"I don't understand what you mean by him." Kang Xiaole sits next to Shen Luo and complains that women's heart is like a needle. But now, it's just that men's heart is like a needle. They can't see through it any more.

"Well, you don't have to worry about it. We can't participate in emotional affairs. I don't know what's going on now. Ke may have his own plan, or he may do it to protect Mengmeng, but now we can't say anything well, and Mengmeng left ako by himself."

Kang Xiaole couldn't help sighing. Some things are too complicated to control.

Since that incident at noon, as long as there is a chance for two people to be alone, Aimeng will find a chance to leave. After dinner, she sits on the sofa in the living room and goes upstairs. Maybe she is escaping, or maybe she feels that she has no way to face, things happen too suddenly, she needs to ease the time.

When I got up the next day, it was very late. Recently, I had a good sleep quality. Maybe it was because I ate so many nutrients and my body improved.

When she got up, she saw that Jinghao had prepared breakfast. In fact, she felt guilty for this man, but she could not do anything to repay him. I'm afraid she can't do it if she really wants to do it. Even though she had promised to be his woman. But it's a stopgap measure.

"Get up. I've got some sandwiches and milk. Come and have some. I'm going out. Are you all right at home by yourself?"

"Well, it's OK. I can do it. Go and help you."

"Well, you eat first. I'll go upstairs and change my clothes. I'll leave soon. I've already eaten it. This one is for you." The more meticulous the man is, the more uncomfortable AI Meng is.

I always feel sorry for him.

Although he came to her first, and she knew that his motive was not pure, in the end, she used too many ingredients first. Now, after more than a month together, she really has nothing to say.

From the beginning, she lived in the villa, he did not have any behavior, that is, she committed suicide, to now, in the hospital, so long, he really takes care of every day. And it's all kinds of soup, all kinds of delicious hospitality, I'm afraid she has a little slip, even now she's discharged, it's really good for her.

The only time yesterday at noon his gaffe, she can understand, she always feel sorry for him.

Sitting at the table, she drank a glass of milk. The temperature of the milk was still warm. Did he cool it in advance? There was no ketchup in the sandwich. Aimeng didn't eat tomatoes since she was a child. Last time in the hospital, Aimeng mentioned it by accident. Unexpectedly, he wrote it down.

In fact, Jinghao is really a good man. No matter from what aspect, it's just feelings. She really can't control her heart. It's impossible to say that after the last relationship, she can immediately go into the next one. She doesn't have so much fraternity and can't do this.

Jinghao changed her clothes. Today she is going out to do something. It's a bit dangerous. In fact, if it wasn't for Aimeng last time, he would not have been in contact with the industry. When he decided to leave, he wanted to be clean. But now this is his last task. The goal of the task is a corrupt official in a city.

Originally, it was a good thing that corrupt officials were removed, but after all, it was a matter of killing people, involving a wide range of things.

"Mengmeng, I'll go first. You can call me if you have anything. I've bought you a new number for your mobile phone and got it up. My number is the first one in the address book. Also, I may not come back so soon after I go out today. The food in the refrigerator can make you eat for three or four days even if you don't go out. "

Just bite into the sandwich, did not swallow, suddenly some stuck in the throat, and then picked up the milk to drink, "you want to go out for a long time."

"I'm not sure. Maybe one day, maybe two days. Anyway, I've prepared everything for you." Jing Hao buttoned his last shirt.

Aimeng was a little puzzled, feeling that things were a little strange, "how suddenly this thing happened? You didn't say you were leaving yesterday."

"I just found out. It's so sudden because it's urgent. Don't worry. I'm just going to do something. When it's done, I'll come back."

"Be careful yourself. You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine by myself. It won't happen last time. " Aimeng actually knows what Jinghao is worried about, because last time he went out for something, and when he came back, he saw her commit suicide. If he didn't come back in time, maybe a few hours later, her life would be hopeless, even the most skillful people can't do it.

He saved her life. She won't give up easily. She just thinks it's strange for him to go out this time. It's not like before. But I can't tell what's wrong.

"Well, I'm satisfied to know that Mengmeng is worried about me. I eat more at home alone. The doctor told me that you need more nutrition.""Well, OK, I see. Then you can go as soon as possible and go back as soon as possible."


Jinghao left. Through the window of the villa, Aimeng saw him driving away. He wanted to say that it was a bit strange, but he didn't know where it was.

After a quiet breakfast, she simply cleaned up and watched TV on the sofa. In fact, it was boring for her to be confined here. But now she seems to have no place to go. She can't go to school, but she can't go outside alone. Even if she goes, where she can go is not a strange city, but it is still strange.

It's boring to watch idol dramas. After turning off the TV, I'm still ready to go up and have another sleep. Recently, I've become so sleepy. I don't know if it's because of too much bleeding last time that I became weak.

It's just that as soon as I stepped on a staircase, the telephone rang. Aimeng thought it was Jinghao. He thought it was just out. Did he forget something? Because this number is new. No one should have called. So I thought maybe Jinghao forgot something, or he was not at ease, so I called to explain it.

I just picked up my mobile phone and saw that it was a strange number.

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