"Huh? Ruan Ruan?" As soon as she squeezed into the front row, Wu Bing was very surprised at Bai Ruan Ruan's appearance, and immediately stepped forward to bring her over, but Bai Ruan Ruan hadn't passed yet. Ruan took a step back one after another, shrank behind Ji Nian, and stared at her vigilantly.

    "Soft and soft?" Wu Bing was stunned by the other's vigilance.

    "Don't come here! You bad woman who hurt Sister Li." Bai Ruanruan shrank behind Ji Nian angrily.

    Wu Bing was silent for a while, feeling a little shocked, and opened his mouth to defend something, "Of course I don't know about her...and you..."

    No matter how she explains it, her intention to kill vampires does exist, especially strong.

    "Okay, Wu Bing, come back first." Bai Er'er stood behind and pulled her back, pulling her back to his side, and then his eyes wandered on Ji Nian, "This is Miss Vampire, what do you mean by coming here?"

    Ji Nian put his hands in his pockets and looked indifferent, "I'll ask you to get someone back."

     Naturally, she is not nervous about these hunters, and her posture is also very relaxed, and it is natural to say that she is personal, but the appearance of not caring about their identity is a kind of righteousness in the eyes of other hunters Their contempt was particularly fiery.

    "You are a vampire, dare to come to us and ask for someone! Today we don't say anyone, and you don't want to go back easily!"

    "That's right! You are a vampire who detained our sister Ruan Ruan. You dare to come here, and you won't have any good fruit to eat!"

    "Second and second sister, don't give her a good face, like this kind of vampire, you will know what this place is after a lesson."

    A group of people shouted, especially booing.


    The noisy crowd was instantly silent, looking at each other, staring at Bai Er Er carefully.

    Bai Er Er stared at Ji Nian's back, hiding and refusing to face them, Bai Ruan Ruan, took a deep breath, put on a smile again, turned to the side and gave in, dressed in the manner of everyone , "Since you have brought people here, we won't let you go back empty-handed, but this is not the place to talk, why don't you come inside with me."

    Bai Ruanruan nervously looked around at the crowded crowd around him, tugged at Ji Nian's clothes, and reminded in a low voice, "This is a bad place to kidnap Sister Li, you have to be careful."

    Ji Nian casually pulled out his clothes from Bai Ruan Ruan's nervous palm, and said calmly, "I know."

    Bai Ruan Ruan wanted to remind him twice, but Ji Nian had already started walking, and she immediately followed.

    Bai Er Er led them through the crowd, intending to take them to Li Guang's place first.

    Wu Bing stayed behind to appease and disperse the gathered people, but was instructed by Bai Erer in a low voice, and he would find an excuse to bring Yan Yuan there.

    "Second and second sister actually brought the vampire in, what are you thinking?" The crowd looked at the backs of them leaving, and made a small voice of discussion.

    "It's to be soft, but bringing the vampires to the camp, anyway... it's against the rules."

    "It's fine to just grab Ruan Ruan back, why are you being so polite to vampires?"

    "Second and second sisters are too docile, if Ruanruan is sister, this will definitely have subdued vampires."

    A group of people were noisy, Wu Bing frowned and coughed, and the people around him consciously lowered their voices.

    "Don't talk about it behind your back, the second and second sisters have her own ideas." Wu Bing glanced at them with cold eyes, "I will look at that vampire, you all leave, Don't get together here."

    "Are you all right? That's a vampire anyway." Some people couldn't help but worry.

    "Are you questioning my ability?" Wu Bing raised her chin slightly, her eyes cold.

    The person being stared at shrank his neck and did not dare to question any more. The people blocking the door dispersed in twos and threes, and some still stayed near the door uneasy. did not go.

    After Wu Bing confirmed that they would not continue to block here, he glanced at the crowd and immediately caught Yan Yuan who was hiding, and went forward and grabbed her shoulder.

    "Yan Yuan, let's go."

    Yan Yuan froze and looked pale, "I remember that there are some things at home, I have to go back and deal with it."

    "Is there anything more important than life?" Wu Bing grabbed her shoulders tightly, and didn't mean to let go, he took her abruptly, planning to go to Li Guang's place 's hut.

    "You can handle it here. It's your housework anyway. It's not convenient for me to participate as an outsider. I really have to go back." Yan Yuan tried to struggle, but Wu Bingkou It was very tight. They were all their people along the way from the Bai family's avenue, so Yan Yuan was in sight, and he didn't dare to say anything to Wu Bing.

    Yan Yuan's nerves were tense, but her thoughts were still turning rapidly. Now this situation is really bad for her.

