Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast

Chapter 387: So good condition, what piano to play

How did he know that the people behind Lu Xingzhi were so powerful, he always thought that Lu Xingzhi relied on a climbing bed.

"Brother Shen, you said, what should I do?" Zhou Yuwei thought highly of himself and naturally refused to apologize, but he did not want to end such a life.

So he was afraid, he was afraid they would not let him go.

"Anyway, you first apologize publicly on Weibo. Then, I will contact you to see if I can meet with Lu Xingzhi. You apologize face to face, remember, you must be sincere. Originally I thought You can use her to connect with big names like Beltran to open the European and American markets. "

Shen Berlin still feels terrible, "Why are you so stupid! No one in the entertainment industry will offend her after knowing that she is a student of Beltran. No matter if it is a singer or an actor, no one wants to go abroad Ah! Not to mention, Beltran has a cousin who is a great director. "

"Why don't you say it earlier." Zhou Yuwei turned to Shen Berlin.

"I didn't say earlier, how did I know you would be stupid enough to post Weibo. After you posted Weibo, I said that you deleted Dao Qin, did you listen? However, rest assured, Huo Jinyan and He Flail will go smoother. "

He didn't want to talk to him anymore. Shen Berlin was not so busy. He also had to do a good job in public relations.

Don't burn the fire on his head.

However, it's a pity.

Lu Xing knew such good conditions that he did not enter the entertainment industry.

What piano do you play?

Several people have listened to the stuff these days.

Zhou Yuwei finally posted a Weibo when the entire network was dark.

[Zhou Yuwei zzv: I have to apologize here for the trouble caused by the Weibo I sent to Miss Lu Xingzhi. I've been practicing retreat for the past few days and haven't paid attention to these. Who knew that there was such a big noise, I just said a word casually, and I didn't know it would be like this. @ 鹿 ​​星 知. You're such a beautiful younger sister, you will forgive me! 】

As soon as his Weibo was posted, there were a lot of comments right away.

[Vivi's little clothes: Believe Vivi, but the big boy just complained casually, the woman who knows Lu Xingzhi should not let go. 】

[Vive My Life: Vive is great, come on! It was originally a small question called Lu Xingzhi. She did not call her by name, she wanted to join the heat. 】

[Ha ha da: I put a durian on the desk of a colleague. He was scolded by the office staff for a few days. The boss also deducted his salary and fired him. You will not blame me for being so kind. Ha ha……】

[Lemon is a bit sweet: I destroyed the school stuff, but I framed other classmates. He was criticized for reporting, his scholarship would be deducted, and the quota for studying abroad was cancelled. Sorry, I didn't mean it. You will forgive me. 】

[Favorite grapes: Serve the fans, shameless love bean shameless fans, obviously Lu Xingzhi was scolded for three days and two nights, and actually said that others have made a big deal. They didn't name it either! 】

In addition to Zhou Yuwei's fans, Lu Xingzhi is basically supported on the Internet.

After all, there are Helien and Huo Jinyan in it! Huo Jinyan alone has over 100 million fans.

Moreover, most people's three views are normal. There are feelings of right and wrong.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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