Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast

Chapter 1121: Zhizhi: It really bothers you

"Ask me?" Lu Xingzhipi smiled and twitched his lips, "but I didn't answer your obligations."

She doesn't speak, doesn't mean she's really good at talking.

"Miss Lu Xingzhi, don't you answer, it means that you are guilty?"

"Little friend, I heard that Beltran died. Is it true that you inherited billions?"

"Little friends, they are all saying on the Internet that you and Mr. Bernard have an improper relationship. Is this true?"

Reporters are throwing up questions one after another. If they say they will lose their jobs tomorrow, then they don't need to worry about anything.

Anyway, it was a broken jar.

In the last question, Lu Xingzhi finally responded.

And it was very angry, "You can pour any dirty water on me. But you shouldn't damage my teacher's reputation. The dead are big, aren't you clear? You really are the most basic people Is the bottom line unnecessary too? "

"My teacher's life is innocent and frank, but you are here to slander at will. If you are heard by someone abroad today, you are tantamount to destroying the relationship between the two countries."

Lu Xingzhi looked at them coldly, and already saw their company from their microphone and work tag.

"It turns out to be you, every time you instigate your netizens to hack me on Weibo. Every time you make the worst of it, it really bothers you."

At this time, the security guard finally arrived, guarding Lu Xingzhi, and finally got into the car.

These things are naturally in the news.

To be honest, I think those reporters are too much.

It's overkill, spreading salt on others' wounds. Xiao Zhi has lost a lot of weight, she can see that she is very sad.

Like President Huo said, some people are not willing to expose the two vulnerabilities.

Little knowledge, come to my arms. I protect you.

Do I think Mr. Huo is handsome alone?

Upstairs, you are not alone. Huo is always really handsome, walking hormones!

Doesn't anyone notice billions of inheritance, what's going on?

Xiaozhi, did you go to buy a lottery ticket?

"I know, it's me that I'm not good, and I haven't taken good care of it, otherwise those reporters can't find us. Be careful in the future." Huo Jinchen was a bit guilty.

"It has nothing to do with you! Don't blame yourself, besides, I'm not hurt at all." Lu Xingzhi thought of the reporter's question, "Uncle, how would they know the money I inherited."

"That should be Bernard's idea. They did it on purpose." Huo Jinchen told her.

"Oh!" Lu Xingzhi thought, there really was no stop there.

"It's okay, we're back home now. They dare not take any action at all." Huo Jinchen sat there, which was a bit of a coincidence.

"it is good."

At this time, the most uncomfortable is Shen Zhizi.

Even the scandal should last for several days.

Then why did Lu Xingzhi return to China, her hot search all went down.

Shen Zhezi was unwilling, but she didn't dare to take any big action now.

She didn't want to play yet, but didn't know that it was ready to convey her designation to block her.

"Is there no way? Lu Xing knows this **** is going to be the most right for me. Otherwise, why did he choose to return to China today. I will be on stage tomorrow."

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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