Send Xia Luoyu to the door of Baijia villa.

Xia Luoyu waved goodbye to Ni Yifan and Bai Yizhou in the car, and then turned into the villa.

Unexpectedly, Bai Beichuan was sitting on the sofa. He didn't need to know that he was waiting for Charlotte rain.

"I thought you wouldn't come back tonight," Bai Beichuan said with a cold hum.

Charlotte took off her shoes and sat on the other end of the sofa. "I won't come back. What are you waiting for here?"

Bai Beichuan smiled angrily, "well, I didn't expect you to be so articulate now?"

Charlotte didn't answer.

Bai Beichuan continued, "is what the man said at today's dinner true?"

Xia Luoyu was surprised and asked him, "who?"

"That means you are her student!"

Bai Beichuan was angry all night. Now he is in a bad mood. He can't help talking with a fire.

Xia Luoyu uttered a cold voice and asked, "what about the real one and the fake one? Now Bai always wants to interfere in my life?"

"Xia Luoyu!" Bai Beichuan threatened in a low voice, "I came to talk to you. Don't be shameless!"

Looking at Bai Beichuan's careful appearance, Xia Luoyu inexplicably felt funny, "Bai Beichuan, can you be shameless? What you do yourself, do you think of humiliation now?"

Bai Beichuan was breathless. If Xiaoxiao hadn't been pregnant, he would have fallen here long ago.

He stood up with a gloomy face, "go upstairs and say."

Xia Luoyu went to the study with Bai Beichuan.

The study is on the close side of the second floor, farthest from Bai Fu's bedroom, and the sound insulation is better than other rooms.

It's a good place to talk.

"Come on, what do you want to talk about," Xia Luoyu asked calmly while sitting in the chair opposite Bai Beichuan.

Bai Beichuan tried to endure himself. He can't get angry now. It's the most important to divorce.

"Answer the question just now."

"Ms. Qiu, it's really my teacher. Why, do you have any questions?"

"I don't care about you," Bai Beichuan waved his hand impatiently. "I just want to ask you, do you want to re design?"

"Bai Beichuan, I graduated from fashion design. If it weren't... Forget it, it wouldn't be interesting to mention it," I almost spit it out. "I'll ask you, do I want to do fashion design again? What does it have to do with you?"

"I can help you!"

Xia Luoyu didn't speak. She looked at him with a complicated expression on her face.

Seeing that Xia Luoyu was finally willing to listen carefully to what he said, Bai Beichuan also forced himself to calm down.

"Xia Luoyu, listen, I can help you, open a studio for you, or go to any college you want to further study, I can help you."

"And then?"

Xia Luoyu's question stunned Bai Beichuan.


"What's your requirement to help me do this?" Charlotte looked at him playfully.

Bai Beichuan coughed unnaturally. "I can do one or both for you. There's no problem. I have only one request."

In fact, Xia Luoyu already had a general idea in her heart, but she still asked, "what?"


If you didn't expect it, "impossible."

Charlotte refused more simply.

Bai Beichuan tried to resist the urge to curse and said to Xia Luoyu in a relaxed tone: "I think the conditions I offered are good enough, but if you think they are not enough, I can add some things to you appropriately. I hope you will seriously consider it."

Then he stared at Charlotte rain's eyes tightly. As long as she was a bit loose, he could go up the pole and persuade Charlotte rain.

Unfortunately, Xia Luoyu was not loosened by Bai Beichuan's words, not at all.

Instead, she told Bai Beichuan cleanly, "you don't have to dream. I feel right and won't agree to divorce. I remember the humiliation you gave me. If I don't return it one by one, I will never divorce."

With that, Xia Luoyu turned and walked out of the study.

When she slammed the door behind her hand, she heard something suddenly knocked down.

Ironic smile, smash it, the happier the smash, the better.

Back to the room, looking at herself in the mirror, Charlotte felt very tired.

I want to go back to my childhood. As long as brother Yizhou is around, I don't have to worry about anything.

Wash the makeup off your face and lie in bed. It's really sleepy. After a while, you went to sleep.

The next day, when Xia Luoyu got up and went downstairs, the servant told her that Bai Beichuan had left again early in the morning.

Charlotte rain doesn't matter. After all, I've just quarreled. Even if it's been a night, goodbye can't help but make people angry.

Zheng MEIXIA just had another quarrel with Bai Fu. At this time, she didn't have time to talk to Xia Luoyu. She rarely had a clean breakfast.

Back in the room, Xia Luoyu sorted out her manuscripts these days, changed her clothes and prepared to go out.

At this time, her mobile phone rang. It was the teacher.

Quickly picked it up, "teacher, it happened that you called. I was trying to find you."

"Oh?" the teacher was also surprised. "Then you'll come to the studio in a minute. I've arrived by now."

"Well, OK, but what's the matter with your call now?"

"Nothing important," said the teacher. "I just want to see if you got home safely last night."

Listening to Xia Luoyu's spirit, the teacher was relieved.

After chatting and hanging up, Xia Luoyu set out.

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