Wan Li snickered, "Oooh! That's harsh. You have a crush on him, don't you?"

Liu Yang grimaced at him and shrugged her shoulders. "What am I, a high schooler?" she laughed. "Well, maybe, just…a little."

Wan Li gasped putting his hand on his chest while the other is on the steering wheel. "Okay girl, I give up. You win. I'm giving him to you, he's all yours."

She rolled her eyes and giggled, "Ugh! No thank you. I don't like big-headed bastards."

"But he really looks familiar. I think I've seen him somewhere."

"Maybe in your dreams," she jokingly said.

Wan Li just chuckled and did not say anything. Liu Yang leaned her head on the seat and closed her eyes. "What a day! I'm totally tired. Totally!"

Wan Li just responded with an "Hmm" and did not disturb her.

After a few minutes, she felt the car came to a stop. "We're here!" she heard Wan Li. Liu Yang opened her eyes and saw that they're already in front of the building to her apartment. She reached for the door. Before going out, she asked Wan Li, "Do you want to have dinner upstairs?"

Wan Li shook his head, "No. I have to accompany my sister tonight. Maybe next time."

"Oh. Okay." Liu Yang got out of the car and closed the door. She looked through the window and said while smiling, "Bye! Safe driving, love you!"

"Hmm, love you!" Wan Li start up the ignition. Before stepping on the gas, he looked at Liu Yang, "Yang, remember to me call if you need anything, okay?"

Liu Yang nodded and gave him a smile. "Of course, I will."

"I'll get going, bye!"

Liu Yang is waving her hand as the car ascended onto the road. When the car is nowhere in sight, she gave a sigh and entered the building. She entered the elevator and punched her floor number.

Liu Yang punched the code and opened the door. As she opened the lights, she's greeted by her domesticated cat and remembered that she was not able to feed it this morning because she was in a hurry. Liu Yang picked the cat and hugged it. "Hello Muse! Are you hungry?"

The cat responded with a "meow" and purred in her embrace. "I'm sorry I did not feed you this morning. You better eat. I know how famished you are."

Liu Yang put her bag on the sofa and go straight to the kitchen, opened the cabinet, and grabbed the food for the cat. She poured some food into the bowl and put Muse down on the floor to eat.

Liu Yang got Muse when it's only a kitten. She saw her on the streets, weak and frail. Yes, it's a she. Liu Yang has a soft spot for cats. Muse has been with her for a year now and is totally big and healthy. The cat really looked cute, with its long tail, and its color is white with some patches of orange. What Liu Yang attracted to Muse is that, the cat has heterochromia – its eyes have different colors; the other is blue while the other one is green. It amused Liu Yang.

"Finished your food, okay?" she said while patting the eating cat.

Liu Yang rose and went straight to her room to change.

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