    But as long as Bai Ruanruan doesn't remember her memory and decides that she is the murderer, if she bites her to death and doesn't admit it, she still has room to turn around.

    Wu Bing quickly dragged her to the small room where Li Guang was, and as soon as she entered the door, it was full of people.

    Bai Er Er was sitting on the sofa on one side, and two vampires and one soul were crowded on the opposite sofa. Bai Ruan Ruan was clinging to Li Guang's side to greet her, caring whether she was injured here.

    Li Guang responded lightly, and only made a simple response. The atmosphere between him and Bai Ruan Ruan was very strange.

    "Second sister." After Wu Bing dragged Yan Yuan into the room, he closed the door and dragged Yan Yuan towards Bai Er'er.

    "You guys are here, let's start." Bai Er'er glanced at the two of them, placed the tea cup in his hand on the table gracefully, and then leaned back on the sofa.

    "The purpose of this lady vampire is to take away Miss Li Guang, and Miss Li Guang is here to find the murderer who hurt Ruan Ruan, and then return Ruan Ruan to us. "Bai Er Er's eyes slowly fell on Bai Ruan Ruan. "Finding the murderer who hurt Ruan Ruan is what we should do, so the goal is the same."

    Ji Nian was distracted and did not pay attention to listening, but after she came in from Yan Yuan, her eyes kept falling on Yan Yuan.

    " Ruan Ruan was on your side and was attacked, saying it was caused by people on our side, but in fact people on our side didn't know about it. If possible, I hope you two can cooperate , check the information with us." Bai Er'er's eyes swept across their faces one by one, and he also noticed that Ji Nian seemed to be paying special attention to Yan Yuan.

    Li Guang leaned slightly on the sofa and glanced at Yan Yuan, who had appeared on the opposite side. "Before that, you should explain, who is this additional woman?"

    Bai Er Er has not spoken yet, but Bai Ruan Ruan, who is next to him, actively spoke first, "It's the girl who left us on the phone and said that she would meet us in the courtyard."

    "Oh...it's you." Li Guang's eyes became sharp in an instant, this is the person who was originally excluded from her, and later found out that she was the real murderer.

      She came here directly to check the news, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find that Yan Yuan attacked them with a time difference of a few minutes.

    Yan Yuan tried her best to keep a smile and nodded, she didn't know how many people were suspicious of her, but as long as she didn't admit it, it would be fine.

    The Bai family can't explain the murderer, and these two vampires will not return Ruanluan back. If they don't return it, they can't be 100% sure that she is the real murderer. This is an endless cycle.

    "The attack you experienced last time also started from the invitation at eight o'clock. Someone took advantage of this invitation to try to hurt Ruan Ruan again." Bai Er Er turned his eyes and smiled. Xiang Yanyuan, "This invitation is through you to allow us to communicate with each other. Should only a few people at the scene know about it?"

    Yan Yuan's smile froze at the corner of her mouth, thinking for a while, but she immediately realized that Bai Erer's question was trying to narrow the scope of the murderer.

    She hurriedly shook her head, "No, I was so happy that day because I had to receive Ruan Ruan back, I couldn't help but tell several people here, and I don't know who leaked the rumors. Blame me."

    She silently pulled the scope of the murderer to the entire Bai family. Anyway, after checking it, she said she didn't remember it, and they had no way to confirm the authenticity of this sentence.

    "Oh, that's it." Bai Er'er smiled lightly, not surprised by Yan Yuan's cleverness.

    Li Guang raised his chin slightly and said softly, "But the people on our side, when they were attacked that day, saw the appearance of the leader."

    She pointed clearly that Ji Nian had seen Yan Yuan, although in Ji Nian's impression, the Yan Yuan in front of her should be called Wu Bing.

    Yan Yuan's face tensed, and she looked nervously at Ji Nian opposite, her fingers pinched pale, "In the middle of the night, you can still see the leader in the chaos of the attack. It's really not easy to look like, it must be a very important clue."

    Bai Erer smiled and coughed lightly, and handed the teacup to Wu Bing next to her, "Wu Bing, help me add some water."

    Wu Bing nodded, took the cup in Bai Er's second hand, and turned to add water.

    Ji Nian hesitated for a second, then said, "What did you call her just now?"

    Bai Er Er smiled and nodded, "Wu Bing, this is my bodyguard."

    "Huh?" Ji Nian, who had never heard of the news before, pointed to Yan Yuan in confusion, "If her name is Wu Bing... what is this called?"

    Yan Yuan's heart trembled, and hurriedly preempted, "My name is Yan Yuan, this is the first time I see you."

    Facing Yan Yuan's nervous smile, Ji Nian's eyes became thoughtful, "Isn't it you that night?"

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