, this exhibition is a semi commercial exhibition. You can only enter with an invitation."

Xia Luoyu remembered that Bai's father told her that the Bai family cooperated with her here. She just wanted to show her identity, but she thought, who knows she is Bai's daughter-in-law and Bai Beichuan's wife?

I'm afraid in the eyes of the public, Bai Beichuan and Yuan Xiaoxiao are a natural couple, right?

I was about to turn around and leave, but I was shouted.

"Charlotte rain?"

Xia Luoyu also looked surprised, "teacher?"

I followed the teacher into the meeting, but I was still surprised, "I didn't expect to meet the teacher here."

"Yes, even if you push off the opportunity I won for you when you graduate, you don't know to go back to school to see the teacher for so many years."

Xia Luoyu was a little embarrassed, but the teacher laughed, "OK, I'm just kidding you. In the future, remember to often go back to school to see the teacher."

Xia Luoyu nodded quickly.

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