Sweetest Top Actress in My Home

Chapter 698: No one is stupid!

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Jiang Yuning called Yu Shaowei and his current agent into the office.

Obviously they are the same age, but Yu Shaowei and his agent saw the fear of Jiang Yuning when he saw Jiang Yuning.

Because Jiang Yuning's eyes seemed to have sharp sword awns, they could directly pierce the human flesh and pierce the human heart.

"I didn't make it clear enough before, or do you have a better way?" Jiang Yuning saw the two of them and asked directly at the desk.

"Director, I have watched" The Sinner ", Shaw is in it and can only play the male third, but he can play the male second in" Flaming Fire ".

"I don't care how many males he plays, in terms of these two roles, which one do you think is more pleasing?" Jiang Yuning asked Yu Shaowei's agent, "It seems that you want to make his image of **** male spare tires more popular?"

"I ..." The other person froze for a few seconds before answering, "I just think it's hard to come by ..."

Jiang Yuning understood what the agent meant, and turned his head to Yu Shaowei: "How about you? How do you choose?"

Yu Shaowei glanced at the agent, as if he had some scruples. After a while, he answered Jiang Yuning honestly, "I want to play" The Sinner. "

"The Sinner" is a criminal investigation drama, and the role Jiang Yuning has identified for him is a villain with few personal words, a lot of action plays and very tough guys. Although he has been doing evil, the story behind him is distressing and Movement is a very full negative role.

And Yu Shaowei's face, born to be able to control this role, is just tailored for him.

"I know what you think now, although Shao Wei has no fire, but going back to play the third man feels that the value has been lowered, I understand your concern. However, I have already reached the cooperation intention with Teacher Lin Cangxiao and recommend Yu Shaowei to go to the forest The teacher's variety show, then, you only need to cooperate with me, and I will let you know whether what I said before is right or wrong. "

Jiang Yuning knew Yu Shaowei's agent's concerns. This step is already very difficult. In the event of subverting his staff, the collapse will be more thorough and straightforward?

"Which variety is it?"

"" Superstar Transformation ", to be a guest of flight."

This variety show is not top-notch, but the word of mouth accumulated before is good, because this show is dedicated to asking stars to find amateurs for image transformation, including dressing and makeup, and finally, by professional makeup artists to comment, the highest winning star team Can help public welfare.

In addition to the celebrity personal exposure in each issue, there will also be a professional makeup artist to guide the dressing, so it is very popular with young audiences.

However, although not top-notch, there are also many popular artists competing for the show.

Such a resource is not something that an agent can compete for, he is not qualified to speak.

This is entirely because Lin Cang laughed, wanted to cooperate with Jiang Yuning and win, and pushed "Superstar Transformation" one more time to see if he could be among the frontline.

Jiang Yuning pushed Yu Shaowei along with the trend, and she had already found the contradictions.

"Okay, then I'll wait and see."

After reaching a consensus, Jiang Yuning put his eyes on Yu Shaowei again: "In the future, you can wear it according to your own ideas and show the private server to me. No need to pretend to be sunshine. What do you want to express? Go and express yourself and be comfortable with yourself. "

After listening to Jiang Yuning's words, Yu Shaowei's eyes were light.

Perhaps because Jiang Yuning has been an artist herself, she can empathize with the artists in the low valley and know what they want.

"Director, I will not disappoint your expectations."

"Then I'll take him to catch the announcement in the afternoon." Yu Shaowei's agent Luo Hangyi said respectfully to Jiang Yuning.

"Go on."

Later, Jiang Yuning and Lin Cang laughed and talked on the phone, confirming that Yu Shaowei participated in the recording of the next "Superstar Transformation" program.

To transform an amateur is to transform Yu Shaowei.

Later, there was news in the media that Jiang Yuning sent Qin Wen to Japan for further studies, and what she really wanted to hold was the three tails of light and shadow.

Yu Shaowei, Tang Feng, and Qiqi.

If it weren't for the media to disclose the news, perhaps the outside world would never remember that there are three such people in Guangying.

Because of the blessing of Jiang Yuning, these three people were soon followed, and they had a topical degree.

On a forum, quickly set up a high-rise building to discuss this matter.

Because Jiang Yuning really touches the tide of eating melon, she is used to creating controversy and contradictions.

[I didn't expect that Guangying had such an unknown artist. 】

[These people really have no advantage, especially that Yu Shaowei, a scum-like figure, feels that people's design will soon collapse. 】

[Jiang Yuning is so full that one Qin Wen is not enough. Now I want to take three of them. If one is not fired, she must be laughed. 】

[Yu Shaowei is really too oily, too! 】

[Tang Feng ... how did you get into light and shadow? Might as well go with me. 】

[The only good point is Kiki, but overall, there are too many good female stars, and Kiki really has no advantage. 】

[Don't you think, have you fallen into Jiang Yuning's trap now? Nine of the ten posts in the forum discussed Jiang Yuning. The names of the three artists are even more than their appearances in a year ... 啧啧. 】

[Upstairs, no one is stupid, but the discussion is fierce and exciting, and some people open gambling halls. 】

[Gossip, Yu Shaowei participated in the recording of the next issue of "Superstar Transformation", Jiang Yuning shot it. 】

Actually, the news was released by Jiang Yuning and Lin Cang with a smile.

Be regarded as a warm-up for Yu Shaowei.

At present, the most serious image problem is Yu Shaowei, which is obviously good in appearance, but there is no way to give people a good impression.

In fact, the crew of "The Sinner" was not very satisfied, but because of the cooperation with Guangying, I had to make fun of it and divide the role.

Because they were thinking, Guangying wouldn't fancy such a small role. How could I know that Jiang Yuning wanted the role of the third man.

Moreover, Yu Shaowei performed.

The crew felt that they had shot a stone and hit their own feet, but it was not easy to come out.

The director did call Shen Yichen and tried his attitude. However, Shen Yichen directly pushed the matter to Jiang Yuning and let the other party approach Jiang Yuning.

Jiang Yuning received the phone call without a second word, and she asked for the role of male third.

The director couldn't help it. I wanted to discuss it with the screenwriter to weaken the role, or just take a few episodes to take care of it.


Jiang Yuning also said a word.

"Tomorrow I will pass a set of pictures in the director's mailbox. After you read it, I think he still can't. This role, you can handle it."

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