At this time, we can only rely on our own men. He always took the trouble to massage her to relieve her pain until she went to sleep again. Several times, she felt a pair of big hands rubbing on her legs when she wanted to turn over and sleep on her side. When she opened her eyes, she saw her own man. I don't know when he started massage.

At that time, she always wanted to cry, and then when there was no one, she would secretly say to the baby in her stomach that if they come out later, they must be good to their father, because although she was pregnant, her father also worked hard with her.

In the middle of the night, she woke up again.

The man immediately woke up and said, "what's wrong?"

He asked in a low voice, very relaxed to help her turn over, a palm in her legs continue to rub, a palm is on her waist, skilled massage up.

At this time, she could not control the sweet words from her heart.

"Honey, it's very kind of you. It's nice to have you around. "

"Husband, I love you."

"Husband, you have worked hard."

He would kiss her, or touch her, coax her a few times, and let her go to sleep quickly. However, he would continue to knead and press for her in silence. Many times, she would go to sleep without knowing how long he kneaded and when it ended.

This man is so nice.

Eight and a half months later, her stomach became bigger, and she still had a poor appetite. However, due to weight control, the fetus is too big to be born, so she has a poor appetite and can eat less.

Physiological changes also made her more sleepy and tired. However, if she wants to give birth smoothly, she must exercise moderately before giving birth.

In this respect, men keep a close eye. Most of the time, he dotes on her and connives at her, but in this respect, he never connives at her. Yoga is done all the time, and then walking in the morning and evening, men stare at the ground tightly. Sometimes, when she's halfway through the walk, she really has no strength. When she can't walk, the man will come back with her in his arms.

It's a hug, not a ride back. She realized that she was as heavy as a pig now, but he just hugged her and went back to the house all the way.

Even though he was born with strange power, she couldn't give up. So most of the time, her physical condition is right, and she insists on walking on her own. Although men are strict with her in this respect, it's all for her good.

Robert flew in a week before the due date. And also brought a lot of children's things. It's like being ready to be a grandfather.

So in the hope of everyone day and night, Aimeng finally felt a stomachache after dinner one day. The party was still eating dinner. When they heard the stomachache, they were sent to the hospital.

Then after waiting for the long three hours, the child was born smoothly, the son and daughter are very healthy, but the son's weight is slightly heavier..

After coming out, Mo Yanke couldn't help crying. Looking at Aimeng's pale face, he couldn't help kissing, "wife, you've worked hard, and we won't have a baby in the future. It's enough to do this once. It's too frustrating."

AI Meng weak smile, also know that from pregnancy to now, this man is more nervous than her.

The man reached out and gently wiped her forehead wet with sweat. The magnetic voice was full of tenderness.

"Wife, hard work."

How can it be hard.

"I'm very happy." She looked at him with bright eyes.

He understood. He lowered his head and gently sipped her forehead.

"Tired, go to sleep. I'll watch you here."

I'm really tired.

It's said that a woman's childbirth is like going to hell. Of course, it's not so serious for her, but it's exhausting for her to make efforts to give birth to two babies.


She closed her eyes and went to sleep peacefully.

Anyway, my man is here. She's at ease with him.

Mo Yanke just looked at it and unconsciously held his breath. This is his son and daughter. He saw a pair of beautiful eyes that looked like youtan. Little by little, they appeared in front of his eyes. When she finally opened her eyes completely, the youtan turned into two springs. It was clear, but it was so black and bright, with the breath of life.

Because of crying, so the little guy's eyes are like broken diamond tears. Twinkle a little bit, see people's hearts are soft.

After living in the hospital for a few days, I went home. After all, in the hospital, it's not so convenient to take care of. Although the hospital belongs to my own family, it's not as convenient as home.

Mo Yanke held his daughter and saw his face, which was clearly reflected in the little guy's eyes. Just at this time, the little guy seemed to see him, squinted slowly, and then grinned at him a little bit.

Just born a few days of the child, actually smile at him, he instantly felt that life was so beautiful.This is a fairy.

Mo Yanke laughs and is unconsciously drawn gentle by the child.


She made such a noise, as if she were laughing.

Mrs. Wang was immediately surprised. "Why, is that a smile? This little guy is amazing. He's just born. "

When I got home, I was lucky to have my sister-in-law, so I was not so busy. In addition, Xiaolv's children are more than six months old, so I came to help. How easy is this person to handle affairs? Otherwise, I have to take care of two children in a month. I really can't be busy.

Seeing that Aimeng wakes up, Mo Yanke walks towards Aimeng with his child in his arms. When he sits by the bed, he raises the child to show Aimeng.

"Look, the child looks like you!"

A happy and inexplicable look.

Aimeng looked at the eyes with a little bit of residual tears, at this time obediently to death, only look at you with eyes open, can make people hurt to the bone of the little daughter, happy nod.

"Well, it's like that. My son is like you. "

After a few days at home, Mo Yanke was thinking about the child's name. Several people who had already become parents were thinking about it for them, and finally decided two names, Mo Chenyang and Mo Chenxin.

The two children are growing well. Although they were born in the same way as other children, they are also red. But after a few days of recuperation, the red color faded slightly. It can be seen that the two children are very good-looking.

First of all, we need to count the two pairs of black and bright eyes. If a child has a pair of beautiful big eyes, it is pleasing. And a pair of beautiful big eyes, will also give the appearance of the child increased a lot of capital.

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