The room.

The bed.

The smell.

The toys…

…and the boy.

Liu Yang's heartbeat started to accelerate and opened her eyes wide. Guan was still immersed in their kiss when she felt his grip loosened, she took up all her strength and pushed him hard away from her.

And then…


Guan did not know why he had the impulse to kiss her but he just did. Her presence was as clear as day that he got blinded by it. Right now, she's like a ball of sunshine to him.

As he put his lips to hers, he felt satisfaction, comfort, and…home. She tried to get away but how can he let her be? This newly found home…

At the spur of the moment, when his hands loosened its grip and started to slid down her shoulders to her hips, he did not know what happened but he was shoved to the corner and…pak!

A fist landed on his face.

"Did you just punch me?!"

This woman!

This is not typical! Instead of a slap, he received a punch?!

He felt a small cut on the corner of his lower lip as he tasted blood. He looked at her glaring and frowning while taking deep breaths. Her face is now green with furiousness.

"You sure are…capable," he said with a smirk.

Liu Yang felt like her stomach had turned upside down and could not retaliate to his accusations. Taking deep breaths, she closed her eyes to calm her heart and mind – trying hard not to wrench her guts out but…

She could not take it anymore and hurriedly unlocked the door and barfed on the roadside.

Inside the car, Guan felt confused and wronged at the time.

He muttered, "Why is she puking? Was she…disgusted by me?!"

Since it's already past 1 in the afternoon, heat is blazing. Luckily, the place where they parked by was surrounded by trees. They're like in the middle of nowhere.

Guan searched for a bottle of water and thankfully, he found an untouched one sitting in the backseat and a box of wet tissue. He stepped out of the car and went to her side then gently tapped her back, even pulling her long hair away.

"Are you alright?"

Liu Yang barfed as an answer. All the food that she had eaten since morning until that noon were already on the grass. After making sure that there's nothing left to vomit, she stood straight and turned to face him, her legs wobbly.

"Are you alright?" Guan asked once again and offered the water and tissue to her.

She the wet tissues and wiped her mouth with it then said, "This is your fault."

"Rinse your mouth with this."

Guan was smiling as he gave her the water and watched as she rinsed her mouth. He noticed that she's having a hard time because of her long hair so, he pulled it once again out of her face – revealing her fair and slender neck.

At the sight of it, he could not but look away and clear his throat that is becoming dry.

"I'm done," Liu Yang announced.

He raised his brows and let go of her hair. The two of them entered the car but Guan did not turn the ignition instead, he propped his arms on the steering wheel and turned to her who is in a daze.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he reached for her shoulders.

Glancing at him sideways, the rim of her eyes were red. Guan slightly panicked when he saw that.

"Don't cry. I…I didn't mean it, I'm sorry."

Liu Yang was staring dagger at him. "Don't do that ever again."

"I won't, I promise. And I'm sorry."

Guan felt guilty for what he did. As he gestured to hug her, Liu Yang simply pushed her and uttered, "Don't."

Flabbergasted, he felt speechless and reluctantly retracted his hand away. Was she really disgusted by me? Guan could not help but wonder.
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