She consciously restrained her behavior, and he noticed it. Hold her and look at her.

"Mengmeng, you are my wife and the mother of my future children. I think I should take it for granted that I spoil you and love you. I don't want you to feel any burden. I'm willing to do that. It's no trouble for me to make supper for you and buy what you want to eat for you. I'm very happy. Because you are my wife, the woman I want to take care of all my life, so I think these are what I should do. Don't feel unhappy or uncomfortable. You are pregnant now. You can't control your temper compulsively. You can do whatever you want. "

There's no one like him.

All of a sudden, she couldn't laugh or cry. This man really dotes on her too much. I feel that he will dote on her to the point of lawlessness.

"Husband, I want you to massage me." She's smiling sweetly over there.

The man responded with "OK." Immediately action up, found that recently the man's massage technique is really getting better and better, more and more enjoy.

However, she certainly no longer tosses about her man like that. Or that old saying, she was reluctant, really reluctant.

At that time, Kang Xiaole was eight months pregnant and was about to give birth. Xiaolv's children were four months old and were already mothers. Occasionally, they would come to tell her something.

Then the three expectant fathers also actively discussed over there, and Fang Yucheng turned from a serious man into a super father. He would hold his baby when he went out, which seemed really funny.

That day, I heard Xiaolv say that when Fang Yucheng went back to her home, something happened.

But her parents thought that he was too old, and her daughter was too young, and some of them disagreed. So the man proved with practical action that uncle was the only one who felt safe.

In Xiaolv's house, he is really gallant. He almost does this and that. Finally, he gets the nod of two old people. Now that he has children, it's funny to think about it.

When Aimeng was pregnant for nearly three months, her pregnancy and vomiting suddenly became serious. She vomites whatever she eats. Mo Yanke is to dig out the mind to make it easy for her, but still according to spit not wrong, finally spit to seem to spit out even bile.

Pregnancy and vomiting are related to personal constitution. Some people have this reaction, while others don't. However, after waiting for these three months, it should be much better in the later period, but Mo Yanke was worried to death. It's really painful to see this woman like this.

No matter whether the baby is male or female, don't give birth to it. It's too stressful to have a baby. Looking at Aimeng, although she eats so many things, she is not fat but thin. It's really painful. I wish he would suffer this crime.

Although her favorite food is moody, she eats so many things every day, but she doesn't see her weight gain. On the contrary, her face is not very good, and she vomits every day. All the things she eats will vomit after a while.

This is happening almost every day. So Mo Yanke asked the doctor to come to see him again. Naturally, the doctor said that it's OK. This is related to everyone's constitution. Sometimes it may be better after three months, but sometimes it may not be better after three months. There is no way to change it with anything.

Can only follow up on nutrition, can only pay attention to the aspect of eating, try not to eat with you, mainly light. Eat less, eat more, eat less food, so it's easier to digest.

Mo Yanke took a pen to record one by one, as if his wife was pregnant, he was even more nervous than her, because he was the most able to see her uncomfortable every day, and sometimes it was too uncomfortable to sleep well at night. What was more terrible was that he would vomit even after drinking boiled water for a few days.

To the end, lying in the bathroom, vomiting to the stomach are pan acid, and then the whole face pale, looking really good heartache.

He never knew how much he suffered from pregnancy. When he saw his little wife, who was completely tortured, he was distressed, but there was no way. He couldn't show too much worry in front of her. After all, it was necessary for a woman to have a baby. Some things were so helpless, but this physiological law was existence It's on the road.

So it can only be like this.

Because he doesn't have such experience, he basically has the same experience as Fang Yucheng and Shen Luo. After all, this child came earlier than him. Fang Yucheng's children are born, and Shen Luo's children are fast.

So he really wanted to absorb all kinds of experience.

My wife is really afraid of having a baby like this.

Because neither of them has any relatives like this, so the care really falls on him. Basically, he learns all kinds of things that he can learn, what pregnant women should eat, what pregnant women can't eat, and what fruit is better. Fruit should be in season, not out of season. In Aimeng's opinion, Mo Yanke She's more nervous than anyone who's pregnant.In fact, she is in addition to eating to vomit, the other is also OK.

However, just this point has made Mo Yanke worried to death. He said, the food was less, in such a vomit, it really is to vomit nothing.

Every time she laughed at him for making a mountain out of a molehill, the pregnant person had to go through this once, so she told him not to be so nervous. She thought it was very good. Anyway, the doctor said that it would be OK after three months. Now it is because the body is in a sensitive period, so what it accepts is more sensitive. That's why I vomit when I eat and vomit when I eat.

However, she is also adapted to some, anyway, do not eat very greasy, very greasy things like. However, she always likes to eat spicy food and sour food recently. They all say that they are sour children and spicy women. I don't know what she will be born with in the future, because she likes to eat sour food and spicy food. I wish these two things were mixed together every day.

But it's hard for this man to eat with him every time.

Every time she saw her man's tears, she thought it was funny.

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