Knock! Knock!

"Girls, let's eat."

Yu Mei's voice was heard behind the door. They immediately wiped their tears away.

"You go ahead first. I'll just wash my face in the bathroom." Liu Yang pushed them towards the door.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Wan Li checked her up once again.

She nodded and watched as their figures disappeared behind the door. She entered the bathroom and washed her face on the sink. Liu Yang saw her reflection in the mirror. The wound from long ago had been slashed open once again.

Her eyes started to sting once again so she immediately splash her face with water. After composing herself, she went out and saw them gathered on the table, eating peacefully.

"Where's Su Bin?" Liu Yang noticed Su Bin's absence.

Yu Mei put down her chopsticks and rose from her, seat giving Liu Yang a tight hug before saying, "He left, he's afraid of you."

Liu Yang smiled at the joke. Probably they told her about it. "Well, he should be."

The four of them enjoyed the meal while chatting and joking, burying the topic deep down. After their meal, they've decided to watch a movie, a horror film at that. Even though Liu Yang is not fond of watching those kinds of movies, but because the majority has decided, she doesn't have much choice but to agree.

While Wan Li is copying a variety of movies in his laptop to a flashdrive, Li Jun rummaged Liu Yang's kitchen for something to eat during the movie.

"Yang, can I eat the ice cream?" Jackpot! He's been craving for some ice cream and he just saw one.

From the living room, Liu Yang heard him and grinned wickedly. "No," she purposely said without facing him.

"Please?" he sit beside her and tugged her arm, begging her.


"Are you still mad at me?" Li Jun's face contorted, looking like he's on the verge of crying.

All of them laughed at the sight. This soft hearted guy is so funny!

"I hate all of you!" Li Jun said while pouting.

And the laughter escalated even more, Yu Mei almost rolled on the floor.

"Oh, you said before that you have something to tell us. What is it?" Yu Mei asked in between her laughter.

Li Jun's face twisted even more and this time, tears started rolling on his face. All of them panicked and immediately ran to his side.

Like, what just happened? They were still laughing and joking around now, this?

Liu Yang: "Hey, it was just a joke."

Wan Li: "Girl, what kind of drama is this?"

YU Mei: "What's wrong?"

Li Jun sobbed. "I haven't told you this but, when I was in Paris for the fashion week, I met someone. We…I mean, I thought what we had was real but it wasn't. He deceived me, and I feel like I'm an idiot for believing what we have had."

"I loved him. And I still love him until now. I never intend to be this overly dramatic, but I just wanted to love and to be loved, you know? I thought, right at that moment, it was him whom I think is the right person but…"

Li Jun's tears kept rolling, he really looked so pitiful.

"Hey, people like us, really needs validation when it comes to love. You'll get through this and one day, you'll meet someone better than that jerk, okay? For now, all you have to do is love yourself more." As someone who truly understands him, Wan Li gave him a hug that made his heart swell.

Yu Mei: "Jun, when you said deceived, what do you really mean?"

Li Jun wiped his snot before talking. "He's already in a relationship, he's a girl. He said life would be more practical if he married her. Unlike me, who is..."

Liu Yang: "Shit! If I ever see that in the future, I'll..."


Liu Yang wanted to say, 'I'll cut his balls' but Li Jun stopped him.

She shifted her gaze from Wan Li and Yu Mei, then sighed loudly. She hugged him and the two followed suit.

"Yang?" Li Jun softly called.


"Can I eat the ice cream?"

"Pfft!" The three of them bursts into laughter once again. Liu Yang felt like she'd been played by him. She gave a nod and Li Jun immediately pushed all of them and dashed to the fridge.

The four of them shared the ice cream and watched the movie, immersed in their own bubble, forgetting their heartaches and worries.

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