That morning, Zhang Wei was woken up by his mother early in the morning.

"Weiwei wake up!" her mother, Zhang Rou, said while banging the door of his room. After a few minutes her mother came back and opened the door to his room and said, "Zhang Wei! I said wake up!"

"What is it, Ma? I already said I don't have a class today." He lazily said and put the blanket over his head.

Then his mother said, "Wake up! You have to come with me to your Aunt Xinyan's house. She asked me to bring you because they have a conference today together with your Uncle Qin. She said Yangyang needs a playmate."

"But I'm big enough to play with Yangyang." Blurted the boy with annoyance in his tone.

"If you come with me, I'll buy whatever you want. Deal?" Zhang Rou probed.

The boy thought for a moment and said, "Okay, deal."

Then he heard her mother said, "Good. Take a bath first and go downstairs for breakfast." Before he can answer to his mother, she already left while closing the door.

"Tch! This is such a hassle." The boy muttered to himself and sluggishly get up from his bed and entered the bathroom. Once he's in the bathroom, he opened the faucet and waited the pail to be filled. He discard his shirt and boxer shorts and dump them in the basket.

While he's at it, he remembered something. He get his towel, drape it around his waist and opened the bathroom door. He walked towards his bed and look under it but saw nothing. He tried prying his drawers and found what he was looking for. He took it with and grinned devilishly.

He again entered the bathroom and locked it. He discarded his towel and stared into the magazine that's full of naked bodies of women. The images enticed him, his breathing turned rugged. A while later, the sound of the faucet with the water gushing out from the pail can be heard inside the bathroom. Faint groans and grunts can also be heard.

Meanwhile downstairs…

Zhang Wei's mother is busily preparing for their breakfast. After she's done, she went to his son's room and knocked on the door.

Nobody answered. Zhang Rou tried opening the door and noticed that it was not locked.

She looked around and saw no one. Then, she heard the water running from the bathroom. She sauntered towards the bathroom door and knocked abruptly startling the boy inside.

"Weiwei? Are you done?"

Annoyed because of his unfinished business, the boy answered, "Not yet. I'll be out in a minute."

"Okay," he heard her say. Then he heard the closing of his door.

"Fuck it! I was almost there." Zhang Wei then put the magazine into the basket and covered it with the rest of his discarded clothes.

He immediately washed himself. He does not wanted to keep his mother waiting and have her suspicions.

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