If I say that one day I will come back to you with all my pride, will you reserve that place for me.

If I say that one day I will change again and come back with a brilliant light, will you still remember me.

If I say, my love for you is still unchanged, will you still be waiting in place.

If it wasn't for those things that happened in a hurry that made her have no time to think, she would even think that she was so insipid, but it wasn't after all.

Aimeng has a dream, that is to hope one day to carry a bag, and then walk alone in every corner of the world.

But it's not. The reality is always too cruel.

"Die wench, give me lazy again, tell you to wash clothes, what are you doing?" Liu Meiling's tone was a little sharp, with a trace of bitterness. She went to the sofa and looked at Aimeng who was still sitting on the sofa. I couldn't help kicking.

AI Meng suddenly woke up, but saw Liu Meiling some ferocious stand in front of, some startled, immediately got up, "what to do." For this stepmother, Aimeng really didn't have much affection. Every day in this family, she was the one who was abused.

If she were not young, she would be so abused.

"What do you do? If you don't do what you're told to do well and ask me what I'm doing, are you out of your mind, or are you becoming stupid?" Liu Meiling satirizes every sentence. It's as if I hate it to the extreme.

Aimeng stood up smartly, glared at the so-called stepmother, then threw down her pillow and turned to leave. This kind of life, I'm really fed up with, what kind of plane, she is the real lady, and now she has to be forced to do these coolies.

She is a brain tease, or how, how to become like this.

She could still hear Liu Meiling's angry voice after she left. There is simply no way for this kind of life to go on. I'm fed up with the hypocrisy of their mother and daughter. They pretend to be nice to her in front of her father. In private, when her father is away, when she is a slave, it's really double faced. It's disgusting to look at her.

She felt that she should not live in this family. If it wasn't for her father, she would have left long ago. At that time, she didn't object to her father's remarriage. She just didn't expect that her father would marry such a woman with a tow bottle two years older than her. She really couldn't see it. But she thought that her mother died early, and her father had been married all the time because of business It's all one person. In such a big family, there is no woman.

So when she was 14, there were two people in her family.

That year, she was 14 years old, and her so-called elder sister was 16 years old. When she first saw her, she thought she was from the countryside, and Liu Meiling was not well dressed. At that time, she couldn't understand why her father fell in love with such a woman.

But later she understood that when some human demons are gorgeous, they are just like a fox spirit, which fascinates you.

In the twinkling of an eye, she has been together for four years, which is neither long nor short, but it is enough for her to see through some people and things. On the surface, Liu Meiling is very kind to her, especially when her father is around, but once her father is away, she secretly satirizes her.

And Liu Lele is not a good one.

Aimeng left her pillow and went back to her room. Looking at a group photo of a family of three at the head of the bed, she suddenly felt a little sad.

Mom has been away for so many years. Time flies.

It will be my birthday in a few days. Miss AI's birthday is never neglected.

When AI Zhengsong came back, AI Meng was watching TV on the sofa. She really ignored the existence of the other two people in the family.

"Dad, you're back. Why are you so early today. It must be something happy to see you so happy. " Aimeng felt that only in front of her father could she let go.

"You are the smart girl. It's not your birthday in a few days. Dad wants to give you a good birthday party this time. This year is just your birthday party. Besides, your uncle Fang's son has returned home. It's time to arrange for you two to meet. Do you remember your uncle Fang's son?" AI Zhengsong has loved AI Meng since he was a child.

When he married Liu Meiling, he felt a little sorry for Aimeng, but his daughter didn't say anything at that time.

"Dad, it's been so many years. I can't remember it, but it's not the one I used to play with when I was a child." Aimeng has not been impressed for a long time, but she still vaguely remembers that her father has a good relationship with Uncle Fang, and she did play with Uncle Fang's son before, but after so many years, many things have long been forgotten.

Liu Lele is now coming down from the second floor, but she is dragged by Liu Meiling. "Lele, do you hear me? Your father said that it will be the girl's birthday in a few days, and there will be a banquet at home. You are 20 years old now. There will be a lot of high-class society gentlemen at that banquet. You have to open your eyes. Your father hasn't let you go yet Your surname is AI, that's the dead girl"Don't worry, mom." Liu Lele naturally heard their conversation just now. The young master of the Fang family, she wanted to see it. If it was Aimeng's, then she was sure.

"Zhengsong, I'm back. I can wash my hands and eat." Liu Meiling looks gentle and looks at Aimeng, and she wants to vomit in her eyes. But she still smile, stand up, take dad's arm, "Dad, let's go, eat, aunt said it's ready to eat."

Over the years, Aimeng has been called Aunt Liu Meiling, but that aunt was only called when her father was there. Usually, she didn't even care about it.

although the two mothers and daughters wanted to make things difficult for her, no one could change the fact that he was the eldest lady of the AI family, nor could they change the fact that her father's company surname was ai not Liu It's a fact.

She knew they were ambitious. But no one can take what belongs to her. She agreed with her father to remarry, which doesn't mean they can do anything in her home. She hates these hypocritical people.

AI Zhengsong patted the back of his daughter's hand and walked to the restaurant with a smile. Eyes full of love. For this daughter, he has always been loving. Mengmeng's mother left early. The child has no maternal love since childhood, which he owes.

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