Once again, Su Bin almost choked. He coughed a little and helplessly looked at him. Then, he put the food down and cleared his throat before answering, "She and Yu Mei are bestfriends. Oh, and also that Wan Li. You did not see Yu Mei in the photo because she's drunk and already sleeping."

Guan Ning just stared straight at him in between the smoke, his eyes telling him to continue talking so, he added, "The other guy is Li Jun. The guy that you saw in the bookstore with her is Xu Wan Li, I think you already know which is which so, yeah. And the setting of the picture is in her apartment by the way."

Su Bin saw Guan Ning's eyes twitched a little and his lips pressed into a hard line. He immediately closed his mouth and reached for his plate.

"Name, you idiot!"

He froze. Su Bin just then realized that he forgot to give him her name. "Oh. It's Liu Yang."

"Liu Yang," Guan Ning whispered, his lips curved into a beautiful smile.

Su Bin heard it and mocked him inside his head. His cousin is probably going crazy. He's taking a sip from his coffee when he suddenly remembered Liu Yang's workplace.

"Pfft!" the coffee in his mouth ricocheted across the table, almost wetting Guan Ning.

Guan Ning stared daggers at him that made him swallow his laughter inside and heart beat erratically. Despite his fear, Su Bin still managed to chuckle that made his cousin look even more menacing.

"Dear cousin, can you even guess where she works?" he gave Guan Ning a challenging look.

Guan Ning distinguished the cigarette and tossed a key on the table. Su Bin's eyes widened in surprise – almost popping out of its sockets, it's the Audi's key.

"Is that enough to tell me everything about her?" Guan Ning smirked. He knows how to poke Su Bin's weaknesses.

Su Bin cleared his throat and reached the key with hesitation. "Fine." He kissed the car key first before putting it safely in his pockets. "She's an editor…at Yinyang Publishing. She's quite a talent, really, and her friend, that Xu Wan Li. I think in just half a month, they obtained to be an editor in the company."

"How long has she been in the publishing?" Guan Ning is once again, amazed by this woman. His interest in her grows a bit deeper.

"I think it's nearly two years now. And I think I remember it's not even her major in college. She's really something, bro! But you know what, she's a bit cold towards me. I'll sent her other details to you through email tomorrow."

Guan Ning's eyes glistened with admiration. He ignored Su Bin's blabbering and is in deep thought. Then, he remembered Min Chu, they are a bit alike. Is that why he's drawn to her?

"Can I ask you a small favor?" he blurted out all of a sudden.

"You always ask me for a favor, I don't have a chance to say no, so, what is it?"

Guan Ning wanted to smack Su Bin when he heard what he said but was able to control himself. He sighed to calm himself down. "Arrange a blind between Liu Yang and me. Ask that girlfriend of yours."

"What if she says no?"

"Make her say yes."

"I can't just simply do that."

"Then, let me meet your girlfriend first, end of story." He rose from his seat and entered the house.

"What?!" Su Bin did not have the chance to retort and just watch Guan Ning's figure enter the house. He fisted his hair in despair. "Fuck, Guan! I hate you!" he whispered through gritted teeth.

Guan Ning heard Su Bin cursing and snickered. Of course he wanted to meet that girlfriend of his to see how brilliant she is for making Su Bin head over heels for her and of course, and most importantly, to ask her everything about Liu Yang.

He smiled and thought how smart his idea is. It's like hitting two birds with one stone.

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