The way that he is feeling right now, is this…guilt? Guilty of being so stubborn? Is that it?

He searched his pockets for a cigarette. As he flicked the lighter, he remembered what he came in here for. He shoved the cigarette and lighter back in his pockets and exasperatingly brushed his unruly hair up.

After organizing his thoughts, Guan Ning went back inside. As he entered the dining room, everyone is settled in their respective seats, constantly laughing at their conversation while the servants are preparing the food. He stopped by the doorway, unnoticed, and puts his hands in his pockets. Contemplating if he should sit down and have dinner with them, his family. Looking at them feels like he's out of place.

A few minutes have passed, he heard his brother, "Mother, where is Guan? He's been looking for you awhile ago." Before his mother could answer Guan Qing's question, he cleared his throat in a loud manner so that everyone can hear and sauntered towards the dining table.

"I'm here, Ge," he uttered and gave a faint smile.

He sat in between his mother and Su Bin, facing Min Chu. He secretly glanced at her face and was stunned to see that she's staring at him as well. He blinked and withdraw his gaze from her. His heart beating erratically.

As he sat in the chair, the chatter bobbed down. An awkward silence filled the air. Guan Ning looked at the scrumptious meal in front of him prepared by his mother and heaved a long and deep breath. No one uttered a single word.

The air becomes stuffy. Even the servants standing nearby can feel the tension. Their backs drenched with cold sweat. Then everyone heard an authoritarian voice saying, "Let's eat."

Everyone turn their heads to where the voice came from. In the middle of the long rectangular table, sat a man in his late fifties. His hair has a streak of white in it.

Niu Yizhang.

Guan Ning's father, whom he hadn't seen for a very long time. As his eyes landed on the man in the middle, he noticed that time had robbed his youth. Though he still radiates an intimidating aura around him, his features changed with time.

11 years. Has it been that long? He hadn't seen this father of his for eleven long years.

All of them followed Niu Zhang's command and started putting food in their respective bowls.

"Guan, try this. It's your favorite. I cooked this for you." Choi Minjun put a shrimp on his bowl with a smile. The tension that surrounds the air dissipated a little bit and everyone started eating light-heartedly.

"Darling, try this." Guan Ning heard and looked at his brother's direction. He saw how affectionate the couple is. Pain and jealousy started to rose in his heart again. 'Fuck! Why don't you just get it over with?' he scolded himself.

Su Bin, who's beside him noticed everything. He sighed inwardly and shrugged his shoulders. He secretly glanced at his phone under the table and typed – 'Babe, I miss you.' He really can't stand watching Guan Ning and Min Chu being sweet together.

In the middle of their dinner, Niu Zhang uttered, "So, Guan Qing, how is the preparation?"

Both the brothers froze and looked at each other. They both knew what their father is talking about. Guan Qing cleared his throat and answered, "It's all settled, Father. Nothing to worry about. Guan is also with the preparation."

Their father nodded and added, "Good."

Silence followed. Only the clatter of the utensils can be heard. After a while, Choi Minjun seemed to remember something and asked, "Ah, Qing. I remember you said you have an announcement to make about Min Chu's health. Is it something threatening?" She looked at her son questioningly.

Guan Qing slowly puts down his chopsticks, gave a wide smile and held Min Chu's hand in front of everyone. The couple looked at each other, waiting for each other's signal. Min Chu gave a bashful smile and nodded, indicating Guan Qing to go on.

Guan Ning on the other side of the table furrowed his brows. His heart is in his throat. Worried about Min Chu's well-being. All of a sudden, he heard the most earth-shattering news that evening.

"We're pregnant."

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