"Why would I go to a gay bar? I'm not like you!" Wan Li snapped.

Liu Yang laughed while listening to them. She's still leaning on Wan Li's arm and simply sipping her cup of coffee.

"Yangyang?" Li Jun recognized her voice.

"Hmmm?" Liu Yang moved Wan Li's hand that is holding the phone to her face. "Jun! I missed you!"

"Wan Li's at your place? You're hanging out without us? That's not fair," Li Jun protested.

"We're working," Wan Li said flatly and glared at Li Jun through the screen. "Yang, I think my legs are numb," he said at Liu Yang, looking pitiful.

"Just wait here, I'll get us some chair." Liu Yang then exited the veranda. Before she exited her bedroom, Wan Li called, "Oh, and Yang can you also bring me another cup of coffee, please? Thank you. Love you." He said in a sweet tone.

"Hmmp! Fine."

As Liu Yang is nowhere in sight, Wan Li turn his attention back to Li Jun. "So, why did you call me?"

"Nothing. I'm just bored here at home. Are you two really working? Why are you standing at the balcony, just chilling?"

Before answering, Wan Li look at the door to the bedroom, checking if Liu Yang is back. As he made sure that she's not back yet, Wan Li told Li Jun what happened earlier that night.

"Oh. So, that's what happened. That's really good to hear. At least Liu Yang now realizes her own faults. I'm glad you're there," Li Jun said and gave a sigh of relief.

"Right. Don't tell her that I already told you. You know that she's not someone who really likes to share her feelings often." He looked at the door once again then added, "Kindly tell Yu Mei for me."

"I know. She'll tell us when she wants to," Li Jun replied.

Silence followed. After a few moments, Li Juan asked, "Is she still having those nightmares?"

Wan Li heard footsteps coming. "She's here," he muttered to Li Jun. He cleared his throat.

"Li, here. I'll go back to get our coffee." Liu Yang put the chair next to Wan Li and headed back to the kitchen. Wan Li smiled and nodded at her.

Wan Li faced Li Jun through the phone screen. "She is. Just a few days ago."

"Is she okay, now?" Li Jun spoke again after Liu Yang exited the room.

"I think so. Yang is strong, she knows how to handle her emotions well." Wan Li assured.

Through the screen, Wan Li heard Li Jun gave a long sigh. "But she also knows how to fake it so well. Remember that time when she ran away? She smiled at us and said that she's okay. But we heard her crying in the bathroom at your house." Li Jun's voice was full of worry for his friend.

Wan Li remembered that day. They were hurt watching their friend that way. Liu Yang had been through a lot. From her childhood, to this.

Wan Li and Liu Yang bear the same past. She told him about it thinking that he would understand her the most. He's the only person who knew that secret. Well, that's what she thought.

Liu Yang did not know that Li Jun and Yu Mei also knew. Wan Li could not bear to carry the burden himself. He felt pain and heartache for their friend.

"Of course I remember. Let's just find a right timing to talk to her about everything." he solemnly said. "By the way, where's Yu Mei?" he immediately changes their gloomy conversation.

"Yeah, where the hell is she?" a voice echoed from behind. Wan Li turned and saw Liu Yang holding two cups of coffee.

"She's cannot be reached. I think she's on duty today at the hospital." Through the phone, Li Jun's voice reverberated.

"Oh." Liu Yang and Wan Li answered in chorus.

Wan Li glanced at the time. "Hey, Jun! We better get back to work now."

Li Jun wanted to protest but still conceded. He hangs up the video call and the two started to dig-in in their respective works.

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