Wan Li looked at the waiter and saw how handsome he is.

"Baby, what is your name? Can you please help me order?" he flirtatiously said at the waiter and pouted.

"With pleasure, sir," the waiter answered politely with a smile.

Liu Yang scoffed at his actions. She raised her left brow and just had an evil idea.

"Honey, I really am hungry. Why don't you order for me?" Liu Yang said this in the most feminine tone as it can be. She then get up from her seat and sit next to Xu Wan Li and cling to his arm. She rested her chin on Wan Li's shoulder blades while pouting.

Wan Li is dumbfounded with what she did and could not utter a word, even the waiter almost dropped his jaw after hearing and saw what Liu Yang had done.

'What the fuck is wrong with this woman?!' – Wan Li.

'Fuck! They're an item? But he's gay, right?' – Waiter.

Wan Li looked at Liu Yang and grimaced. He then whispered, "What the fuck, bitch!? You look gross right now, you know."

Liu Yang smiled at him wickedly and whispered back in his ear. They really look intimate right now, like a real couple.

"I really am hungry right now. So stop flirting. You have plenty of time for that. And really?! A waiter?! Never know you would stoop that low!"

Wan Li rolled his eyes and did not fight back to what she said. He looked at the menu and then ordered, "Steak for two, shrimp pasta, carbonara, coffee and water. Thank you," in a flat tone.

The attendant take it down and then repeated their order, as Wan Li nodded, the attendant then retreats.

"You're so judgmental. But he really is handsome," Wan Li uttered as the attendant had gone to get their food.

"I didn't mean to. Sorry. I'm just so hungry," Liu Yang apologetically said and return to her previous seat.

"Is something bothering you today?"

Liu Yang froze after hearing Wan Li's question. She really can't hide anything from him. But she still shook her head.

Wan Li only sighed, "It's okay. You can tell it to me anytime you want. Just call me if you need anything, okay?"

Liu Yang felt like crying. "Thank you," she almost choke while answering to him.

A while later, their food arrived. Liu Yang's stomach grumbles after smelling the aroma of the food. She really is starving.

They both dive in to their food, none of them utter any word. They really got drained their energy in the meeting that morning.

As they finished, Liu Yang asked for the bill, and gave her card without batting an eyelid. They then exited the restaurant and head back to their office.

As they entered the building, Wan Li glanced at his watch and noticed that there's plenty of time before office starts that afternoon. He asked Liu Yang, "Wanna go for a smoke upstairs?"

Liu Yang frowned, "You know I don't smoke."

"Just come with me."


They then entered the elevator together and pressed the button for the top floor.

As they opened the door to the top floor, warm breeze greeted them.

"Ahhhh! Fresh air," Wan Li exclaimed.

The top floor of their building is refreshing because there is a mini garden situated in it. There are benches in every corner. Also, it has roof in it that is why even if it is 12 high noon, you can't get hit by the harmful rays of the sun. It also serves as the smoking area for the employees.

Wan Li and Liu Yang frequented here, though Liu Yang doesn't smoke.

Wan Li retrieve his cigarette pack in his pocket and lit one of it. He took a long hard drag, and blow the smoke.

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