Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast

Chapter 251: Are you inviting me?

"Don't touch it." Lu Xingzhi grabbed his hand, a blush turned into a tomato, and stopped: "No."

"When will that be possible?" Huo Jinchen's hand stopped, he leaned on the sofa and brought Lu Xingzhi into his arms.

"I refuse to answer such questions." What made her answer?

Could she know the exact time?

"So what do I feel for myself?" Huo Jinchen's hand leaned on her lips to prevent Lu Xingzhi from seeing him smiling. At this time she laughed, and her already red face would be even redder.

Lu Xingzhi gave him an angry look, got up, and said to him, "Uncle, if you do this again, I will ignore you."

This way, she did not want to confess to him.

Thinking of the watch in the drawer, Lu Xingzhi didn't want to give it to him when he was dressed so casually.

"Then I won't say it." Huo Jinchen added in his heart: say later.

It doesn't work anymore, do it later.

This is the inner monologue of a boring man.

"Let's go out for dinner at night!" Lu Xingzhi didn't want to continue the current embarrassing topic. When she knew what she wanted, she wanted to tell Huo Jinchen.

However, she didn't want to say so casually.

She has never done such a thing. She likes a person for the first time and wants to like her life.

Of course it is solemn and solemn.

"Are you inviting me?" Huo Jinchen supported her chin, and was very happy inside, but she looked unwilling.

"Did you not hear me?" Lu Xingzhi ignored him, and said, "Yes, I'm inviting you. Do you have time to have dinner with me?"

"Zhizhi invites me, naturally there is time. Even if there is no time, I have to be free. What do you want to eat that night?" Huo Jinchen felt that feeling good, and looked forward to it.

"Since I invited you to dinner, naturally I asked you this question, what do you want to eat?" Lu Xingzhi asked back.

"Is it anything I want to eat?" Huo Jinchen raised a meaningful eyebrow.

"Um." Lu Xingzhi nodded. "What do you want to eat?"


"Huh?" Lu Xingzhi responded a few beats before reacting. "Except me."

"Then I'll follow you. It's up to you to decide." Huo Jinchen naturally just teased her, how could she really eat her.

"it is good."

Lu Xingzhi decided to wait and ask He Lianxi, what better restaurant, when she took Huo Jinchen over.

Huo Jinchen thought of the gift that Lu Xingzhi had bought for her, so she stood up, "Wait for me, I have something for you."

Seeing him go out, Lu Xingzhi changed his clothes again.

It happened that Huo Jinchen came in again.

He came over with a suitcase.

Opened in front of Lu Xingzhi's face, and then, a suitcase full of exquisitely packed boxes. And clothes.

"I brought you some gifts. Do you like it?"

"Is this all for me?" Lu Xingzhi never knew how to give a gift.

"Who else can I buy besides you?" Huo Jinchen also changed over.

Since having Lu Xingzhi's fiancee, his clothes have a little more color.

"But that's too much."

"Not much at all, but more." He only knew too little about Lu Xing.

Lu Xingzhi hugged Huo Jinchen, "I like it very much, thank you."

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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