Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast

Chapter 348: Stunning audience, highest affirmation

She was wearing a goose-yellow mop skirt, tall and braided, and braided into a twist. Exposing porcelain white delicate face and jade-like swan neck.

The light hit her, giving her a layer of soft light, like a fairy walking out of a fairy tale, holy and beautiful.

She came slowly, step by step.

Sit gracefully in front of the piano.

The people who came to the concert this time were not only Chinese, but also some foreign audiences.

They can't even say that the **** the stage is not beautiful, which is completely recognizable.

But is it true that a girl like Meicheng really plays the piano?

And it turns out ...

It really does.

Lu Xingzhi put his hands on the keys, and his fingers moved with the weak light.

At the beginning, the rhythm was relatively slow, and then gradually accelerated, cheerful, and later it seemed as if they were killing, plundering, and finally, the corpse ran across the ground and blood stained the earth ...

Slowly, the mountains and rivers collapsed.

Only endless loneliness remains.

However, the rhythm changed again, and the genre changed again. It seemed that after thousands of years, the earth had returned to its original state. It was peaceful and beautiful, which made people yearn for it.

Under the stage, a pair of seductive eyes are like beasts, staring at the girl playing the piano above, there is predation, and it is also interesting.

Such a beautiful and pure girl, ruined, I do not know what it feels like.

Her blood must be very sweet!

The cold lips of men evoke evil.

Lu Xingzhi is still playing on the stage. I don't know how many people have a different mind because of her.

Huo Jinchen just wanted to applaud his girl, she is undoubtedly the most dazzling.

In the end, Lu Xing's hand was clear.

The audience stood up and applauded, giving her the highest affirmation.


The girl who looks beautiful also plays the piano.

It's just that the girls above are really beautiful.

The beauty is too dreamy.

As if leaving at any time.

The most gratifying thing was Beltran, and he was finally relieved. The angels in his family did not let him down.

This "Plunder" was ten years ago, because those people wantonly destroyed the mountains and the cruel killing of animals, seized their antlers, ivory, bear paws ...

Lu Xingzhi completely deduced that feeling, not only because he has practiced for so long, but also can't pick up any problems in terms of skills.

There were several pianists sitting under the stage. The students of Beltran really got his true biography. Talented.

Shen Yanzi's eyes burst into flames. If the eyes can hurt people, Lu Xingzhi on the stage may already be full of wounds.

A concert ended perfectly. In the evening, Lu Xingzhi went with them to the celebration party.

Huo Qiyuan was old, and Shrimp was too old, and the two were sent home.

Helien hurriedly hugged Lu Xingzhi, "I see, it's great! Really, today, you will be remembered by more people."

Hellen also said: "Tomorrow's front page headline is probably you again, and even Beltran may not have as much as you."

There was still a little sourness when Hellendar said this.

At the end of his concert, Lu Xingzhi was more popular than him.

And it lasted a long time.

"The teacher is paving the way for me, I know." Lu Xing knows that this cannot be said, and many people may have noticed it.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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