Kang Xiaole is also silent, some things may really be seen clearly by the onlookers, the fans in the audience, and fools all know that, in fact, Mo Yanke cares about Aimeng, so does Aimeng, but it seems that they are destined to experience these bumpy things.

Now Mo Yanke gave up first, so what should Aimeng do.

"Well behaved, don't think about it, now you have to do is to take care of your own body, do you know that yesterday I was scared, how can you be so stupid, send a text message to me, say to leave, I also asked Shen Luo to check your exit records, but we can't find it everywhere, do you know that you will make us worried."

Aimeng said weakly, "I'm sorry, I had prepared for the worst at that time."

"No matter what happens in the future, you can't do it like this. Do you know that we will be worried if you do it like this? How can you not think about it like that? If you really go to die, how much do you feel sorry for uncle AI? If Uncle AI is alive, he doesn't want to see you like this."

"Xiaole, but I'm really in pain. I feel so bad. I thought I was going to die, and I'd be finished when I die. I never thought that I would survive, but I still survived. But I think life is boring. I want to live a normal life. I want to live a plain life, but there are so many things that I don't know What should I feel now? I thought I would hate him. But when he said, I'll let you go and give you freedom from now on, he said that we don't owe each other in the future. I still feel sad to hear these words. You know what? It hurts here. I can't breathe because of the pain. " Aimeng grabs the position of her heart and looks at Kang Xiaole sitting opposite her.

Perhaps these emotions can only be revealed in front of her.

"Mengmeng, although I don't quite understand why you have come to such a situation today, I can see that Mo Yanke still cares about you. If he doesn't care, he won't rush to give you blood transfusion yesterday. You don't know, when you were sent yesterday, the situation was already very serious and terrible. At that time, you needed a lot of blood, but the hospital didn't know There isn't much type O blood in the blood bank. It's Mo Yanke's blood transfusion for you. He will care about you, just. "

"You said he gave me a blood transfusion yesterday."

"Yes, but Jing Hao also wanted to fight, but Mo Yanke went in the end."

Aimeng was silent suddenly. Since he had done it like that, why did he do it like that? She doesn't understand. "When he left, he left this. I didn't see what it was

Kang Xiaole saw the box on the bedside table at a glance. It was a beautiful box. When he opened it, he saw a necklace. Of course, Kang Xiaole didn't know the value of the necklace or that it belonged to the Russian royal family. Because he hadn't seen it before, he just thought it was unique. But Kang Xiaole doesn't know, doesn't mean Aimeng doesn't know.

I remember the first time I worked part-time outside. When I went to the charity banquet, I saw that Mo Yanke spent a lot of money on this necklace. Naturally, she also knew the value of this necklace. Why did he leave such a valuable thing behind.

"Mengmeng, this necklace is very special. It's made of what or a wing. I don't think I've ever seen it like this."

"Xiaole, this necklace is called wing. Do you remember the first time you introduced me to work, the charity banquet I went to. That night, Mo Yanke spent 7 million to buy it. This is a purple crystal. It's said to be owned by the Russian royal family. "

Kang Xiaole was surprised and could not close his mouth for a long time. "Seven million yuan, so expensive, purple crystal, how rare is this? Mo Yanke left such a valuable thing to you. What does he mean by that In this way, Kang Xiaole does not understand more and more.

"I don't know. I haven't seen this necklace since that time. I thought it was for someone else, because last time I saw that model, Ren Tiantian, asked for it from him. I thought he had given it to her, but I didn't expect that he didn't give it to her."

"You mean, when you went to work for the first time, the job introduced by Mo Jie, 7 million yuan, what a sum of money. For people like us, 7000 yuan is a lot of money. Now it's 7 million yuan. It's a little dizzy just to count the zeros behind it."

"Yes, I don't dare to take it. For me, a 7 million item is equal to 7 yuan, which I can't afford."

"What should we do now, seven million things? What are you going to do?"

"In fact, I don't know. He said that there is no relationship between me and her. If I send it back to her, will I think I still want to recover it? Otherwise, you can give it to Shen Luo for me and ask him to send it back to me?"

"But." Kang Xiaole is also in a dilemma. Because she really can't understand Mo Yanke.

"It's so decided. If you promise me, I'll eat well." Maybe Aimeng is also determined. Once something happens, it's doomed that they can't go back. Besides, the problem between them is not only that, but more because they are not people in the same world at all."OK, I promise you, then you eat quickly, but I warn you, if you are so irresponsible to your body in the future, don't blame me for ignoring you in the future. Do you know that you really worried me to death last night? Do you know how you can be so stupid to start with yourself like this? Look at you, your face is so pale now. How long ago, your body has lost so much weight. After you leave the hospital, you can go back to me. Your body must be well conditioned. "

Aimeng hesitated. Could she live a plain life? She promised Jinghao that the man would let her go. If she could, she really wanted to return to the plain life. Anyway, I can't go back. It's better to accept this kind of reality. Think of it as a passer-by in the 18-year-old youth. She is also tired. She has decided to quit the game.

"Well, let's talk about it later. Xiaole, your craft is still so good. I like what you make. I must eat more. " Maybe only in front of Xiaole can we be so open.

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