Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast

Chapter 307: Third brother won't give her a chance

Does Lu Xingzhi know?

"Three brothers won't give her a chance." Helianchi still believed Huo Jinchen.

If you are unemotional, once you are emotional, it is a lifetime.

Only the Anderson family is the second largest consortium in the United States.

Even if Helianchi didn't care much about it, he knew it.

"I've seen Amanda. The beauty of this woman is not inferior to that of Lu Xingzhi. Moreover, she is tall and **** and enchanting. Such a style cannot be resisted by ordinary men." Shen Yanzi raised a glass of red wine and looked up A glance at Hellendar in the drinking room.

However, Helianchi was cutting the steak gracefully, without much reaction.

"Well, in fact, I think such a woman and third brother are more suitable. Whether it is family or other, if it is Amanda, I give up on the third brother to be willing."

"Sister Zi, do n’t care about the third brother. No matter who he is with, this has nothing to do with you. Moreover, the marriage contract between the third brother and Lu Xingzhi was set by Grandpa Huo. Yes, even if the third brother no longer likes Lu Xingzhi, unless Grandpa Huo nods, it is impossible to lift it. "

Helianji had been bothered with these things, and he didn't want to do anything else because of Shen Zhezi.

It's a pity that because of Shen Zhizi's affairs, he hasn't called him a brother anymore.

He didn't want to upset his family anymore. I don't want to hurt others anymore.

"Well, you don't need to emphasise these again and again. I know everything, but I'm not willing. I just want to talk to you. What do you think I can say? I'm not convinced and can't stand it. Do you know? Not long ago, I saw Lu Xingzhi bought 1.8 million watches. "

Shen Zhezi couldn't help complaining: "But it was the third brother's hard-earned money. Does Lu Xing know that he can still make money? I just can't stand it. Such a greedy woman is going to be his third wife."

Shen Zhenzi was unwilling to reconcile. She said so much that she hoped that Helian Xu could help her. He also hoped that Helianchi would destroy the feelings of Lu Xingzhi and Huo Jinchen.

Let Amanda take advantage of it, but she also believed that Huo Jinchen would not like a notorious woman like Amanda.

"Sister Shen Zongzi, I'm full. If nothing is wrong, I'll go back first." Helianchi put down the knife and fork, the steak in front of him was already tasteless.

"I'm sorry, oh, I shouldn't say these things. I'm going home, too. I didn't drive over, you send me!" Shen Zunzi knew that this matter could not be anxious, and stopped talking.

Helena agreed, but didn't say a word along the way.

Shen Lizi was sent away, but Helianchi did not return to the apartment, but went directly to Helian's home.

However, between the eyebrows, there was a little bit of affection.


"Yo! The big star went home today!" As soon as Helien Xi got out to get something to eat, he saw Helien entered through the gate.

"Isn't it Wednesday? Why are you back?" Helien asked.

"I can come back to my house naturally. Is it strange that you come back?" Helian shrugged, took out a peach from the refrigerator, washed it, and prepared to return to the room.

"It's a pity." Helianchi stopped her.

"Why?" He Lianxi stopped and asked.

Hellenbe kept talking a lot, and finally asked: "Did Lu Xing know anything about Amanda with you?"

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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