Sweetest Top Actress in My Home

Chapter 700: What do you want to post

Biquge www.readwn.com, the latest super-sweet chapter of my movie!

Yu Shaowei looked at the mobile phone handed by Jiang Yuning, his face was surprised, his hand was in the air, and he forgot to take it back completely for a while.

Because he didn't expect that Jiang Yuning would have done so much homework. This video was shot the year before last because he was away from his hometown and couldn't go home to reunite.

After shooting it, he didn't really dare to send it, because at that time, the company's positioning of him was the sunshine boy, and the agent would be restrained by such negative videos.

However, because the New Year was at that time, the agent did not care too much about him.

The fact is that after he sent it out, no one paid attention, even if there were a few passers-by who were paying attention, he was also scolded.

So far, he can still remember which one of the hot reviews below was at that time.

"Dancing in the snow? Don't throw your head off."

Later, he made this Weibo only visible to his friends. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuning not only paid attention to him, but also went through his Weibo the year before.

Jiang Yuning looked at Yu Shaowei's expression and knew that he touched a string deep in his heart, so he also gave him time to react.

"Let ’s go to the dance studio to shoot. The background is fine."

Later, the group went to the dance studio, and Jiang Yuning didn't even let the photographer turn on too many lights.

Yu Shaowei saw that the light was not so strong, and finally relaxed. When the photographer adjusted the camera, he quietly said to Jiang Yuning: "Sister Yu Ning, I want to ... change my personal server."

"Have you brought it?" Jiang Yuning asked him back.

Yu Shaowei nodded: "Just the one I wore when I came."

Jiang Yuning remembered, overalls, Martin boots, plus a jacket.

"Yes, do you still need a hat and a mask?"

"No need to."

While Yu Shaowei was going to change clothes, Jiang Yuning and the photographer began to communicate what kind of shooting method, composition and color correction.

After listening to the photographer, he gave Jiang Yuning a thumbs up. At first, he thought Jiang Yuning was trying to make him difficult. The layman didn't understand anything at all, but after listening to Jiang Yuning's professional words, he understood What kind of environment can achieve shooting, Jiang Yuning is clear-minded.

"Wait for him to come, you don't have to be constrained, you should take a snapshot, and you should record a recording. I believe in your professionalism."

In this way, the photographer also relaxed.

When Yu Shaowei changed his clothes and came in again, the photographer and other staff took a moment. Because it feels like two people who are completely different from each other have entered the photographer's lens.

And the photographer finally knew why Jiang Yuning wanted Yu Shaowei to know himself, because what he hid underneath was a lonely, spirited soul.

He looks like ice, but he has fire inside.


"What you want to post on Weibo in the future." Jiang Yuning rounded his arms and gave Yu Shaowei's understatement power.

However, the agent Luo Hang quickly came to stop: "Director, this is not compliant, I will not be restrained in the future, and in case he thinks badly and is magnified by words and deeds, it will inevitably be ridiculed by others.

Jiang Yuning looked at the other person and lowered his arm and answered, "What if you want to be someone else? Come on, what's my passion? Who does my artist need to talk about? Besides, you are in charge of the artist, not inmate. If one day, the media said He's so hot, you should have grinned, because that means he's angry. "

"Also, need to remind you, I'm also the PR manager?"

With Jiang Yuning's remarks, Luo Hang backed away.

Seeing the concession from the agent, Jiang Yuning smiled again and asked Yu Shaowei: "Although you can send whatever you want, don't give me always hand slippery, you know what I mean?"

"Thank you, Director."

Also because of Jiang Yuning's understanding and care, Yu Shaowei felt that he had come alive. In the past few years, he had to die in the entertainment industry. Now he finally felt the hope and felt the flame.

In the past, he only knew that he obeyed the company's arrangements. The company let him do whatever he asked, and he was not half happy.

But now, he knows that as long as he works hard, Jiang Yuning will give them the best tomorrow, which belongs to him and the tomorrow he wants.

"Okay, let's get started."

With the harmony of Jiang Yuning, the atmosphere at the scene was much better.

With the motivation of the photographer, Yu Shaowei also felt excited.

Even the agent on the side saw Yu Shaowei's space step in the low light, and felt that he was different, the shape was lonely, but the inner strength was full.

Compared with the pale person before, Jiang Yuning seems to have given him a new soul.

Soon after a group of shots was taken, the photographer stopped the movements on his hands and was talking to the assistant on the side. At this time, Jiang Yuning saw Yu Shaowei's movement leaning on the lever and immediately grabbed the camera in the photographer's hand. Looked at the angle and snapped one.

The photographer froze, took the camera back, saw the photos in the camera, and gave thumbs up to Jiang Yuning.

"The cow is still your cow!"

Later, Jiang Yuning put on props for Yu Shaowei to try. Of course, she didn't give the props empty, she would set some scenes, and then let Yu Shaowei play.

Especially the group of photos that she directed Yu Shaowei to take the fighting action, the photographer really had to kneel after reading it.

"Director, I don't think you actually need me at all, and you don't need an assistant. You can complete the entire shooting independently."

"Well, I will be late." Jiang Yuning smiled back to the photographer.

In the end, Jiang Yuning picked out some original photos, and even sent them to the director of "Sinners".

During the entire work process, Jiang Yuning conquered almost everyone in the studio, including Yu Shaowei and his agent.

It's as if there is nothing that Jiang Yuning won't, and this is probably the benefit of her transition from an actor to be behind the scenes.

"It's been hard today, and I'll just ask about the TV station meeting later, but when I'm on the show, I will go to visit the class." Jiang Yuning told Yu Shaowei.

"Okay, director." Luo Hang nodded.

"Don't interfere with what he is wearing. His personal clothes are all very good. Those bright clothes, as they are eliminated, are not auctioned or donated. Pay attention to environmental protection and do not waste."

After listening to Yu Shaowei, he solemnly bowed to Jiang Yuning, because from now on, he can live without a mask and he can be himself.

"Also, dancing is possible in the snow, and I won't get into the water if I fall down. It should hurt a little."

"Director, I will not disappoint your expectations."

"Don't worry, be down-to-earth, the next hot red will definitely have you."

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