The rays of the shining sun illuminated the room. Feeling the warm light on her face, Liu Yang opened her eyes and felt a slight headache coming. She saw Yu Mei beside her sound asleep and checks the clock on her bedside.

It's only 6:30 in the morning. She laughed to herself and thought, funny how she always wake up early when having drinks the night before while she's always late for work even though she sleeps early. Liu Yang stepped out of her bedroom, tied her hair in a messy bun, and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them.

In the middle of her cooking, she heard shuffling sounds from behind. As she turned her head around, she saw Li Jun sleepily walking towards her.

"Morning. Why are you up so early?" she beamed at him for a second then went on with what she's doing.

Li Jun yawned and stretched his arms before answering, "My throat felt dry all of sudden. Morning." He hugged her from behind before opening the fridge. "Do you have some soda or something?"

"I remember buying some. Maybe Wan Li drank them all. You know he's been staying here for days."

"Hmm, figures." He dispiritedly close the fridge's door and takes a seat on the dining table, looking bored.

"Why don't you go back to sleep or take a shower? It'll be a while before I finish this." Liu Yang urged him when she peered at him.

Just before Li Jun could answer, they heard the bedroom door opening and out came Wan Li, staggering towards their direction.

He then suddenly burped and grimaced. "Fuck, the aftertaste of the alcohol is so gross."

"Drink plenty of water, it helps." Liu Yang suggested on the side.

"I'm about to do that." Wan Li poured himself some cold water and grunt in satisfaction – feeling revitalized. He then also took a seat the beside Li Jun while propping his chin on the table with both hands, looking at Liu Yang blankly.

The house became quiet. The only thing that could be heard is the boiling coming from porridge Liu Yang is cooking. As she opened the lid, a delicious aroma filled around the house that made Li Jun and Wan Li's stomach growl.

Liu Yang handed them each bowls and the two dig in happily, curing their headaches and hungry stomach.

The three are happily eating when they heard distant barfing sounds inside the bathroom. They looked at each other for a moment then continued with their breakfast, ignoring the sound.

The door jolted open. "Water!" Yu Mei ran out of the room clutching her throat. She poured hot water onto her glass and drank it gradually.

The three of them saw that and shrugged. Liu Yang rose from her seat and gave her a bowl. "Dr. Yu, your porridge." But before Yu Mei could answer, she covered her mouth and went over the sink.

"God! Gross!" Li Jun shouted as he looked away. The sight of her puking her guts on the sink makes him wanted to puke himself, too.

"Shut up!" Yu Mei retorted after washing herself up. She sat down and eat the bowl of porridge with caution, afraid of wasting the delicious food.

"Any plans for today? It's Saturday," the silent Wan Li suddenly spoke up.

Yu Mei: "I'm going back to the hospital on Monday. Nah, I'm going to save my energy."

Liu Yang: "I agree. Starting on Monday, all hell are going to break loose."

Li Jun: "…"

Therefore, all of them agreed to get lazy that day and enjoy their time together while they're not still busy.


Guan Ning woke up at the sound of a car revving. He opened his eyes and squinted as light seeped through the curtains and hit his eyes. His naked body rose and looked through the windows and saw a red car leaving his house gates.

He smirked and went back to bed to retrieve his phone. Guan Ning turned it off to prevent everyone from contacting him. As the phone came to life, various texts and voice messages flooded the screen. Most of them were from his mother, asking his whereabouts, the other from his brother and one from Min Chu, inviting him out for a dinner.

Guan Ning looked conflicted for a moment but decided to ignore the messages. Then he noticed an email from Su Bin and curiously opened it. It was a photo and his face instantly dimmed at the sight.

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