Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast

Chapter 375: They were so close

"It's a coincidence. If that was the time, how good I could know you." Huo Jinchen hugged Lu Xingzhi. "We missed it for six years."

"If we knew each other at that time, we probably really are the relationship between elders and juniors. At that time, would you like a twelve-year-old girl?" Lu Xingzhi quickly dismissed Huo Jinchen's thoughts.

"Knowledge, sometimes speaking too straight is not good. I will be very embarrassed if you are like this." Huo Jinchen thought, if at that time, he really knew Lu Xingzhi, he would not have thought at all!

However, when she grows up, she may still be thinking.

"I remember that there was a piano concert in Ares Square. Did you play the piano on it?" Huo Jinchen suddenly remembered such a thing.

"Yes!" Lu Xingzhi nodded, "I was also the teacher I met at that time. At that time, I also played a piano after the consent of a young lady. Maybe I played too well, so I was asked by the teacher Found."

Huo Jinchen smiled helplessly, it turned out that they were so close.



It's not particularly a pity.

"I tell you! I'm a teacher obsessed with accepting me as a student." Lu Xingzhi raised his head proudly. "Although I have a face, I can only count on talent!"

"I know, my family knows that they can eat on their faces, but they rely on talent." Huo Jinchen said with a smile.

"I'm going to sleep."

"Sleep!" Huo Jinchen lowered the album, hugged Lu Xingzhi, and put it on the bed.

"Uncle, good night!"

"Good night!" Huo Jinchen kissed on her lips before lying down holding her waist.


He Lianxi can be said to be proud of the spring breeze. Gu Jinyan reluctantly pursues her, but otherwise, she enjoys this feeling.

Moreover, she hated Shen Zhizi the most.

Shen Yezi was unhappy, and Helian Xi was very happy.

Finally, she waited for Shen Zhizi to find Cheng Zhiyan, and the two met at the bar.

Shen Zhezi arrived first. She wanted to help Cheng Zhiyan today. After that, she poured some wine on herself.

She didn't know that everything she did was recorded by a camera.

Many photos were taken.

When Cheng Zhi's words arrived, he smelled a scent of wine, and frowned, saying, "Zi Zi, how much wine did you drink?"

"Yes, you are here? I'm not happy, I'm so uncomfortable. Do you know? My recent experience has been really bad, terrible ..." Shen Yanzi said, and poured another glass of wine.

"Don't worry, the news on the Internet will soon pass." Cheng Zhiyan took her wine glass, "Don't drink, look at you, do you still look like the goddess of the piano? Don't you care about the image most? ? "

"What kind of piano goddess am I? Lu Xingzhi has stepped on me to the dust. What is good about her? Why does she think she is better? She is just luckier than me. I rely on myself. And she It ’s all men. It ’s all about a face. ”

Cheng Zhiyan sighed and couldn't bear to look at her like this and said, "Yi Zi, you will stand up again. How can you lose to her if you are so good?"

"You will help me, right?" Shen Yanzi shed tears, looking forward to Cheng Yan's words.

"Yes. I will help you."

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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