Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast

Chapter 531: His eyes are exactly like Zhizhi

"Cut it! Just open it to the masses, what to pretend." Si Jingrou rolled his eyes, took out hundreds of dollars from the wallet, shoved it into Lu Yu's hands, "take the money and hurry."

"Well!" Wei Yang couldn't help laughing, this lady was the rich man who pretended!

Although driving a sports car, this car is only one or two million.

How come this car has millions of people!

"What are you laughing at?" Si Jingrou asked Wei Yang.

"It's nothing. This lady, the car we drove was not expensive, but it was initially determined that the repair fee would not be less than 500,000." Wei Yang didn't want to talk to her. "Please give me a business card and take a picture by the way , You can ask a professional. "

Wei Yang's distressed! How can a man not car? Although this car is not his, he is a wife who loves others.

"What kind of car is so expensive?" Si Jingrou did not expect Wei Yang to look bad, and would drive such an expensive car.

"You'd better take a picture of this gentleman's car, and ask your friends and relatives, is this really a break from the public. Get ready for a million! You are lucky, the two cars you hit were worth more than Ten million. "Wei Yang said very friendly.

"What?" Si Jingrou was startled.

"If you don't have a business card, just give me the phone number and name." Wei Yang smiled like a fox. "You can rest assured that I have written down your license plate number. I will also write down your people. I will not let you escape of."

"It's the same with me." Lu Yuying kept smiling.

"You ..." Si Jingrou wanted to escape, but was stopped by Lu Yuzhen. "Miss, you better give me the contact information, otherwise I have to go to your parents."

"Huh!" Si Jingrou did not dare to face such two strong men, so he had to say his contact information.

"What's the name?" Lu Yuzhen asked.

"Si Jingrou." Si Jingrou was scared to death. Lu Yu's prestige was suppressed. She felt that her throat was not choked.

"Wei Yang, what's the matter?" Huo Jinchen saw Wei Yang not returning for a long time, and then got out of the car.

When I walked over, I saw Lu Yuzheng who had a side at the airport. It happened that the rear window of the car behind was opened, and Huo Jinchen glanced accidentally.

Match those eyes.

What surprised Huo Jinchen was not Lu Yuzheng, but the man in the car.

Exactly, this man's eyes are almost exactly the same as Lu Xingzhi's.

If you have to tell a different place, then, just, Lu Xingzhi's charming and clear, younger.

But this man's is vicissitudes, cold and indifferent. Temperament is even colder.

Many people's eyes look like this, but this man is not just the eyes, but the tear mole at the end of his eyes is in the same position as Zhixing Zhilong.

Will there really be two people like this in this world?

"This gentleman, so coincident, I didn't expect to meet here." Lu Yuchen looked at Huo Jinchen and greeted with a smile.

"It's a coincidence indeed." Huo Jinchen looked pale, but her heart was surging.

Does he have nothing to do with Zhizhi?

Or is it just a deliberate approach?

Instead, Yun Yan looked at Huo Jinchen and noticed him, but he just felt that this man was not ordinary.

Si Jingrou did not expect that there was still such a handsome man in the car in front.

Remember the domain name m .. in a second

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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